Female supporting style is wrong

Chapter 742 Did Eros turn over today?

Chapter 742 Did Eros Overturn Today (13)

What Alberta valued more was Lonely Song. As for Angus, no matter how talented he was, he was only a three or four-year-old cub now.

The swamp witch put down her hands: "No trouble, since my brother doesn't like drinks, that's fine."

The potion will not take effect immediately, it will take time to take effect.

After dinner, Ji Ge returned to the room. There were several books on the desk. She took out one and flipped through it, suddenly feeling sleepy.

The potion worked.

Ji Ge thought casually, slightly bent his knuckles, and tapped the cover repeatedly.

Angus walked out, but was stopped by Lone Song: "Angus, where are you going?"

The little boy stopped in his tracks: "Go wash up."

Ji Ge waved his hand: "Come back quickly."

She is in the room, and she is not afraid of something happening to Angus.

Angus responded in a low voice, opened the door and walked out of the room.

Alberta was excitedly waiting for the potion to take effect, and had been keenly aware of the movements in the cabin. She paused when she heard the door open, and then heard a burst of very light and slow footsteps.

It seems to be that child.

Alberta hesitated for a moment, then walked out.

"Brother, do you want to help?"

Angus stopped and nodded.

Alienated thanks.

"I want to boil water, thank you."

Alberta led the man to the kitchen, and the firewood jumped in spontaneously, and the fire piled up, igniting a bright flame.

Angus struggled to lift the kettle up, Alberta helped him, and the kettle was filled with clean water.

The flame was burning, reflecting a beautiful and indifferent little face.

The young boy was sitting in front of the stove, his hair tips were dyed a light warm yellow tone, his eyelashes drooped slightly, like ornaments carved out of crystal.

There is a brittle fragility.

Alberta stared at the exquisite villain in front of her, and changed her mind.

At first, she wanted to put Ji Song and Angus together with potion and decompose it into potion materials.

But the little guy is so good-looking, it would be a waste to make potion materials.

It's better to clear his memory and train him to be her servant.

With this idea in mind, Alberta started talking to Angus, hoping to get more information from Angus, avoid overturning the car, and at the same time swipe the other party's favorability.

"Just you and Miss Gabriela, the long journey must be very hard."

"Are you really siblings? Why are your hair and eye colors different?"

If she was talking to Ji Ge, Ji Ge, who was adhering to the deceitful idea, would be happy to chat with her.

But Alberta chose Angus.

Just hatched and born, the supreme god that the dark side is looking for.

Although he has not yet awakened, the indifferent temperament of the gods has begun to emerge.

The child said nothing, his eyes closed.

The kettle was gurgling with small bubbles, and the water boiled quickly. Angus took the handle off the kettle and poured the hot water into the basin with great difficulty.

"Brother, the water is so heavy, can I lift it for you?" Alberta, who had not received a reply from Angus, approached and asked.

The other party backed away abruptly, distanced herself from her, and Ken spoke to Alberta.

"stay away from me."

His tone was flat, thinking that Ji Ge seemed to be trying to stabilize the other party, he added a sentence slowly.

"I don't like people being near me."

Alberta's face was ugly, thinking of the intimacy between Ji Ge and Angus just now, it was obvious that Angus' alienation was aimed at her.

 four shifts

(End of this chapter)

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