Female supporting style is wrong

Chapter 806 Did Eros turn over today?

Chapter 806 Did Eros Overturn Today (77)


Ji Song gave an affirmative answer.

The magic lamp burns brightly, shrouding a blazing light and shadow, from the winding skirt corner of the floating palace, she bends her eyes and takes a step forward with a smile.

Long-lost feeling.

The boy's pupils were quiet, without any sharpness.

In the pas de deux, there are intimate movements such as hugging the waist and crossing the arms. Ji Ge decided that if the person in front of him dared to take advantage of the opportunity, she would step on it.

And Ji Ge felt a familiar and strange atmosphere on him.

At the end of a dance, the girl touched the ground, stopped, and hesitated to speak, but before she had time to ask, she received a summons from the church personnel.

——The succubus appeared.

Ji Ge didn't care about the inspection, and said goodbye to Carol in a hurry. Caro also knew that Ji Ge didn't come to the palace for fun, but had a serious mission, so she didn't stop her and saw Ji Ge leave.

Carol turned her eyes back to the palace, and saw the young man who was still standing there, frowning in doubt.

The young master of the Duke of Borg has always kept himself private and rarely showed up. He did not expect that he would come to the ball today.

The young man seemed to be aware of her gaze, and raised his eyes to this side. His pupils were calm and indifferent, but Carol could somehow see that there was something tightly suppressed inside.

She took a step back startled.

In the next second, black mist filled the air.

The entire palace was surrounded by a faint mist, and the laughing guests, well-dressed noble young masters or young ladies, froze in place like sculptures.

After a while, the black mist dissipated.

Carol held her forehead and frowned slightly, her face full of confusion.

I seem to have forgotten something.

And the blond boy with a black cat mask had disappeared into the palace.

Above the bell tower, the white magic elements floated, like starlight dots, overflowing in the hazy night.

The slender snow-white silk thread condensed in the air, and suddenly covered it, making the hidden monster show its prototype.

The lovely and pitiful woman sat where she was, looking at the people outside the net aggrievedly, as if she was reprimanding them for their cruelty.

"Are you still running?" Ji Ge was indifferent, the girl bent over, she was still wearing the dress skirt at the banquet, with layered skirts, showing the unique elegance and luxury of a noble woman.

The light golden amber eyes shimmered in the thick night, crystal clear and clear, clean and beautiful like crystal.

The succubus is very jealous, and has always hated people who are more handsome than her. The woman's complexion changed, and her eyes were full of hatred when she looked at Ji Ge.

Ji Ge coughed lightly, and the shaken mage instantly woke up. The girl spoke and said easily: "You guys go back first, just leave it to me here."

If they stayed, it would only be a hindrance, the mage resigned wisely, and there were only Jige and Succubus left on the scene.

"Dong dong dong."

The bell rang, spreading far and wide.

The girl straightened up slightly, her satin-like long hair curled in the cool wind of the night, fluffy and soft, and the curly hair swayed like seaweed, creating a fairy tale-like magical and dreamy style.

"It's getting late, I'm going back to rest."

Jige started singing, and drove with a keen sense, for fear of overturning the car at this time.

But the danger came unexpectedly.

When the majestic divine power surged, Ji Ge immediately turned around, and a raging black mist was reflected in the girl's widened amber pupils.

Immediately afterwards, the black mist enveloped her layer by layer.

Before she even had time to snort, the beautiful girl lost consciousness, and her body fell into the embrace of a long-lost.

 two more

(End of this chapter)

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