Female supporting style is wrong

Chapter 819 Did Eros turn over today?

Chapter 819 Did Eros Overturn Today (90)

And on the day before the ceremony, Silent Song escaped.

Although Afra accompanied Jige, she did not live in the temple, but came to accompany Jige at a fixed time every day, so when she found that Jige was not in the temple, she thought that Jige had gone shopping elsewhere. I didn't pay much attention to it, but went to look for Jige around the temple.

After returning in vain, Aphra realized that something was wrong and reported it to Errol.

The Supreme God sat in front of the desk, stood up immediately after listening to Aphra's report, spread his consciousness, and searched the entire Kingdom of God, but found no trace of Jige.

The bright and soft golden eyes of the God of Light were cold, and he said calmly: "I see, you go back first."

Aphra took the order and retreated worriedly.

Errol's expression was extremely cold, and he said to himself: "I still like Angus, right?"

He found that he seemed to be doing something wrong.

The gentle offensive can't soften the song, no matter what he does, it seems that he can't compare with Angus in the heart of the song.

Because Angus came first, is he destined to be unable to overtake Angus?
Has Gabriela been acting in front of him for so many days?

The young man's pale lips were almost pursed into a straight line, and his figure suddenly disappeared into the temple.

Ji Ge is running.

Although she had no memory, her intuition told her that the two gods, Angus and Errol, were lying to her, so the girl didn't believe anyone, but secretly planned to run away.

Jige had planned to run away in the dark kingdom of God before, but at that time her divine power was blocked, and the possibility of escaping was too small. If she didn't succeed but aroused Angus' vigilance, then the loss outweighed the gain.

But now, Ji Ge has been around for so many days, acting conscientiously, successfully tricked Errol, and she behaved very obediently, so Errol's suspicion of her is much less.

In addition, Jige's divine power has been restored, so the probability of running successfully is greatly increased.

Seeing that Jige escaped from the Kingdom of Light, the system no longer cared about concealing itself. If Errol found Jige and escaped, then his strategy must have failed.

"Host, where are you going?"

The girl stopped alertly: "Who are you?"

The system explained to Ji Ge, the girl raised her eyebrows slightly, and Fox questioned: "You said I was doing a strategy mission, and the memory was sealed by myself, just to conquer Angus."

The sound came out too abruptly, Ji Ge didn't really believe it, it basically just went in the left ear and out the right ear, listening to it as a joke.

"Is there any proof?" she asked.

"I can help the host unseal it." The system mourned, realizing that the future was bleak.

"Okay." Ji Ge nodded vaguely, not caring.

The system immediately started to remove the useless seal that had robbed Ji Ge.

Memories crowded into the girl's mind, and she would not be able to digest such a huge amount of information for a while, so she frowned a little uncomfortablely, relying on her strong soul strength, she insisted on receiving these memories in the shortest possible time.

After recovering his memory, Ji Ge fell into a strange silence.

Fuck, she screwed up.

Let alone Angus, even Errol probably thought she liked Angus, so he escaped the marriage.

If you think about it more pessimistically, maybe Errol will suspect that she has been acting for more than ten days, and her credibility with Errol will definitely drop to a negative value, and the Raiders will suddenly fall into a dilemma.

She seems to be getting cold.


The author has something to say: If little angels like it, you can add it to the communication group. The episodes of the Western Fantasy plane have been written and put in the group, and there are episodes from other planes
Group number: 647660387
 Three shifts

  The last chapter was overwritten and reviewed. I don’t know when it will be released.

(End of this chapter)

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