Female supporting style is wrong

Chapter 732 The Interstellar Most Wanted Criminal

It's still a bit too far to say these things now, Jige opened the nutritional supplement sent by the guards, and took a sip. The bland taste made her feel like drinking some kind of rubber liquid.

Like melted plastic, thick and unpalatable.

Ji Ge squeezed the nutrient supplement, and seriously considered whether this was considered cruelty to the captives, and whether he could complain.

Sentinels and guides could only take this tasteless nutrient because of their superior five senses, which made Ji Ge, who came to the interstellar plane for the first time, a little desperate.

She barely drank it, and she felt full.

The girl's fingers rested on the bed, tapping silently, counting the time.

The door was opened again.

"0124, it's time for a briefing."

Ji Ge went out, followed the guards, and came outside the cell.

The empire promoted the spirit of humanitarianism, and even gave great care to the prisoners. At least on the surface, it gave them considerable freedom.

Of course, the main reason is also because the empire's technology has developed to the extreme, and weapons with huge destructive power such as rail guns and laser cannons can easily deal with disobedient prisoners.

There is no sun in the wild star, and the light is provided by artificial light sources evenly distributed everywhere. The blue light is like floating jellyfish, creating a soft scene like a shallow sea.

The prisoners came out in twos and threes.

The camera automatically changed the angle to capture the movements of the moving people clearly.

"Hey, wait." A crisp and sweet voice sounded from behind, Ji Ge stopped, and a petite and slender figure jumped in front of her. The girl had round cat eyes, smiling lips, short hair hanging by her ears, and looked pleasing.

"Hello," she held the paper bag in front of Ji Ge, "I'm the new prison guard, Erica."

——The heroine appeared.

Ji Ge remained calm and smiled back.

"Hi, my name is Tang Jige."

Erica secretly looked at Jige in front of her.

Most of the prisoners in the severe punishment prison have no hope of leaving or are about to be executed for a serious crime, so they usually give up on themselves and squander their energy and vitality in the last life, with decadent temperament and numb expression, Erica He is a person with strong empathy ability. When seeing these scenes, he often feels depressed and tries to avoid these scenes.

But the girl in front of me was different.

The girl had an innocent face, with beautiful eyebrows and eyes, black unkempt hair scattered down randomly, dark brown eyes that were clear and caramel-like, and pale skin, as if bathed in the sun. The flowers under it are like soft growing vines, and the first impression is that it is harmless.

Erica has never judged people by their appearance, but at this time, she couldn't help but forget that the people in this severe prison were all criminals, so she couldn't help thinking.

With such gentle eyes, Miss Sister must not be a bad person.

While Ji Ge is getting closer to the heroine, he is casually thinking about a big problem.

——Where is the target of the raid on this plane?
Generally speaking, the identity of each of her planes has a certain relationship with the target of the strategy, which is convenient for her to conquer.

Thinking of his status as a prisoner, Ji Ge had a bad feeling in his heart.

It can't be such a coincidence, the target of this raid is also the guards of the severe punishment prison.

On the border planet of the Oslo Empire, at the border with the Zerg, a headquarters has been established.

Sitting here is the Marshal of the First Legion of the Empire, known as the existence of the Empire God of War.

— Xavier.

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