Female supporting style is wrong

Chapter 852 The Interstellar Most Wanted Criminal

Chapter 852 The Most Wanted Interstellar (27)

not moving at all……

Ji Ge frowned in distress, this is a bit troublesome.

The girl pondered for a while, then dropped a light kiss on the young man's fair cheek, her tone was softer and softer: "Hey, we will see you again soon."

Snow white fingertips pressed the girl's pulse, the young man nodded slowly, and let her go obediently.

Very obedient.

Ji Ge took one more look at the drunk Xavier, silently thinking about the possibility of coaxing him to get drunk more in the future, this kind of strategy target is too cute, thinking of rua, thinking of...

Ji Ge patted his face, and silently deleted all the messy things in his mind.

She closed the door of the lounge and sent a message to Chili, reminding him to remember to tell Speaker Hill that Xavier was in the lounge and suspected to be drunk.

I don't know if the drunk Xavier will lose control?

But judging by the calm look of the young man, it shouldn't be.

Ji Ge hesitated slightly, and told Chi Li, if Speaker Hill takes Xavier away, remember to inform her.

Xavier woke up on the hover car back to Hill's house.

The young man didn't drink much, so even if he was a little drunk at the time, he's almost gone now.

"Wake up," came the familiar voice of his brother, and Speaker Hill looked like he was watching the show: "Xavier, why are you drinking in the lounge?"

He clasped his hands, with great interest: "Didn't you never drink alcohol, why do you suddenly want to drink?"

Reminded by Speaker Hill, the memory of being drunk gradually became clearer in the young man's mind. He calmly held his forehead, recalling the girl's soft touch and the cold wine flowing between his lips and teeth.

The young man remained silent, resting his forehead, looking at the car window with a cold expression.

Speaker Hill scratched his head and wanted to know who was the culprit who made his brother drink alcohol. Xavier didn't like socializing and stayed in the military camp all year round. It made his search scope narrow down a lot.

A bright and beautiful face flashed in Speaker Hill's mind, he was stunned, and his expression became strange.

It can't be that the little fiancée left late.

That was the first time he saw Xavier showing interest in the opposite sex.

It's a pity that he already has a fiancé.

The young master of his family's gold and jade can't do three things for love.

The more Speaker Hill thought about it, the more wrong it became. When Xavier disappeared before, it seemed that Chili's little fiancée was not with him.

Speaker Hill recalled Chili's notification to pick up Xavier who was drunk in the lounge, and he suddenly realized that he stretched out his hand to cover his face.

It's over, he really didn't expect that his younger brother fell in love with a girl with a fiance as soon as he was tempted.

Speaker Hill sighed sadly, but after taking a look at Xavier, he hesitated again. Xavier must not be left alone.

Things were messed up and it was too difficult to manage. Speaker Hill gave up on himself and chose to let nature take its course.

Xavier was completely unaware of Speaker Hill's entanglement, and was thinking about something quietly.

A week later, Xavier received a transfer order.

There are new off-hands airborne.

This transfer order was personally signed by Speaker Hill, and after his approval, Xavier knew that his brother would not cheat him, so he calmly accepted the arrival of this new deputy.

On the contrary, Wade was very nervous and maintained a high level of vigilance, for fear that the arrival of the new deputy would take away his position beside the marshal.

 four shifts

(End of this chapter)

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