Female supporting style is wrong

Chapter 758 Did Eros turn over today?

Chapter 758 Did Eros Overturn Today (29)

But the Lich knows it.

In the kingdom of gods, not all gods are widely known.

Only gods with a strong enough sense of existence, or powerful enough, who cannot be bypassed will spread more widely.

And Gabriela is undoubtedly such a god. The god in charge of love and beauty is charming and bright, like a clump of eternal flowers reborn in spring, brilliant and public, making it difficult to ignore her existence.

"But you belong to darkness," the lich's sigh was projected from the crystal ball like some ancient prophecy, and every word hit Angus' heart hard.

"Darkness and light are never compatible, Venus, sooner or later he will leave you."

The child's eyes are dark and dark.

"will not."

The figure of the Lich gradually blurred, he lowered his head, and the black robe was laid out like water waves.

Both a curse and a blessing.

"I hope that one day, I will return to my throne and lead the darkness to prosperity."

The lich has turned into a cloud of black mist, which surrounded Angus and was absorbed by him, like a whale absorbing water, and gradually disappeared.

After all the black mist had gathered, the child murmured in a low voice: "She won't."

The room brightened up, and the delicate and fragile child gradually grew up.

The facial features became clearer, the childishness of the past faded away, the stature was raised, and the sound of bones creaking and growing could even be heard.

In the end, what appeared on the spot was an overly delicate young man.

The black hair is fine and docile, hanging down the snow-white forehead, the lacquer eyes are deep and cold, the young man's appearance is so amazing that it is difficult to describe, the lacquer eyes are as deep and beautiful as the night, deep and cold, the bridge of the nose is straight, and the slender lips are as fresh as roses Bright color.

A stunningly beautiful young man.

Angus looked up and glanced at the room, slightly lost in thought.

Should he go back now?
If Ji Ge saw him like this when he went back, how would he explain it?

Angus was preoccupied with thinking about how to absorb the Lich to help him grow further, completely ignoring this issue.

At this moment, the boy remembered it belatedly.

When he was struggling to find out what reason to perfuse Ji Ge, the door of the room was suddenly pushed open hastily.

The slender figure hurriedly stepped in.

The light embraced the girl's body, and the long light brown hair swayed from side to side, embellishing the girl's pretty face.

The girl shouted anxiously: "Angus..."

The words stopped abruptly.

After seeing clearly the young man standing inside the room, Ji Ge fell into a strange silence.

She confirmed to the system: "I'm just late, not ten years late, right?"

The system gives an affirmative answer.

Ji Song inhaled slightly, frantic: "Why did Angus suddenly grow up so much?"

If it wasn't for the appearance of the boy in the house who was [-]% similar to the young Angus, Ji Ge would not be sure.

She stopped in a daze, hesitating slightly.

He tentatively called out, "Angus?"

The boy's eyes fixed on her, and he replied in a low voice.


The song of silence came too fast, and Angus hadn't compiled a suitable reason yet, so his mind went blank.

The girl walked up to him and asked hesitantly, "Did the dark creature that took you feed you any potion?"

She looked at Angus's face with regret. After growing up, the outline of the teenager became more and more delicate and beautiful, and the baby fat of childhood had already faded: "It's not as cute as it used to be."

Angus stared at her blankly, then suddenly pursed his lips and smiled, stepped forward, and hugged the girl.

Ji Song didn't break free: "What's the matter, Angus?"

The teenager's black hair was tufted in the nape of his neck, and it was slightly itchy. His voice was sweet, soft and clear, and when it was slightly lowered, it seemed like a spoiled child.

"Don't move, sister."

"Let me give you a hug."

 four shifts


(End of this chapter)

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