Female supporting style is wrong

Chapter 895 Don't Look, Replace It Tomorrow Morning

Chapter 895 Don't look, replace it tomorrow morning (1)

(Tomorrow morning there will be an event and I can’t stay up all night. In addition, it’s really hard to write something that’s terrible, so don’t read it yet, it will be replaced.)
The huge mental power almost crushed the researcher instantly, but the girl seemed not enough, the strands of mental power were like maggots attached to the bone, and the heavy pressure poured out instantly, as if to crush his bones.

Almost in an instant, the researcher collapsed, he let out a painful cry, and spoke hoarsely: "...I said."

Ji Ge stopped his hands, slightly hooked his lips, and smiled authentically.

"That's good."

The name given by the researcher is very strange.


When Ji Ge heard this name, he raised his eyebrows, then got up, and asked Tang Xi to go out with him. The researcher had someone to deal with it. In order to prevent him from giving wrong information on purpose, he will not die for the time being. He will not die until everything is clear. was cleaned up.

The girl turned on the optical brain and sent a message to Chili, asking for Lyle's information.

Chi Li has been very busy recently, and the documents brought back by Ji Ge are very important, enough to bring Chi's family to another level. Several trade routes were dug out.

But by doing this, Yun Wei could easily guess that the person who sneaked into Yun's house to steal things had something to do with Chi's family, but he probably couldn't care less about this recently, because the Yun family is facing big trouble, and if it is not handled properly, it will be overthrown crime.

Xavier went to Yun's family that day, of course not to do useless work. The documents he got were evidence of the collusion between Yun's family and the other two major federations. As for the matter, Xavier has been very busy recently, and Lone Song has not seen anyone for several days.

Chi Li has not finished his work yet, and has not replied to Ji Ge yet, Ji Ge thought about it, and now the matter has been dealt with almost.She drove out of Xavier's suspension car parked at home, planning to go to the military headquarters to find her boyfriend she hadn't seen for several days.

Anyway, you've just started dating, so you have to be careful.

Tang Xi's status is inconvenient to go to the military headquarters. It just so happens that she is very interested in Capital Star. Ji Ge asks Chi Li to help her find someone to accompany Tang Xi to visit Capital Star.

The girl's face was disguised with mental power, the optical brain was scanned once, and the girl was put in after the identity of Ji Ge was confirmed.

The military department is strictly managed, and soldiers standing guard can be seen everywhere. Ji Ge walked along the promenade with ease, heading towards Xavier's office. When he met Wade on the road, the man stopped and greeted her: "Miss Chloe .”

It stands to reason that Wade and Ji Song are colleagues, and he shouldn't be so polite, but he knows that the relationship between Ji Song and Xavier is not simple.In addition, the girl hasn't come to the military much since Rising came back.Wade asked Xavier, and it is said that Miss Chloe intends to leave the military headquarters, so the time between the two of them will not be much together.

"Hey," Ji Ge smiled and agreed: "Where's Xavier?"

"The Marshal is in the office." Wade did not express any opinion on Ji Ge's practice of calling him by his first name, and said sternly.

"I see."

Ji Ge briskly walked towards the office and knocked on the door politely.

The youth's indifferent voice sounded.

"Please come in."

Dead Song pushed open the door and waved to Xavier.

"I've come to see you, Xavier."

The young man put down the pen in his hand, his delicate eyebrows and eyes slightly stretched and softened, revealing an obvious smile, and his words were soft.

"Why did you come here suddenly?"

"Do you still need to say hello when you come to see my boyfriend?" the girl said with a smile.

(End of this chapter)

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