Female supporting style is wrong

Chapter 887 The Interstellar Most Wanted Criminal

Chapter 887 The Most Wanted Interstellar (63)

"what happened?"

Ji Ge pretended to be disturbed, and frowned slightly displeased.

"I'm sorry for disturbing Miss Chloe. Sir, I just informed that criminals have sneaked into the banquet. Let us confirm the safety of the guests."

The waiter explained.

It is false that there are lawbreakers, but it is true that he wants to find the thief who sneaked into his study.

Ji Ge thought silently, straightened her collar, the girl's face was tense, she looked a little cold, and her voice was cool and indifferent.

"I see, let's go, take me back to Ah Li."

The waiter confirmed that there was no problem with Jige, nodded, and led Jige back to the banquet hall.

Chi Li naturally looked at her: "Why did it take so long to change clothes?"

"It took a while." Ji Ge passed vaguely.

Chi Li didn't pursue further, her eyes fell on Ji Ge's new dress, the mint green dress was full of fairy spirit, making her look beautiful and beautiful.

"This dress is beautiful and suits you very well."

Ji Ge tilted her head, and the girl's beautiful eyebrows were so delicate that they were distorted under the bright light, showing a fragile and fragile clean beauty like ceramics. The little witch disguised herself as a human being and smiled slyly at him: "Just as long as you like it."

Seeing this smile, Chi Li can basically be sure that Ji Ge has successfully completed the task.

He didn't ask any more questions, and after a while, seeing that the time was almost up, he bid farewell to Yun Wei.

Yun Wei is now very busy with the problem of the theft of the study, and his mind has long been absent from the banquet, so he casually nodded to Chi Li, and said softly: "Mr. Chi, have a good journey."

"Mr. Xie Yun best wishes, we will talk again when we have a chance." The man smiled brightly and left with his female companion.

Normally, Yun Wei would be happy to appreciate beauties, especially beauties who suit his tastes. Unfortunately, his mind is all on the documents now, and his eyes just casually glanced at the soft and weak commoner Cinderella and took them back. Ask your people.

"Has anyone been found?"

The girl straightened her back and got into the car in front of her without looking sideways.

After returning to the hotel, Ji Ge threw the documents hidden in his body to Chi Li, without asking what it was: "What you want."

Chi Li flipped through the pages and confirmed the authenticity of the item: "Thank you."

"Let me go out for a walk first." Ji Ge waved at him: "Help me take care of Xixi."

"Where are you going?" Out of concern for his allies, Chili asked kindly.

The girl lazily said: "Go and talk about love."

"?" Chi Li was very surprised by this answer, and muttered to himself, "Could it be that Tang Jige has his eyes on someone here, but what about the one from the Hill family?"

The man frowned, but didn't think of any results, so he chose to give up.

That's all he cares about, is there any more.

Ji Ge took a taxi to an apartment according to the address given by Xavier. She was stopped outside and had to show the owner's consent to enter. The girl lowered her head and sent a message to Xavier, indicating that she had arrived.

After a while, Wade came down to pick up the man. The man nodded towards Ji Ge, led Ji Ge in, and stopped at the door of the apartment.

"?" Ji Ge followed and stopped.

"Master Xavier is inside." Wade didn't have the idea of ​​going in together: "Miss Chloe, you just go in and talk with him alone."


Ji Ge didn't force it, and pushed open the door and walked in. Wade thoughtfully helped them close the door, after thinking about it, he decided not to stay and disturb his boss, and walked away silently.

 Three shifts

(End of this chapter)

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