Female supporting style is wrong

Chapter 839 The Interstellar Most Wanted Criminal

Chapter 839 The Most Wanted Interstellar (14)

"Hi, sir."

The metal door opened in response, the girl stepped in and greeted people familiarly.

The other party ignored her, the young man was sitting on the bed, and on his wrist was the bondage bracelet contributed by Ji Ge's friendship, which was simply modified by Ji Ge to lock him up.

Ji Ge was not angry, and threw a tube of nutritional supplements in front of Xavier: "Eat something."

She folded her arms and added, "I found this in the spaceship. It should be prepared by your subordinates. So, if you have any problems, don't come to me to settle the score."

—Just ask Wade.

Jige's eyes clearly showed this meaning.

Xavier didn't want to touch the tube of nutrition, but seeing Ji Geda's eagerness to force him down without drinking it, he still silently picked up the tube of nutrition and pulled the plug.

The young man's movements are elegant, and his snow-white and slender fingers do not show many traces of years of fighting and operating mechs. His skin is smooth and delicate, and his phalanges are distinct. They are very beautiful hands.

Ji Ge admired the beauty, and unconsciously noticed something abnormal.

The blood is agitated, clamoring for something.

Over a long period of time, human abilities have been constantly evolving, and the development and research of ability users has become more and more in-depth, and the two have also shown more and more different ability systems.

Generally speaking, only awakened people will have violent periods, which is the result of the chaos of the animal factors lurking in their blood, while pacifiers generally will not lose control.

Therefore, there is no solution to the current situation in Jige's knowledge base.

My mind is a little dizzy.

Ji Ge shook his head, his thin white fingers unconsciously tightened.

The strange hotness, the strong desire to destroy, and the weird boredom that arises from nowhere...

The central processing organs of the brain were burned, almost out of control, and the girl tried her best to calm down the inexplicable emotions.

If it doesn't work, just go out and fight with Uriah.

Ji Ge thought to himself.

There was a faint fragrance of iris in the rest cabin.

The fragrance of vetiver iris is light and sweet, light and fragrant, and it is most suitable for decoration in the room. Because it is very close, Xavier can smell it clearly.

The young man had already stopped moving at some point, the color of the soot was like nightfall, the stars were dim, and the sky reflected a frost-like soft color, cool and clear.

He said slowly: "You lost control."

"What?" Ji Ge shook his head blankly, and his eyes began to feel dizzy.

The information on the Awakened and the Pacifier is the top secret of the empire, and basically only open to some people. Tang Jige has insufficient knowledge in this area, and Jige is also the first time to come to the interstellar plane. Only limited to the memory of the original owner and the world plot.

Generally speaking, pacifiers will not lose control, and their gene sequence is far more stable than that of the awakened ones. Because their bodies are not developed to the extreme, they will not suffer from rage without the powerful power of the awakened ones when they transform into beasts. period of trouble.

But Ji Ge's situation is special. The potential of her body has been deeply developed, and she released her mental power on a large scale when she just awakened, making her mental power unable to suppress the restless blood. She urgently needs to calm down, otherwise, in this small plane On a small spaceship, once a capable person loses control, the sudden release of mental power will destroy the spaceship, causing unpredictable and terrifying consequences.

 Three shifts

(End of this chapter)

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