Female supporting style is wrong

Chapter 764 Did Eros turn over today?

Chapter 764 Did Eros Overturn Today (35)

Ji Ge is sitting in the house reading a book.

The book is thin, and the thin pages are pressed by slender fingers. The nails are soft and shiny like pearls.

The person reading the book is also beautiful, as beautiful as a mural in a temple. His long light brown hair is tied into a bunch behind him, and the tips of his hair are slightly curled. When he lowers his head, his small and shiny nose is exposed.

Angus walked in, and the boy asked slowly with a lazy voice.

"looking at what?"

Ji Ge raised his hand, turned the book to the cover, and signaled him to read it by himself.

——Guide to Fruit Tree Maintenance

Angus paused slightly.

Ji Ge didn't know where the interest came from, and wanted to try to grow fruit trees by herself, but unfortunately she was a novice and was still in the toddler stage.

Angus just went out to see if the yard is suitable for planting fruit trees at the request of Ji Ge.

There is enough land for the yard. They just moved to Ono Village not long ago, and the house is still very empty.

But now it's early autumn, and winter is coming soon, what kind of fruit tree does she plant.

Snow white fingertips lightly rubbed his temples, Angus considered his words, and tactfully dissuaded him: "Gabriella, is it not suitable for planting fruit trees now?"

"I'll try it first," Ji Ge didn't change her mind, she propped her chin: "It's fun to plant a fruit tree at home."

The word home touched Angus, and the boy looked around the room.

The overall layout is very clean and tidy. Although it is a little empty, it already has a warm and earthly atmosphere.

The boy's brows and eyes softened slightly, and his heart was swollen very much.

Like a sponge that absorbs water, those plump and swollen emotions make people's heart ache.

"Then plant it."

The boy replied quietly.

Putting aside the matter of the fruit tree, Jige didn't use magic to spawn it, and planned to wait for the fruit tree to grow up by itself.

In the early morning of the next day, Ji Ge got up early and went to Ono Village to buy the freshly squeezed milk.

Angus didn't like crowds, so their house was built some distance away from Ono Village, and it wasn't next to anyone.

Many families in Ono Village have cows, and the milk they squeeze out is very fresh. The girl said goodbye to each other with a bucket in her hand.

"Wait, Miss Gabriela." The other party stumbled, turned and entered the house, and came out with a small basket, mumbling: "This is a snack made by my mother, for you."

There are many pumpkin pies neatly placed in the basket. The golden skin is baked until slightly burnt, exuding a hot and sweet aroma.

The girl smiled at him.

"Thank you."

"It's just a little pumpkin pie, Miss Gabriela doesn't need to be so polite." The boy waved his hands again and again, looking at her with admiration in his eyes.

Gabriela is a resident who moved to Ono Village with Angus half a month ago. She looks even more outstanding than the village head's Miss Orthea, and naturally attracts a lot of young and energetic people. juvenile.

It's just that she doesn't go out often and rarely shows up.

Ji Ge smiled at him, making the big boy blush unceasingly. As the most charming god, even though she had restrained her divine brilliance, she was still attracting people's attention unknowingly.

Ji Ge slowly embarked on the way home.

"Sister Gabriela," the girl's sweet voice sounded behind her. Orthea stepped forward, hugged the girl's arm affectionately, and extended an invitation.

"There will be a rally in the town in a few days. Sister Gabriela wants to play with me?"

The girl winks at her.

Nothing to do, Ji Ge agreed.


 one more

(End of this chapter)

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