Female supporting style is wrong

Chapter 912 Don't read it, I can't finish writing it, I will replace it tomorrow

Chapter 912 Don't read it, I can't finish writing it, I will replace it tomorrow

(I’m too busy to finish writing tonight, plus Calvin, so I’ll replace this chapter tomorrow, so you don’t have to read back.) In the studio, the assistant was waiting outside. After the shooting, Wei Zhou came out and went to He nodded: "Go back."

The assistant led the way, but within a few steps, the hostess chased him out and stopped Wei Zhou.

"What's the matter?" Wei Zhou frowned unobtrusively, and said in a low voice.

"Brother Wei Zhou," the hostess had a sweet and delicate face, and she smiled very pleasingly: "We have all cooperated, can we add a friend?"

"Sorry," Wei Zhou refused, "I didn't bring my cell phone."

This sentence sounds like an excuse for not being distracted, but the meaning of the other party's refusal has been expressed very clearly. In addition, her own coffee position is not comparable to the other party's, so the hostess can only regret to give up.

The girl sneaked a glance at Wei Zhou, the tall and slender boy was still beautiful like a delicate work of art under the dim and soft light, she couldn't help but be amazed, would such a perfect person who is so unreal really like a girl?
The previous question was just a script, but at this moment, she was really curious.

Under the watchful eyes of the hostess, Wei Zhou walked toward the parking lot with a cold face. The assistant followed behind the boy step by step without saying a word, and did not remind him until he was out of the hostess' sight: "Brother Zhou , you are going in the wrong direction."


The boy stopped silently, waiting for his assistant to lead the way.

Although the distance from the studio to the parking lot is very simple, the assistant did not dare to let Wei Ri walk this way alone, for fear of losing him while walking, so he stood at the door and waited for Wei Ri to finish recording. .

Wei Zhou is a severe road idiot, the kind who would get lost under the guidance of the navigation, and there is no way to save him, so the manager usually dare not let him go out alone.

Wei Zhou sat in the co-pilot, lowered his head to fasten his seat belt, and suddenly the question asked by the hostess flashed through his mind.

Do you like someone?
The young man closed his eyes indifferently, he didn't have one now, and probably won't have one in the future.

Ji Ge slept comfortably, and when he woke up the next day, his cold was almost gone.

It was just a mild cold, not serious.

Yan Chenyi and Ji Ge made an appointment to meet in the afternoon, and Yan Chenyi has been busy with work in the studio recently, and the two of them haven't been alone for a long time.

They took a walk on the famous lovers' sanctuary of University A.

The so-called lovers' sanctuary is actually just a cobblestone path with jacarandas planted on both sides. This road is always very beautiful when the jacarandas are in bloom. The delicate blue and purple flowers are dreamlike and beautiful.Because of this, the success rate of confession here is very high, and it is known as the holy place for lovers to confess their love in University A.

Ran Jige and Yan Chen are well-known couples in University A, because they both have good looks, and each has a lot of admirers.So, when the news of their being together came out, a broken-up post floated on the forum, and the comment section below was full of people crying and wailing.

"Is the studio very busy recently?" The girl's voice has returned to normal, and there is no sign of a cold on her moon-like face.

Yan Chen breathed a sigh of relief. The gentle and gentle god in the eyes of others seemed to have endless patience in front of his little Qingmei: "Well, I received a big order, so everyone in the studio is working overtime now."

"Nachen, will you delay things if you come out to look for me?"

The girl looked up and asked.

(End of this chapter)

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