Female supporting style is wrong

Chapter 872 The Interstellar Most Wanted Criminal

Chapter 872 The Most Wanted Interstellar (47)

Is this an attitude of chasing people?
Lone Song feels that Xavier is looking for opportunities to take advantage of her everywhere.

It was only later that she learned about the follow-up on the Resource Star. Xavier and Speaker Hill had long suspected that there was an abnormality here. After the annual federal inspection before, after returning from the Resource Star, the person in charge of the inspection was very wrong. Only when unhatched eggs were detected, Speaker Hill was completely sure.

In order to avoid alarming the enemy, the investigation needs to find a suitable opportunity. Chairman Hill was still hesitating to find an excuse to enter the resource star for a comprehensive inspection, but he did not expect that Xavier and Ji Song fell onto the resource star by accident.

That's just a coincidence.

As for the arrival time of rescue that Xavier told Ji Ge in the room, it was also false. Surveillance is everywhere in the station, and Xavier did not tell the truth when he noticed the existence of surveillance.

The Zerg that is eating in the mine is a female worm. The strength of the female worm is very weak. Her only function is to breed offspring. The fertility of the Zerg is terrible. If these Zerg that can disguise themselves as humans may be more difficult to hatch, then Ji Ge saw more than those Zerg at the time.

The existence of the Zerg in the mine caused a great uproar in the Deep Blue Federation. This kind of Zerg that can pretend to be a human is too terrifying. Although their strength does not seem to be as strong as the Zerg on the battlefield, it means that anyone can be secretly attacked by the Zerg. silently replaced.

If one is not handled well, it will be a nightmare for the Federation.

But the follow-up has nothing to do with Ji Ge, she didn't ask too much, but stayed in the hospital with peace of mind to recuperate.

Of course, in the doctor's eyes, Ji Ge is lying peacefully on the hospital bed to recuperate.

But as soon as the doctor left, the girl sat up and quickly opened the mental barrier. At the same time, she found a long-pressed number in the contacts in the optical brain address book and dialed it.

It took a long time before someone answered.

An impatient face appeared on the light blue projection screen: "Why are you calling me all of a sudden?"

"It's been a long time since I saw you, let me call you to get in touch." Ji Ge looked innocent.

"Don't," Ulea sneered, deeply feeling that Ji Ge was a good person and a reliable partner a year ago, he was a fool: "You Tang Jige looking for me, there is absolutely nothing good for you."

This is really unfair.

Ji Ge felt that she was a good person with a pure nature, but she was too pure and restrained, so Uriah didn't notice it.

"I won't argue with you, where's Xixi?"

Yulia turned her head and aimed at the little loli who was not far away, and said lazily, "It's over there."

Little Lolita's five senses were keen, and when she realized something, her eyes lit up, she quickly ran to Yuria, and waved enthusiastically at Ji Ge: "Sister, sister."

The voice is sweet and soft, soft and waxy and cute.

Ji Ge's heart was about to be melted by her, and her tone softened a bit: "How is Xixi doing recently?"

Tang Xi answered obediently: "I'm with brother Yuria, and I'm having a good time."

The little girl put her hands on her hips proudly: "None of the passing pirates dared to provoke me."

Ulea, who was listening on the sidelines, sneered, of course I didn’t dare to provoke you, who told you to rob them all with your high force value, and the pirates didn’t know when Tang Jige, the witch, would come back. You are trembling, who dares to bully you.

Uriah felt that his future was really bleak.

Not only followed Tang Jige, an unreliable boss, but also his companion and sister were right. Tang Xi, who only listened to Tang Jige's words.

 four shifts

(End of this chapter)

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