Female supporting style is wrong

Chapter 808 Did Eros turn over today?

Chapter 808 Did Eros Overturn Today (79)

However, when she fell, the boy caught her.

"Angus," the girl whispered in surprise, and lowered her eyebrows: "Are you done?"

"Yes." The indifference on the young man's face faded away, holding Ji Ge in his arms, revealing his small white fangs faintly, and his smile was sweet and soft.

His arms tightened, his tone was attached, and he said Nuo Nuo: "It's time to spend time with Gabriella."

Ji Ge yawned, still feeling drowsy: "I still want to sleep."

She tugged at the corner of Angus's clothes, her eyes were so sleepy that she almost couldn't open her eyes, and her voice became smaller and smaller: "You sleep with me."

"Okay." Angus followed Ji Ge's movements and lay down on the bed lightly, carefully hugging the girl in his arms, for fear that this position would make her feel uncomfortable.

The girl soon fell asleep again, and Angus stared at the top of her hair, dazed for a while.

The current Gabriela is enthusiastic and loves to laugh, and she seems to be no different from before.

It's just that he is very dependent on Angus.

Because Angus sealed the memory of Lone Song.

Jige, who can't remember anything, only knows Angus, and knows that Angus brought her back to the Kingdom of Darkness.

Angus said they were lovers.

The young man knew her preferences very well, so Ji Ge had no doubts, and easily believed Angus' words.

She can only choose to believe.

"Gabriella," the young man asked softly, with his delicate and seductive cheeks touching the girl's long hair, rubbing his affectionately.

"Will you hate me after you regain your memory?"

The sleeping Ji Ge naturally couldn't answer him.

The corners of the young man's slender lips twitched slightly, his smile mixed with a bit of bitterness: "I'm afraid you don't want me."

Like a little beast who was afraid of being abandoned by the master for the second time, he looked aggrieved, and lightly bit the girl's cheek, which was soft and smooth, with a pudding-like touch. Wake up and vent your grievances.

"My sister is a liar."

And now, without Errol, without opposing sides, would you like me again?
"Don't give up on me again." The boy's voice dropped suddenly, soft and clingy, wishing he could tie Ji Ge to his body.

"I'm in pain too."

The system silently watched this seemingly warm and harmonious scene in Jige's mind, and felt a chill down its back.

No, it's just a system with no back.

Angus wanted to seal Jige's memory at that time, because of the system's protection, and the girl's own soul is also extremely powerful, it was impossible to succeed, but Jige took the initiative to let the system follow suit and seal the memory for her.

Jige's reason is so straightforward that it is impossible to refute it.

"In this way, I can find a chance to get along with Angus day and night, and I won't lose Errol's favorability."

Ji Ge rubbed his chin, thinking that this idea is very good, the girl blinked innocently: "After all, what does the me who has amnesia have anything to do with the me who has memory?"

The system was shocked by Ji Ge's thick skin at that time.

But in the end, at Ji Ge's request, it helped seal her memory.

Although Ji Ge can also pretend to have amnesia, but according to herself, pretending to have amnesia means acting all the time, and doing so is too tiring, it's not as easy as letting oneself really have amnesia.

At the end of the memory, the system watched Angus staring at Ji Ge intently, unwilling to blink his eyes, and fell asleep contentedly until a long time later.

It was silent for a while, and decided to find Jiujiu to watch anime.

do not care.

 four shifts

  Angus, the blackened poor little abandoned

(End of this chapter)

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