Female supporting style is wrong

Chapter 889 The Interstellar Most Wanted Criminal

Chapter 889 The Most Wanted Interstellar (65)

The icy blue mist surged and condensed into a soft and cute dragon cub. Eleven Nights looked up ignorantly, saw the mistress he hadn't seen for a long time, flapped his wings happily, and flew in the direction of Jige .

It stumbled into Ji Ge's arms, its small paws carefully hooked the girl's clothes, for fear of accidentally tearing them too hard, it gave a soft whimper, its jewel-like pupils looked at her, as if it was trying to be a good boy Easy way.

Ji Ge carefully held the dragon cub, it was a cold ball, very light and soft, like holding a mango daifuku, Ji Ge couldn't help but be more cautious in his movements.The girl's palm was pressed against Eleven Night's snow-white abdomen, which was not covered by scales, and it was the most fragile and sensitive place. The warm temperature passed through the skin, and the little guy rubbed comfortably.

The perception of the spirit beast and its master are interlinked, that is to say, if Eleven Night feels something, it will transmit this feeling through telepathy with the master.

Now, Xavier, who rested his arms and looked softly at Lone Song teasing the dragon cub, felt the emotion conveyed from the spirit beast.

Pure joy and attachment, as well as the gentle and delicate touch from the girl's palm, like tender meat hidden in a clam shell, white and tender.

"Eleventh Night, do you miss my sister?" The girl bent her eyes and scratched the dragon cub's chin with her fingers while smiling.

Eleven Nights nodded spiritually, leaned forward with a groan, nestled on Jige's belly, the little guy raised his paws, and the big killer, which is omnipotent on the battlefield, raised his paws obediently at this moment , Comparing your heart to Ji Ge.

Ji Ge was instantly elated.

It's too foul to be cute like this.

The dragon cub was happily held into her chest by her, and Eleven Night hadn't reacted to the unexpected movement.

The girl with black hair, black eyes, and bright red lips sat cross-legged on the sofa, lowered her head, and smacked happily.

"Baby, sister hug."

The dragon cub has a dull face, what is this soft lump?
Xavier coughed unexpectedly, and a thin layer of blush appeared on the youth's snow-white and delicate cheeks, as if he was intoxicated after drinking. He stretched out his hand, and his voice sounded muffled from behind the palm of his hand.

"Stop hugging it."

"What?" Ji Ge blinked and found the New World, and said in surprise: "Sir, you are blushing."

She hugged Eleven Night, and hurriedly approached her. When the girl smiled, she would reveal a vaguely small fang, which was white and sharp, and looked very cute, but she showed a bit of malicious posture.

"Why is the officer blushing suddenly?" Ji Ge wondered if she hadn't done anything, wasn't she teasing the other party's spirit beast?Didn't do anything to Xavier either.

At this time, the dragon cub had already reacted and stretched out its claws, trying to escape Ji Ge's embrace.

Ji Ge lowered his head, and found strangely that the spirit beast, like its master, had a suspicious bright red color on its cheeks.

She was silent for a few seconds.

Good guy, it feels like she has done something unspeakable, why the spirit beast and its master are blushing together.

Mentioning the spirit beast, Ji Ge had a flash of inspiration in his mind, and suddenly thought of something, the dragon cub with fluttering wings was carried back to the girl's embrace, and across the dragon cub's chest were two white and slender arms with delicate skin , as if a light stroke would bleed.

 one more

(End of this chapter)

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