Female supporting style is wrong

Chapter 802 Did Eros turn over today?

Chapter 802 Did Eros Overturn Today (73)

The dinner prepared by the royal family was very sumptuous, and it was obviously prepared to welcome the guests, which also fully demonstrated their importance to Jige.

Only the royal family was present, the King and Queen, Princess Carol, and Crown Prince Burton.

The thin and slender girl stepped into the restaurant under the leadership of the maid. She was wearing a berry red long dress with a simple and beautiful style. It was cut with a beautiful complexion. Her long hair was tied with a crimson headband, making her look lazy and casual.

Ji Ge took her seat and glanced at the dining table. The long square table covered with a snow-white tablecloth was full of steaming food, and she suddenly noticed a gaze staring at her.

The girl turned her face slightly, and saw the man sitting next to the king staring at her blankly, his eyes full of amazement.

Out of politeness, Ji Song nodded to him in greeting.

The maid stood silently behind Ji Ge, as quiet as a non-existent shadow. She noticed the eye contact between Ji Ge and Burton, and her dark pupils became colder and colder.

"Welcome, the arrival of Miss Gabriella." The only person present who knew Ji Ge's identity was the king. He raised the crystal cup and toasted Ji Ge from a distance, and said heartily.

"Your Majesty is very kind."

The girl's blunt and stretched eye ends were slightly hooked, and she replied a little laxly.

Sitting to the left of the king is the queen, a noble and beautiful woman who is gentle and gentle, following her husband's speech, showing her friendliness to Lone Song without hesitation, talking and smiling.

After dinner, Ji Ge returned to the residence a little sleepy. She drank a little wine tonight. Her body capacity for alcohol in this plane is not bad. She didn't drink much, and she was not drunk, but slightly dizzy.

The maid supported her calmly, and told her gently: "My lord, be careful when walking."

Ji Ge simply leaned against her for strength, the girl's soft body leaned over, her satin-like long hair slanted with her movements, blowing a soft fragrance, mixed with a faint smell of alcohol, not strong, but distinct.

"Just help me walk."

The girl smiled at her, her bright red lips were glowing in the night, as if she was tempting to grab a kiss.

The maid's body froze, her white ears turned red.

Ji Ge seemed to have found a new pleasure from it, and her whole body was almost hung on the maid. Her cheeks were soft and sweet, as smooth and tender as pudding, and said wickedly: "Can I still go?"

It's a problem for the maid to walk alone, but now with her burden, it's not necessarily so.

The maid's steps were not big, but she walked steadily: "You can walk, my lord."

Such submissive meekness suddenly made Ji Ge feel guilty of bullying others.

The girl stood up straight, and smiled at the maid, "I'm sleepy, let's go back quickly."

The maid felt a little pity, she lowered her eyes casually, her gaze swept over her fingers, and the place where she just touched the girl's skin seemed to be on fire, and the scalding temperature remained, which would be difficult to dispel for a while.

She curled her lips slightly where no one could see, raised her hand, and the back of her snow-white hand fluttered across her cheek, engraving a familiar breath.

The figure walking in front is brisk.

The maid whispered silently.

Long time no see, Gabriela.

Will you be happy to see me?

After returning to the residence, Ji Ge washed up and fell asleep quickly.

The girl breathed shallowly, her delicate cheeks were half covered under her long hair, and she was sleeping soundly.

The tall figure crouched down in front of her.

The necklace he gave her before has disappeared.

 two more

(End of this chapter)

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