Female supporting style is wrong

Chapter 868 The Interstellar Most Wanted Criminal

Chapter 868 The Most Wanted Interstellar (43)

Xavier came out quickly, nodded slightly to Ji Ge, he got into the car first, and sat in the back seat, Ji Ge followed in the car silently, and sat next to the young man.

There is a lot of space in the car, enough for Jige and Xavier to sit between them.

The girl propped her chin to think, and Xavier's gaze was a little strange. Is there something wrong with this resource star?

She was so focused and absent-minded that she didn't even remember that she didn't even wear her seat belt.

Xavier sighed, lowered his head and reached out, and fastened the seat belt for her: "Be careful next time."

The girl was interrupted by this, and immediately came back to her senses, raised her head and said, "Thank you, sir."

The distance between the two was very close, the girl's clean and white face was upturned, with soft down growing on her face, very slightly soft, so pale that it was almost invisible, her dark and bright pupils like obsidian were happily bent, full of vitality. Vigorous, like a sunflower, lovely.

Xavier's fingertips on his side curled up slightly, the silver-haired and gray-eyed beauty was as cold and misty as a mist, and said calmly, "It's okay."

Before driving, the security guard sitting in the co-pilot position paid special attention to the two people in the back seat. He was a little surprised when he saw this scene. He had heard a lot of rumors about Xavier, the young master of Hill. He is a household name, and he is the idol of all soldiers. To be honest, does Marshal care about others so much?

And looking at this reaction, I feel that Xavier seems a little shy.

He must have felt wrong.

How could Xavier be shy.

The guards silently looked away.

Naturally, his observations couldn't be hidden from Ji Ge and Xavier. The ability users with high mental power couldn't be more clear about the changes around them, but Ji Ge didn't care, and Xavier paused, but still didn't say anything.

The vehicle quickly arrived in front of the mine, and the guards got out of the car first, followed by Ji Ge and Xavier. After showing their relevant documents, the three were quickly released.

Jige collected a lot of information about the resource star from the guards. To be precise, a special ore will be mined here, which is very hard and difficult to mine, but because it is not widely used, there is no How precious it is, the troops stationed here are not strong.

Only at the end of the year, when the Deep Blue Federation will send people to conduct routine inspections, will newcomers appear on the resource star.

The living environment here is not good, and it has not received much attention. It is only because the ore is extremely rare that it is listed as a federally controlled resource.

The ore is several thousand meters underground, and Lone Song and Xavier need to take the elevator down.

The elevator ran quietly, and it took more than ten minutes to reach the destination. When Ji Ge was about to step out of the elevator, the young man held the girl's hand and wrote a few words on the back of the hand.

Ji Ge's pace paused slightly, and then returned to normal.

—Be careful later.

Is there anything weird about this mine?

Ji Ge was at a loss.

The time she returned to the Federation was too short, and the information she collected and memorized was still inferior to that of a noble family like Xavier.

This is the reason why Jige has to pass through the late marching department.

It took her nearly a year, and countless time and energy, to vaguely find out that the person who poisoned the original main potion seemed to have some relationship with the upper class.

And the military department is the most convenient way to get close to the upper echelons.

The rest of the ways are too slow. She can't spend more than ten years trying to find out an enemy. By then, no one will know where she will go.

 four shifts

(End of this chapter)

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