Female supporting style is wrong

Chapter 836 The Interstellar Most Wanted Criminal

Chapter 836 The Most Wanted Interstellar (11)

Mental power accounts for a large proportion of personal combat power. Powerful mental power is accompanied by super strong memory and learning ability, and manipulating mechs also requires enough mental power to achieve true precision.

But improving mental power is very difficult, and for capable people, awakening is actually just a starting point. Their mental power and physique will gradually grow during exercise, so capable people who have strong spiritual power right after awakening are definitely rare.

People with this kind of ability, also known as God-sent, basically only one or two in a generation, and they are talents that the Federation will recruit no matter what the cost.

But what Wade didn't expect was that this generation of three-S ability users would appear on such an occasion.

Moreover, it seems to be on the opposite side of the Deep Blue Federation.

If she is allowed to escape, she will likely be drawn into the other two major federations and become their enemy.

—she must be kept.

Wade's mind turned extremely fast, and he made this decision almost instantly.

But Ji Ge is not so easy to deal with.

The nine-tailed fox stood up, swaggered its nine tails, and let out a shriek. The eyes of the companions around Wade were in a daze. He gritted his teeth. The awakened three-S ability user was too difficult to deal with.

Besides, her talent for awakening seems to be spiritual.

The inability of ordinary people to see spirit beasts does not mean that the attacks of awakened or pacifiers are ineffective. On the contrary, ordinary people who are involved in the struggle of capable people will be torn to pieces by powerful mental fluctuations almost immediately.

Pacifiers and Awakeners are too precious and rare. Only a few of the guards are Awakened, and they are still low-level Awakened. They haven't even bred spiritual beasts, let alone resist Jige's mental control. They are manipulated Then go to attack teammates and start cannibalism.

The scene was chaotic for a while.

A light and slender figure is hidden in the smoke of the battle, Ji Ge's movements are extremely agile, and the unsealed five senses endow her with extraordinary physical fitness and fighting ability.

Xavier tilted his head slightly, and his soft body was attached to his back, intimate, like a pair of lovers falling in love.

A silver dagger lay across the young man's neck.

"Stop it."

The slender and pale girl's lips are lightly curled up, and her restraints outline a beautiful figure. She is too thin, with slender and fair calves, and her long black hair is curled in the noisy and agitating wind, interpreting the glamorous style.

It is as bright and gorgeous as a rose stained with blood.


Lone Song's speed was too fast, not to mention Xavier dodging, even Wade had no time to stop it. The man looked nervous as he saw the silver dagger on the young man's neck.

He didn't dare to bet on whether Jige would dare to attack Xavier, so he could only stop his teammates first to provide a good start for the negotiation.

The man said in a deep voice: "Leave Lord Xavier's conditions?"

"It's very simple," Lone Song liked Wade's straightforwardness, and said succinctly: "I need a spaceship that can make interstellar transitions, and you are not allowed to follow."

"I'll put him back when I feel safe."

"No." Wade refused straight away. Such a condition was too passive for them. What if Lone Song tore up the ticket? Xavier's existence was too important, and they didn't dare to bet at all.

Xavier is not only the Marshal of the Deep Blue Federation, but also has another identity.

——The younger brother of the current speaker, born in the ancient Hill family, has a pivotal position in the federation.

If Speaker Hill knew that they had risked his beloved brother, he would definitely be furious.

"Then we can't reach an agreement." Ji Ge said with some regret.

"Don't be nervous, relax," Ji Ge said slowly, "I can also sell my teammates to you."

"The guy who is fishing in troubled waters, has gray eyes and is not easy to mess with at first glance, is my teammate."

Uleas mentioned: ? ! ! !
Damn, is this guy crazy? !

 four shifts

(End of this chapter)

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