Female supporting style is wrong

Chapter 897 The Interstellar Most Wanted Criminal

Chapter 897 The Most Wanted Interstellar (73)

The girl held her chin and smiled very nicely, with sweet and beautiful dimples faintly revealing on her cheeks, like beautiful blooming flowers. Speaker Hill smelled something bad, looked at Xavier silently, and signaled him with his eyes Take care of the silent song.

As a result, the young man didn't even look at him, his sitting posture was upright, like a cedar tree standing upright.

Ji Ge pointed his fingers and told the whole story. Speaker Hill frowned subconsciously after listening, whether he believed it or not: "What help does Miss Tang need from me?"

Ji Ge blinked: "I'm going to check on Deputy Dean Lyle, and I may need the Speaker to make it easier."

Speaker Hill let out a breath: "Yes."

He straightened his sleeves, and said seriously: "If this is true, I will personally release Miss Tang's arrest warrant after the truth comes to light."

Speaker Hill has his own considerations. Wade reported the situation to him before, and he did not miss another identity of Song of Silence.

The only person with three-level S ability in the world deserves his attention.

"That's good." Ji Ge said with a smile.

After finishing the business, Ji Ge signaled the waiter to serve the dishes. This restaurant uses robot service to ensure the privacy of the guests to the greatest extent, and they don't know anything they shouldn't know.

Chairman Hill watched the behavior between Xavier and Ji Ge, and saw his younger brother serving Ji Ge with food, and suddenly became more sour, and wanted to throw his chopsticks.

This meal is unbearable.

Speaker Hill agreed readily, and did not mean to delay afterwards, and soon created an opportunity for Ji Ge and Xavier to go to the Federal Research Institute to find out.

The excuse is that the batch of potions that were transported all the way back to the Capital Star, before Ji Ge and Xavier got only the initial version, the defect is not small, and then handed over to the research institute, secretly handed over to the team led by Vice President Lyle Responsible.

The research institute was built in the military center of the capital star, and outsiders were never allowed to enter and exit, and the management was very strict.

The silvery white color is cold and indifferent, showing a cold style, the metal wall reflects the vague figure, the girl followed Xavier step by step, dutifully playing the role of assistant.She was wearing a dark blue uniform, the clothes were tightly buttoned, only a slender white neck was exposed, her long black curly hair was tied behind her head, she was quiet and gentle.

The security personnel had already been notified by Speaker Hill, and led the two of them towards Deputy Dean Lyle's office.

The two met a cold figure on the promenade.

When the woman saw the three people walking towards her, she stopped and gave a military salute to Xavier with a dull and indifferent voice.

"Marshal Xavier."

Xavier nodded at her: "Ms. Celeste."

The light brain on the wrist lit up, and Celeste was keenly aware, and subconsciously glanced at the three people in front of him.

The only one who fits the gender is the girl next to Xavier. The woman's complexion is beautiful and gentle, and there is really no resemblance to her old friend.

She pressed her lips and didn't speak, but secretly remembered Ji Ge's appearance, waiting to go back and check.

The change in Celeste's expression did not escape Jige's sight, but her reaction was nothing unusual, it seemed to be pure curiosity.

Jige rolled his eyes indifferently.

The two people passed by, and the security guards led Ji Ge and Xavier to the office of Vice President Lyle, stopped at the door, knocked on the door, and said solemnly: "Vice President, the Marshal has arrived."

A moment later, a clear and elegant voice came from behind the door.

"Come in."

 one more

(End of this chapter)

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