Female supporting style is wrong

Chapter 800 Did Eros turn over today?

Chapter 800 Did Eros Overturn Today (71)

Now that all the affairs in the capital have been resolved, there is no reason to stay any longer, Ji Ge and Errol returned to the Kingdom of Light.

After leaving the capital, Angus became completely silent and never appeared in front of Lone Song again.

In contrast, the dark side is expanding more and more rapidly.

Perhaps because of the birth of the God of Darkness, the gods on the dark side no longer hide their ambitions, and they act more frequently. The darkness shelters them, making the power of the gods more and more powerful.

Among the three major kingdoms of mankind, there is also a large kingdom that has changed its beliefs and converted to the God of Darkness.

Light no longer shrouds the kingdom that betrayed the faith, but the Kingdom of Darkness declared that it would protect the kingdom.

In order to defend the dignity of the kingdom of light, several gods who are good at fighting appeared here one after another, but they did not gain a clear advantage. A fighting monster emerged from the dark side, a monster with the blood of both angels and demons, which was almost impossible to be born. The half-blood monster Alves.

The friction between the two sides grew day by day, and several small skirmishes broke out, which developed into a doomed protracted battle three years later.

Errol sits in the Kingdom of Light and firmly controls the situation and direction of the war.

It stands to reason that Jige should not stay with Errol. After all, the gods who hold the power of love and beauty are not good at fighting, but they have received a distress letter from the Church of Light. The succubus haunts the king's capital and has already bewitched several nobles. , and even had the audacity to seduce a bishop.

After a period of desperation, the Guangming Church found that it could not cope with such a scene, and could only choose to pray to the gods they believed in for help.

But the Kingdom of Light itself couldn't take care of itself. Errol originally wanted to send an angel who was good at spiritual spells, but Ji Ge happened to hear the report from the Archangel and volunteered.

Cupid is also good at charm. If she fully uses her divine power, every person she sees counts as one. Basically, no one can resist the charm of the gods, and they will all become servants.

However, considering that the original owner's wish was to stop messing around, Ji Ge usually pays attention to restraining his divine power so as not to cause unnecessary trouble.

Considering that the strength of the succubus is basically focused on charm, and Ji Ge is soft and stubborn, the Supreme God still allowed Ji Ge's travel request.

The person receiving her was the princess of King Esno's royal family. The other party didn't know the true identity of Ji Ge, but only knew that she was invited by the church, a powerful adult who could help them solve their troubles.

The princess originally thought that she would see a deep and majestic great magister, but she didn't expect to see a beautiful, lazy and clean girl.

She looks very young, and there is no trace of vicissitudes eroded by the years in her clear eyes. She is bright and smiles, and Tingting reaches out to her and greets her crisply: "Hello, you can call me Gabriela."

The princess was stunned by the other party's beauty for a moment, and almost suspected that the church had been cheated. She really didn't look like a powerful mage, but the princess didn't show it, and greeted Ji Ge politely: "Hello, distinguished guest , you can call me Carol."

The girl bent her eyes, and didn't feel offended or dissatisfied because she saw the slight suspicion on Carol's face.

To be honest, Ji Ge did everything possible to come to the mortal world not only because he was bored and wanted to come out to play or solve the succubus causing trouble in the capital, but more importantly, he wanted to find a way to meet Angus.

 four shifts

  It's eight hundred chapters, boast about myself
(End of this chapter)

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