Female supporting style is wrong

Chapter 817 Did Eros turn over today?

Chapter 817 Did Eros Overturn Today (88)

"You don't have to believe it completely."

Supreme God said in a concentrated voice.

Standing behind Jige, he is like a silent shadow. His long dark golden eyelashes carry a piece of brilliant skylight, and he holds them up in a lingering manner. The young man with blond hair and golden eyes is tall and tall, reminiscent of standing in a church. Statues of silent gods.

And he is more holy and colder than sculptures, exuding a coldness and purity that is not stained with slender dust, and his temperament is gentle and soft, shining with brilliance.

Errol took Ji Ge's hand naturally: "It's fine to forget all about it."

He pursed his lower lip, and his tone was very light: "We can start over."

The girl looked at him blankly, frowning, her clear and crystal eyes were slightly perplexed, full of bewilderment and incomprehension.

Errol knew what she was wondering about. If a high-ranking god put his posture too low, it would always make people feel unbelievably dazed and distrustful.

"The God of Light is indeed proud." He calmly dissected himself, his bright golden eyes filled with unprecedented warmth and softness.

"But you are God's obsession, but also your weakness."

The young man leaned over, kissed her cheek, and left her as soon as he touched her, his smiling face was illusory and beautiful.

Jige blinked, seemed to be moved by Errol, and no longer resisted the youth's approach.

Errol was not in a hurry to help Ji Ge retrieve her memory, but discussed with Aphra, and first lifted the seal of divine power for her.

The seal of divine power was quite complicated, and it was very troublesome to remove it. It took a full ten days of effort to complete it.

During this period, Errol has been by Lone Song's side.

Ji Ge went back to Venus' residence, she hadn't been back for a long time, there was no trace of life in the residence, and the eternal flowers in the backyard were a little wilted.

The golden sunflower-like flower disc is soaring upwards, the fluffy and soft stamens are trembling slightly, the fingers of the supreme god caressed the immortal flowers, and watched the song of silence gently.

As soon as the girl turned around, she could meet the young man's eyes. Her eyelashes drooped slightly. Although she didn't speak, her attitude was already softening.

Sufficient divine power flows in the body, soft white light blooms in the palm of the hand, Ji Ge squats down, and feeds the divine power to the eternal flower.

"It's time to go back."

Errol reminded.

Ji Ge stood up and looked at him with bent eyes: "Let's go."

Ever since Errol secretly took away Song of Silence, the offensive of the dark side has become more and more fierce. Angus has personally arrived at the front battlefield. The light side cannot stop him, but the Kingdom of Light has a deep foundation, so there is no need for Errol Er played, and the two sides temporarily maintained a delicate balance.

Errol spent more and more time in the study, and the situation on the battlefield of God War was changing rapidly, requiring him to remotely control it.

When the supreme god finished handling the pile of official duties, he looked up and saw Ji Ge nestled aside. The god of love was still holding a book in his hand, but he had already fallen asleep.

The young man watched her quietly for a long time, his heart was filled with unknown joy, and the young man woke up Ji Ge.


Errol stared at Silent Song and said quietly.

"Would you like to be my queen?"

Ji Ge, who was rubbing his eyes and yawning, stopped, and after a long time, the girl answered slowly.


The girl replied lightly, as if she didn't realize what the title of Queen of God meant.

On that day, the Guangming Divine Kingdom rang the bell, and the distant bells rang throughout the Divine Kingdom, announcing that something unusual had happened.

——The Supreme God will marry the Queen of God.

 one more

  There are only a few chapters left in this plane, and it is almost finished, either today or tomorrow

  The writing is very stuck, the next few chapters may be delayed

(End of this chapter)

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