Female supporting style is wrong

Chapter 754 Did Eros turn over today?

Chapter 754 Did Eros Overturn Today (25)

After a while, Earl Keene sent someone to deliver a plate of dim sum, and he spoke nicely, apologizing for Allen's rudeness.

Earl Keen is not a fool. Now that he has measured Ji Ge's strength, what he has to do is to win her over quietly and show her favor.

As a fief lord, he had a lot of things to deal with, and it wouldn't hurt to make friends with a powerful magician.

The dim sum is a three-tiered cake tower, the cream is sweet and fragrant, dotted with bright red cherries, which attracts people's index fingers.

And crispy biscuits, and muffins topped with golden honey.

Ji Ge took a sip of fruit tea, and rolled his eyes happily.

It just so happened that most of the snacks were sweets that she liked to eat, and the girl used up half of them, and leaned on the chair to rest contentedly, satiated and drowsy.

Angustor sat next to Jige, his short legs swaying slightly.

The sun is shining and the sky is just right.

Angus thought it was good, and it would be even better if he didn't see any annoying people.

Unfortunately, no matter how reluctant he was to see Allen, he still couldn't hide.

In the evening, Earl Keene hosted a banquet and invited Lone Song and Angus to join him.

The feast was a family feast, attended by the Earl and Countess of Keene, plus their youngest son, Allen.

The guests were only Ji Ge and Angus.

Allen tugged at his collar uncomfortably. The proud young master is used to doing things arbitrarily. He has an outstanding older brother who has become a holy knight. He is not in Stary City all year round. The younger brother does not have to bear the courage of the eldest son. He has always been proud and self-centered, but this is the first time he feels timid, confused, contradictory and irritable.

The first meeting between him and Gabriela was not very good. Will she leave a bad impression on him because of this.

Thinking of this, the young man felt a little annoyed, he couldn't help turning his head, secretly looking at Ji Ge.

The girl was concentrating on chatting with Earl Keane, and never paid attention to this side.

Allen pursed his lips. Although he didn't want Ji Ge to pay too much attention to him, so as not to be upset, he couldn't help but feel frustrated when he saw the girl ignoring him.

This strange feeling made Allen a little uncomfortable.

He suddenly felt a cold gaze falling on him, and looked subconsciously.

Angus' gaze was cold and reserved, and Allen knew that this pink and jade-carved child was Ji Ge's younger brother, and it seemed that the relationship between the siblings was very good.

The hair color and eye color are different, are they really siblings?
This idea vaguely flashed through Alan's mind, and he smiled kindly at Angus in an unskilled manner.

But Angus turned his face away, turning a deaf ear to Allen's kindness.

Allen saw Angus reaching out and tugging at the corner of Ji Ge's clothes, so the girl who listened carefully lowered her head and listened to the little boy whispering something beside her.

The girl pursed her lips and tugged at the little guy's ear affectionately: "No way, Angus."

After thinking about it, she changed the subject again: "Only this once."

The tone is helpless and doting.

A pure and clear smile bloomed on the child's lips, and he slowly moved into Ji Ge's arms, allowing the girl to hug him like a doll.

She raised her eyes lightly: "Master Earl, please continue to explain."

The banquet broke up, the Countess and Allen left, and Lonely Song and Earl Keene exchanged the details of the disappearance.

Angus originally wanted to stay and listen together, but the little guy's work and rest has always been very regular, he was lethargic, and soon became sleepy at some point, constantly rubbing his eyes, yawning and refused to fall asleep.

Ji Ge couldn't help laughing, she couldn't leave by herself, so she asked the earl to send Angus back to his room.

 two more

(End of this chapter)

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