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Chapter 810 Did Eros turn over today?

Chapter 810 Did Eros Overturn Today (81)

"I want to go out for a walk."

The girl begged softly.

Angus took her hand naturally, with a strong possessive desire in his eyes, but his face remained calm: "I will take Gabriel out."

Ji Ge blinked and agreed.

The kingdom of darkness and the kingdom of light are diametrically opposite, like two extremes, here is filled with hazy and chaotic darkness, lingering and drifting like mist, blurred vision, covering up the majestic and brilliant temples, and the residences of the gods are scattered, There are no bright flowers and branches, and no dense green vegetation.

The scarlet river flows by, and the air is filled with coolness, which is very light and full, and there are decorative luminous pearls everywhere, which are used as lighting objects to prop up a piece of light.

Ji Ge looked at it curiously, and after turning to the temple with Angus, he noticed the scene that was incompatible with the gloomy and gloomy picture.

The pink and white cherry blossoms are all over the branches, swaying, like a gentle and clean snow falling, outlining a beautiful and magnificent picture, the finely crushed petals are spread on the ground, wrapped in a light and fragrant fragrance, just like a fairy tale scene.

"what is this?"

Jige stepped forward curiously, rubbing the rough bark of the cherry tree.

"Cherry Blossoms," Angus replied with unclear meaning, he quietly stepped across the pink and white ground, and walked to Jige's side, the young man's slender eyelashes drooped coldly, and the cold breath was densely fluttering on the girl's shoulders On the back of her neck, she trembled slightly, and he hooked his lips and asked with deep meaning: "Does Gabriela like cherry blossoms?"

This question, do you like it or don't like it?
Lone Song thought carefully for a while, and felt that since Angus had spent so much time planting cherry trees in the Dark Temple, he probably liked it.


"I like it too." The cherry tree, which was three years late, bloomed like snow. The boy straightened the girl's face, pressed her against the cherry tree, and kissed fiercely.

The rose-like lips were bitten fiercely, and the young man in front of him was like a cheetah preying on it, holding down the prey gracefully, preventing her from escaping. , Jige tasted a bit of fishy sweetness, the boy seemed to react at this moment, he kissed the bitten wound flatteringly, grinded repeatedly, and spread out the damp, hot and suffocating net, making it impossible for the girl to escape.

The wound was repaired, and the slight pain was replaced by a strange feeling. The lingering water mist filled the girl's eyes, and she wanted to push him away. The tree trunk she was resting on was uncomfortable. She frowned and called him softly: "Ange S."

"Hmm." Angus let go of her. The loss of control just now was almost like a hallucination. The young man raised his hand, wiped away the little blood on his lips, and asked her in a low voice, "Do you still want to go shopping?"

Ji Ge glared at him angrily, and pushed the young man away: "I won't go shopping anymore."

This guy is really bad.

Ji Ge gritted his teeth, wanting to get back in the game.

Fortunately, few people came from behind the Dark Temple. The Dark Temple belonged to Angus. Generally, other gods would not easily set foot here if they were not summoned.

So the absurdity just now was not seen by other gods.

The girl walked in front angrily, and the boy took a step behind, with his eyes slightly lowered, and he wiped away the blush from his fingertips.

The God of Envy walked into the Dark Temple worriedly, and reported to Angus, "Erol and us have officially declared war."

"Shh." Angus raised his hand in a gesture of silence, the God of Jealousy froze for a moment, and only then saw the slender figure sleeping peacefully on the boy's lap.

 two more

(End of this chapter)

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