Female supporting style is wrong

Chapter 812 Did Eros turn over today?

Chapter 812 Did Eros Overturn Today (83)

The girl was holding a bouquet of lilies in her hand, her face was full of confusion, and she was puzzled by the boy's violent mood swings.

She just disappeared for a while, why Angus acted like she ran away with someone else.

"Where have you been?" The boy was tense, like a poor dog drenched in rain, with black eyelashes slightly raised, looking at Ji Ge without blinking.

Ji Ge explained truthfully: "Go and buy flowers."

She pointed in the direction: "It's right there. There was a little girl selling flowers just now. I thought it looked pretty, so I went to buy it."

She held up the bouquet, with a begging expression on her face: "Isn't it beautiful?"

"Yes," the young man hugged Ji Ge, his voice was very low, the slack after the extreme tension carried a sense of emptiness, his mind was blank, he hugged the girl tightly, and said softly: "Very beautiful."

Ji Ge frowned and struggled, she didn't like this kind of intimacy in public, it was too eye-catching, but the girl stopped suddenly, and the boy's cheek was buried in the hollow of her neck, clinging to the pale skin, a wave of The dampness and coolness spread, very light and faint, almost making people feel like an illusion.

"Hey," Ji Singer was at a loss and asked tentatively, "Angus, why are you crying?"

"No," the young man raised his face, his exquisite and bewitching face was very close to her, his stunning beauty bewitched people's hearts, he bent his lips, his dark pupils were clean and clear, and said in a sweet and soft tone: "Sister, don't leave me anymore .”

The girl was captured by her beauty. Although she didn't know when she had left him, she still nodded: "I know."

"No more." The girl responded briskly.

"no sooner said than done."

The corner of the boy's lips curled up a little, he let go of her, and opened the snack: "Eat it quickly, it's getting cold."

Ji Ge was successfully diverted attention.

But when she returned to the temple, she remembered this incident again, and asked fearlessly: "Angus, did you cry just now?"

The boy was silent for two seconds, and asked slowly, "Gabriella cares about this?"

Ji Ge didn't hear the danger in the young man's tone, and nodded honestly: "I'm really curious."

"My sister wants to see me cry, right?"

The young man's eyes were slightly raised, with a sharp arc, a smile that was not a smile.

The sixth sense broke out strongly, and Ji Ge's desire to survive was overwhelming: "No, no, I don't want to watch it."

But it's too late.

Jika, who wanted to run to a safe place, was hugged by the boy from behind.

A gentle kiss fell on the girl's fair and shiny forehead, her frightened butterfly-like eyelashes trembled slightly, outlining a charming arc, and her amber golden pupils reflected the face of the boy in front of him, he bowed his head, and kissed with snow-white long fingers He hooked her earlobe, pinched the soft flesh, rubbed the ear bone with his fingertips, and then kissed her tenderly.

The sweetness of spring is coming, the ice melts and the snow melts, ushering in a warm spring.

The luxuriant cherry tree catches a piece of spring light, shimmering and tossing under the gentle sunlight, and the golden-plated pink and white cherry blossoms spread out thousands of magnificence and beauty.

This spring day has been gone for a long time.

The noisy and gentle atmosphere is engraved in the wind, bringing long-awaited greetings, and then time passes, the sun is getting stronger and the temperature is hot.

The crimson cherry fell heavily and hid in the soil, dreaming a long dream.

The spring is noisy, the summer is prosperous, the autumn is harvested, and the winter is presented with a violent snowstorm.

The snow gradually covered the ground, and the cherry trees with bent branches fell asleep, waiting for another grand spring day.

 four shifts

  Choose a poem.

  i'm going to do it on you
  Things to do on cherry trees in spring.

  - Pablo Neruda, "Twenty Love Poems and a Song of Despair"

(End of this chapter)

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