Female supporting style is wrong

Chapter 825 Did Eros turn over today?

Chapter 825 Did Eros turn over today (Extra)
Another sunny day.

Ji Ge nestled on the recliner, lazily flipping through the storybooks he bought in the mortal world.

After the ceremony, Jige's life didn't change much, it was nothing more than taking luck from one plane and doing work on two planes.

After all, Errol and Angus said that they are fused, but they still retain their own consciousness, they just share one body.

This also led to a situation.

Chuangshishen often acts as I eat myself jealous.

Usually it's not a big deal, but in some special occasions, if Errol and Angus compete for performance...it will be terrible.

Jige wanted to strike.

But it was just thinking about it, the girl still stayed by Chuangshishen's side obediently, to prevent him from making any troubles again.

The Chuangshi God was originally looking through official affairs. After the fusion of the Kingdom of God, the conflicts between the dark side and the light side are not as frequent as before, but he is responsible for the work of two gods, and there are still many things that need to be busy every day.

The snow-white and delicate young man sat quietly in front of the desk, his eyelashes painted with a touch of gold powder, like quicksand spreading, smearing a little bit of bright, dazzling gold.

With the same face, Angus is charming and beautiful, but Errol is holy, elegant and exquisite.

Very different temperament, easy to distinguish.

The slender fingers of Chuang Shi God resting on the file suddenly paused, and the magnificent golden color slowly flowed, gradually transforming into a more strange and beautiful color.

Time and space are oscillating.

Ji Ge was the first to feel that something was wrong, she turned her eyes in surprise, and with Jiujiu by her side, her strength has increased a lot, and with so many planes swallowing up a lot of luck, she is not as easy to be knocked down as before.

The system sensed a familiar breath and held its breath nervously.

The experience has not been completed, why the consciousness of the main god has recovered.

The young man's eyes were dazed at first, as if he didn't understand why he was here, and then fell on Ji Ge, feeling a little dazed.

Unfamiliar breath, Ji Ge raised his eyebrows, since the system did not issue a warning, it means that the Creator God is fine, she had a guess in her heart, and smiled: "It's the first time we meet, hello, Your Highness Dixi."

The other party tilted his head, his hair swayed lightly, and the gorgeous color was flowing like gold, like a sea of ​​sand falling down, and like a temple of glory, his eyes were very pale, and his tone was also alienated.


It was still Errol's voice, emotionally fluctuating but indifferent.

After exchanging pleasantries, the atmosphere in the study was a little awkward.

Ji Ge tapped her fingertips, Youzai Youzai, she saw what Di Xi wanted to say, she was not in a hurry to ask, and she had an intuition that there would be no good words.

In the past in God's Domain, she had one or two inmates at the very beginning, so she got a general understanding of the personalities of the two gods in God's Domain. , cold on the outside and cold on the inside, he is an ice cube that looks the same on the outside and inside, he doesn't show his face very much, and rarely manages things.

He has a cold personality, and the things he has done in the small plane before... Replaced by the main god with memory, Ji Ge feels that it is not enough.

After a while, Di Xi still considered speaking, and could hear that Lord Lord God seemed to be reckless.

"Thank you, Your Excellency, for helping me practice," the memory of this plane quickly went through in my mind, and when I saw all the deeds that I had no memory for Jige, Di Xi's lips pursed even tighter: "Wait a minute , I will reward you heavily."

Ji Ge is funny: "Your Highness is separating yourself from the main body in the small plane, don't you want to admit it?"

Silent default.

Ji Ge raised the corners of his lips: "Your Highness, how about we make a bet?"

Those star-like eyes stared at her silently, waiting for Ji Ge's next words.

"I bet, even if I don't take the initiative to attack, you in the small plane will like me." Ji Ge's tone is firm.

Di Xi lowered her eyes: "Okay."

A bet was easily settled like this.

After a while, the rich golden color faded silently from the pupils.

Errol rubbed his eyes, dazed for a while.

No trace is left.

 one more

  Di Xiaoxi forfeited her few benefits
  Haw wasn't very good at chasing people
(End of this chapter)

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