Female supporting style is wrong

Chapter 730 Did Eros turn over today?

Chapter 730 Did Eros Overturn Today (1)

The morning sun is falling, and the golden light is in full bloom.

The trees are stacked, and the canopy is lush and lush, covering the entire area from the sun.

The air is moist and slightly cool, covered by thick shade, and there are small clusters of mushrooms growing below, the colors are bright and eye-catching, embellishing the gloomy vision.

A faint black mist dispersed, and the monsters that grew up in the dark area moved around, making rustling noises.

The dark forest located in the Kingdom of Stena is a paradise for many dark creatures. The animals and plants living here are extremely fierce and aggressive, so it is rarely visited by people.


The boots stepped on the dead leaves, and the sound of cracking was crisp.

Sensing the approach of an irresistible dangerous force, the venomous lizard and Viper raised their heads vigilantly, and fled away at an extremely fast speed.

A slender figure gradually became clear in the dim forest.

The visitor was wearing a light riding outfit, with long light brown hair tied into a high ponytail. She was incompatible with the gloomy and lonely dark forest, and she was as bright as the sunlight falling on the surface of the shallow sea at dawn.

With a clear purpose, the girl walked to the edge of the smelly swamp, fished it out with her white and slender hand, and pulled out a dirty egg from it.

The egg was very big, and if it was placed on the ground, it would be right next to her knee. The girl pursed her lower lip, held it carefully, and turned to walk in the direction of leaving.

The monsters lurking in the dark sensed the seductive aura of the girl, and instinctively told them that she was a delicious food, but their experience reminded them that this seemingly ordinary girl was very dangerous, and she was by no means an ordinary human being.

After a moment of stalemate, the girl glanced at their hiding place as if nothing. The powerful danger radar of the monsters sounded rapidly, and they did not dare to stay any longer and fled quickly.

Ji Ge didn't look sideways, and left holding the egg.

On the way back, I passed a small stream, the stream was crystal clear, Ji Ge put the eggs in, washed off the sludge little by little, revealing the pure black eggshells.

There are crimson lines meandering on the eggshell, like magma flowing, glowing with a touch of gold, mysterious and dangerous.

No wonder it stayed in the dark forest for so long without being eaten by other monsters.

Monsters are not fools.

Ji Ge poked the eggshell, watched it sway, and stood still tenaciously without rolling away.

"Is this the goal of this plane?"

"Yes, host."

"..." How to attack an egg?

Give it a mother, hatch it? !

Or make it into a poached egg? !

System: "..." How could the brain circuit of the host be so strange.

System: "... this egg will hatch after a while."

"I see." Jige held the washed egg in his arms, thought for a while, and asked, "Can it sense the outside now?"

The system inquired about the status of the egg laying: "Not yet, host, wait until it grows a little longer."

Ji Ge said, "I see."

She hugged the egg and walked out of the forest.

This is a western fantasy plane, where gods exist in the world, they live in the kingdom of God, and rarely descend to the world.

Among the gods, they are subdivided into two camps, the light and the dark. The two sides are clearly divided and ruled according to the territory.

The light side, because the ruler of the gods has long been born, is also the supreme god, so the power is obviously stronger than the enemy side, forcing the dark camp to hide.

And the hero, Alves, is the product of the combination of two opposing camps, a hybrid of angels and demons.

 one more

  Interstellar will change the settings, rewrite the next plane
(End of this chapter)

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