Female supporting style is wrong

Chapter 766 Did Eros turn over today?

Chapter 766 Did Eros Overturn Today (37)

Are you awake?
Angus seldom called her in such a honey-sweet, soft and sticky tone. Ji Ge touched his chin and simply nodded.

There was a slight arc on the corner of the boy's lips, and he continued to rest.

The house was immersed in silence.

After a long time, Angus slightly raised his thick eyelashes, and cast a light glance to the side.

The girl is holding the book and flipping through it earnestly. The small half of her face is exposed, exposed to the bright light. Her long, fluffy hair is slightly covered, and the slender hair hangs down softly, wrapping around the delicate skin, setting off the corner of the crystal earlobe. Full and moist, the lips are slightly raised, like plump and pink cherry blossoms, blooming brilliantly.

The boy's eyes were suppressed.

He doesn't care much about human skin, and he doesn't pay much attention to beauty and ugliness, but he also knows that Gabriela is the most beautiful woman he has ever seen.

But it is not only him who has this cognition, but many people also think so.

Angus was heartbroken.

Angus is no longer in a state where he has just broken his shell and doesn't understand anything. He has read a lot of books these days and has learned a lot about the customs of the world.

He naturally knows that it is human nature to chase and admire excellent opposite sex.

But when he thought that Ji Ge might be with someone else in the future, just thinking about that scene gave him the urge to kill someone.

My heart is very uncomfortable.

"Are you awake?" The rustling sound did not escape Ji Ge's ears, and she calmly turned a page.


The young man seemed to have just woken up, his voice was cold and thin, and he rang out in a low voice, wrapped in a coolness.

Ji Ge glanced at him, as if he didn't notice his restless mood, and brought up another topic: "Angus, I want to plant a cherry tree in our yard."

"Sister likes cherry trees?"

"Yes," the girl said, "the cherry tree will bloom beautiful cherry blossoms in spring, and it will also produce delicious cherries."

"By the way, Angus, do you know what cherry blossoms mean?"

The young man shook his head blankly.

The girl smiled lightly, her bright and bright eyebrows raised vividly, and her fair and fair face was exposed to the soft sunlight, engulfed in the bright golden sunlight of autumn, the beauty was almost distorted.

Angus seemed to have been hit in the heart by something, and his heartbeat became more and more rapid.

dong dong——

The girl's voice was smiling, and she closed the book with loose fingers.

"Cherry blossoms mean nothing to love."

"It's a very domineering meaning," Ji Ge said crisply, "but I like it very much."

If you love someone, nothing will change.

Extremely romantic.

That night, Angus lost sleep.

After silently tossing and turning for a long time without being able to fall asleep, the boy lit a candle, randomly took out a book from the desk to read, and wanted to use it to hypnotize him.

The soft flame spread the boy's shadow on the wall, slender and tall, and he didn't move for a long time.

Angus, who wanted to induce sleepiness by reading, became more and more upset.

What he took was a storybook with nothing special in it. The stories in the book were similar and very old-fashioned. Many pages were used to express the praise of the gods who protected this world, or the warriors turned the tide and rescued the princess who was captured by dark creatures. .

At the end of the story, the princess and the warrior held a grand wedding, and they were together beautifully under the blessing and expectation of everyone.

The boy's fingers stayed on this page, and he didn't turn it for a long time.

The dark and thick eyelashes like crow feathers drooped slightly, and the boy's pupils seemed to be precious and rare crystals, reflecting a faint brilliance, making them even more slender and cold.

 two more

  The flower language of cherry blossoms is that there is no other love, it is really very romantic
(End of this chapter)

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