Female supporting style is wrong

Chapter 821 Did Eros turn over today?

Chapter 821 Did Eros Overturn Today (92)

A white flame rose up, scorching, but without a trace of temperature. It was a flame formed by pure divine power, and almost all the gods present could feel the enormous power contained in it.

The snow-white wings slapped vigorously, causing a strong wind.

The slender figure ran towards the gate of the temple at a fast speed, and the fast Errol had almost no time to stop it.

Ji Ge clearly heard the exclamation from the side, as if no god had expected such an event to happen in this unprecedented ceremony, the god froze in place.

Errol only grabbed a strand of soft hair and slid it through the palm of his hand, but the girl didn't look back, Ge Di, the young man felt a bit of uneasy panic in his heart.

The field of vision suddenly widened.

Lonely Song saw the thorns and golden silk screen raging outside the temple, Errol was determined to want Angus' life, and he did not show mercy.

The entire kingdom of light was shrouded in a huge magic circle, and the breath of light suppressed the power of the dark side extremely strongly. In the kingdom of light, Angus' own strength was greatly weakened.

In this way, the boy also walked outside the Temple of Light.

However, his current situation is not good. Angus was born shorter than Errol, and they are equal in personality. If they are both at their peak, then the strength should not be much different, but Angus is still stronger than Errol. Errol is weak.

What's more, this is Errol's home field.

The other party showed no mercy, and directly killed him.

Ji Ge helplessly rubbed his swollen and sore temples, the snow-white wings covering the sky and the sun reflected in the young man's eyes, casting a light and beautiful figure.

The outline of the girl was blurred in a layer of soft white light, and the long hair was dyed with light, shining golden, blurring the boundaries.

She looks like an angel painted on a gorgeous mural, but her appearance at the moment is more holy and beautiful than that of an angel, with a misty white veil flying in the air, her lips are bent, and there is a brisk smile when she speaks.


Angus, who was burned by the light, looked at the lone song that was approaching, sharp and sharp thorns pierced his flesh, greedily absorbed the blood of the supreme god, and fed on it, making himself grow more and more prosperously, showing his teeth and claws, a young man His action was frustrated, but it didn't prevent him from opening his arms.

The white figure threw herself into her arms.

She smiled at him.

——She was held in his arms.

Angus felt a strange sense of satisfaction in his heart, and he didn't know why Lone Song appeared here.

Errol used the forbidden method to close the telepathy between the two gods, so now the boy cannot receive the anger and panic from the God of Light.

Could it be that Errol felt that he was going to die, so he kindly asked Ji Song to give him a ride.

This is not true.

What's more, the aura emanating from the girl's body was stronger than Angus's cognition. In the impression of the gods, the god of love has never been a powerful god.

The flames burned the thorns, the boy subconsciously hugged her tightly, and heard the girl nestled in his arms speak slowly.

"Your Majesty, I have done what I said."

She violently pushed him away.

Angus, whose strength was suppressed, reacted a beat slower, and was abruptly pushed away by Ji Ge. The moment the figure separated, he clearly saw a long thorn piercing through the girl's heart.

The body was cold in an instant, and Angus's mind could hardly turn. He stared blankly at the Song of Silence, and a boundless coldness spread from his heart.

 one more

(End of this chapter)

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