Female supporting style is wrong

Chapter 740 Did Eros turn over today?

Chapter 740 Did Eros Overturn Today (11)

Alberta's flaws are too obvious, or in other words, she really regards Ji Ge and Angus as innocent girls raised at home who don't know much about the world and children who don't understand anything.

I'm too lazy to pretend.

Anyone with a discerning eye can see that she has a problem.

Ji Ge tsk tsk, Alberta really treats her like a fool.

But that's fine too.

Silent Song, which was performed in conjunction with the other party, winked at Angus, put his index finger on his lips, and made a gesture of silence.

Although Angus didn't quite understand what Ji Ge wanted to do, he still remained obedient and silent.

Alberta's home was a small house built next to the forest, with a warm and simple layout. She enthusiastically led Ji Ge and Angus to an empty room and asked them to rest here tonight.


Candles were lit in the room, and Alberta said that she would prepare dinner for the two of them, and thoughtfully gave them a rest time.

Ji Ge propped his chin, and said firmly: "If I'm not wrong, Alberta should be the Swamp Witch."

Swamp witches are typical dark creatures. Most of them are women. They are good at cursing and concocting various potions. When treating their prey, they usually pretend to be harmless and hospitable hosts, using the blood of their beloved prey and limbs to craft potion ingredients.

In short, the physical attack power of this dark creature is not high, and the damage is all on the mental attack.

Ji Ge deliberately restrained Shenhui, and the Kingdom of God had already established rules and regulations, and God forbids the use of divine power in the world, so Alberta did not find the specialness of Ji Ge, but excitedly regarded himself as the favorite of this time. The prey attracted the forest hut, ready to kill them later.

Ji Ge's reason for coming here is also very simple, but to come here, she has to spend the night in the wild, and she has to find branches to make a fire to cook by herself, which is too unfriendly for a kitchen killer like her.

And come over to the forest hut, there are ready-made rooms and dinner.

In such a comparison, it is obvious which side Ji Ge will choose.

Although the swamp witch is a bit dangerous, she is a god in this plane. Although she is the last in combat power among the gods and cannot use her power indiscriminately in the world, she is more than enough to deal with a swamp witch.

"Don't scare the snake away," Lone Song told Angus, lying comfortably on the bed, with a lazy voice: "Let's see what he wants to do."

"I'll take a break and call me later."

Ji Ge drove the carriage all day today, it was fun, but it was also easy to get tired.

The girl's satin-like long hair spread out on the soft bed, unfolding in strands, like algae in the shallow sea stretching out her body, undulating naturally. She closed her eyes slightly and breathed evenly.

The child slowly moved to Ji Ge's side, stretched out his fingers, and touched Ji Ge's long hair.

He still remembers the soft touch of the hair, and when it slipped through the palm of his hand, people subconsciously want to pick it up and hold it.

Ji Ge noticed that Angus was playing with her long hair, but she was too lazy to open her eyes, and the little guy didn't do anything, just let him play with it.

The hair lingers around the fingertips, and the fragrance is gentle and caressing, staying at the fingertips. Angus is already familiar with this kind of breath. It is dry and warm, fragrant and fragrant, which makes people feel at ease.

After resting for a while, the door was knocked, and Alberta's voice sounded outside the door.

"Miss Gabriela, dinner is ready, you can come out to eat."

 two more

(End of this chapter)

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