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Chapter 756 Did Eros turn over today?

Chapter 756 Did Eros Overturn Today (27)

It was a lich who kidnapped Angus.

Liches, in the records of the kingdom, mean undead creatures, good at black magic and necromancy, and have a fanatical pursuit of immortality and power.

Because of their own experience and racial characteristics, the lich has a distorted and vicious personality, counts pennies and pennies, and loves to kill. In the kingdom, if a lich is discovered by the Church of Light, then the holy knights will often come out and strangle them with all their strength. he.

And the lich who caused the turmoil in Starly City is even more special. He has lived for hundreds of years, has reached the level of a demigod, and is extremely powerful.

Also because of his confidence in his own strength, he was completely unafraid of the warriors who were recruited by Earl Keene. He even had the same leisurely attitude as a cat teasing a mouse. warrior.

Ji Ge deliberately restrained her magic power and did not cause much disturbance, but the lich who was watching saw something was wrong, probably guessed that it was not her full strength, and paid more attention to her.

But Lich didn't think Ji Song could kill him either.

The success in the past brought Lich great confidence, even arrogance. He sneered in his heart, and decided to take Angus away viciously. He wanted to refine the child into an undead puppet, and then manipulated him to fight against Ji Song with his own hands. .

At that time, the girl's complexion will definitely be beautiful.

To the lich's surprise, he thought that Angus would struggle when he was pulled over, and he also thought that he should pay attention at that time, not to make too much noise, so as not to expose his plan in advance, which would be no fun.

But the child was quiet and did not struggle at all.

The operation went incredibly smoothly.

Maybe it was frightened.

The thought flitted casually in Lich's mind, and he didn't care.

The lich's residence is very dark, with eerie decorations, dimly lit candles, filled with all kinds of materials that are forbidden to be used on the bright side, and the prepared potions are placed in a mess on the alchemy table, in a mess.

It is in line with the living habits of dark creatures. They have always disliked light and are withdrawn by nature.

The lich picked up a sharp dagger, with a hoarse voice, and the curse-ridden undead creature has great malice towards carefree humans living in the sun.

The hood slipped off, revealing a thin and cold face. There were no eyeballs in the Lich's eyes, but instead, there were two clusters of faint blue soul flames, dancing lightly.

"Little guy, tell me, how about I dig out your heart and make it into a potion?"

The delicate and beautiful child like a doll stands in the dim light, giving birth to a split and incompatible sense of contradictory beauty.

He tilted his head slightly, and there was no panic in his pupils that the lich wanted to see.

The voice is cool and cold.

"You are noisy."

The crimson lips were pulled out halfway, and the smile was astonishingly indifferent.

"To shut up."

The Word of God is Proverbs.

Even the gods who have not really awakened have powerful power that others cannot imagine.

As a dark creature, a lich cannot disobey the orders of the Supreme God of its own camp.

The lich was speechless, startled and angry.

He watched Angus walk in front of him. The child looked only eight or nine years old, immature and beautiful, with short black hair and the same black eyes, so beautiful to a somewhat weird degree.

He stared at him, as if looking at a dead object, with no fluctuations in his eyes, and said softly.

"After absorbing your power, I can grow up."

 two more

  Angus is about to grow into a beautiful boy, it is estimated that it will be the next chapter or the next chapter

(End of this chapter)

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