Female supporting style is wrong

Chapter 746 Did Eros turn over today?

Chapter 746 Did Eros Overturn Today (17)

Until the end of breakfast, Ji Ge didn't find out where the strangeness came from.

But this is not important, Ji Ge bid farewell to Alberta, left a silver coin for the other party as the accommodation fee, and drove away in the carriage.

Since Alberta didn't do anything, Jige regrettably changed the original plan, and the accommodation still has to be paid for. Besides, Alberta not only took them in for one night, but also prepared a sumptuous dinner and breakfast.

What Ji Ge didn't know was that when the carriage gradually drove away and disappeared at the end of the road, the figure of Alberta waving goodbye in front of the cabin suddenly dissipated and turned into a cloud of black mist.

In the carriage, Angus leaned on the cushion, looking in a daze.

Through a thin layer of curtains, he could hear the sound of a young girl driving a carriage full of energy. The little guy stared curiously, and a cloud of inconspicuous mist crept in from the gap in the window without anyone noticing.

Angus raised his eyebrows indifferently, and stretched out his hand.

With a sound of "ding", the shiny silver coin fell heavily into the child's palm.

It seems that the girl's body temperature still remains on it, but in fact, the temperature has gradually cooled down on the way engulfed by the black mist.

Hei Mist rubbed the palm of the child's hand flatteringly, as if telling the master that he had completed the task, Angus bent his fingers slightly, and Hei Mist understood his meaning, returned to his body, and disappeared.

The child folded his palms together and put away the silver coins.

Three days later, several figures in black robes appeared in the empty cabin.

Outside the house is a bright sky, and the sun is shining gently, casting a light halo on the forest.

Birds are jumping happily on the branches, and squirrels with big tails are probing their heads.

A gloomy and suffocating atmosphere filled the air, and the small animals that loved light and warmth screamed and fled in all directions.

It was completely quiet here, as if shrouded in an invisible mist, and the vision was dimmed.

The man in black stretched out his fingers, a trace of black divine power spilled from the slender fingertips, and he carefully explored something in the room.

In the end, it entangled a wisp of black mist that hadn't dissipated, and handed it over to the man in black.

The aura on it was similar to that of a god, and the eyes of the man in black glowed brightly.

"Your Majesty... used to pass by here."

"Look a little farther away..."

"...you must find..."

Jige, who had already been happily running to an unknown distance, naturally didn't know what happened in this cabin, and wandered around ignorantly.

Three months later, Staly City.

As the sky darkened, a carriage slowly drove into the city and stopped in front of the largest hotel in the city.

The groom was a slender and beautiful girl, wearing a riding outfit that was easy to move, and her long light brown hair was neatly tied into a high ponytail. She waited in front of the carriage with a smile on her face, and urged, "Angus, come down quickly." .”

After a while, a young and immature figure climbed down from the carriage. He looked much younger than a girl, about eight or nine years old, his hair and eyes were dark black, his skin was snow-white, but his lips were bright red , as delicate as a crystal statue.

He obediently walked to the girl's side and entered the hotel with her.

Ji Ge touched his increasingly empty purse, holding the idea that no matter how poor he is, he can't be a poor child, and boldly asked for the best room in the hotel.

The servants led the carriage to the resting place for the two, and at the same time fed the exhausted horse after a day of running.

Dead Song and Angus entered the room.

 Three shifts

(End of this chapter)

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