Female supporting style is wrong

Chapter 944 Daily love with the top class

Chapter 944 And Top-Rated Love Daily (38)

The four members of the KB group are all good surfers, so when Wei Zhou exploded, a wave of people exploded.

Yan Meng was the first to respond.

"You ask how couples get along. I have never had a girlfriend, so I have no right to speak."

Xu Ke froze: "Normal couples change their avatars and nicknames after dating, but these are not suitable for you and Miss Yu Jige."

Su Si, the only one who has had a relationship experience, said: "The daily life of celebrities is different from that of ordinary people, and Ah Zhou, you are looking for outsiders who don't know our circle, so if you want to make this relationship last longer , if we want to find a way to give her enough sense of security, it is best to cultivate a common language."

Luo He: "I think Ah Si is right."

Yan Meng: "What Brother Su Si said makes sense."

It is necessary to cultivate chat topics and give the other party enough sense of security.

Wei Zhou thought about it, and silently wrote it down.

As for what Xu Ke said, he also wrote it down.

He turned his head and went to call another person in the chat list.

"Hey, can you do me a favor?"

The other party was online and answered quickly.

And he was surprised that Wei Zhou, who hadn't chatted with him once in 800 years, suddenly took the initiative to find her.

"Cousin, what's the matter with Auntie?"

Wei Zhou replied: "No, it's me."

The other party replied with a question mark.

The boy lowered his eyes and continued typing.

"I remember you are studying art, can you draw two head portraits for me?"

Unexpectedly, the other party was looking for her for this reason, Meng Nai replied very positively.

"No problem, what type of avatar?"

Wei Zhou replied succinctly: "Couple portrait."


Originally thought that Zhu Gusheng's cousin suddenly found a girlfriend, this incident caused a huge shock to Meng Nai, but Wei Zhou didn't say much.

The two had a brief exchange, Wei Zhou didn't know anything about the portraits of couples, Meng Nai asked about the personality of his future cousin, and probably finalized the type of portrait, saying that if Wei Zhou was in a hurry, she could finish all the drawings in three days .

It was late when Wei Zhou and Meng Nai finished chatting, the boy clicked on Ji Ge's chat page, poked in the girl's personal information, saw the childish and cute Chibi Maruko frowned, and left a message of good night to Ji Ge.

The other party didn't reply him, and most likely fell asleep.

Wei Zhou didn't send her any more messages, and turned off the lights and went to sleep.

Jige woke up very early the next day. Wei Zhou never thought that Jige would stay overnight so soon, so naturally there were no combs and the like in the apartment. After Jige washed, he casually combed his messy long hair, Tie it up with a hair tie, leave the room, and go to the balcony to collect the clothes thrown into the laundry room yesterday.

There were already people moving around in the apartment, and as soon as the girl walked downstairs, she bumped into the aunt who came out with breakfast.

Ji Ge's pace paused.

Regarding the fact that a girl appeared in Wei Zhou's apartment, the auntie was quite surprised, put the plate she was carrying on the dining table, and asked cheerfully, "Are you Ah Zhou's girlfriend?"

"...Yes." Ji Ge looked at Wei Zhou's shirt that he was still wearing, and admitted.

"No wonder Ah Zhou told me yesterday to prepare an extra breakfast this morning."

Wei Zhou heard the sound, went downstairs one step slower than Ji Ge, and spoke out.

"Aunt An."

"Hey," Wei Zhou walked up to Aunt An, who asked him in a low voice, "Why didn't you tell your family when you got a girlfriend? Your mother worries about this every day."

Wei Zhou truthfully explained: "It's not long since I handed over, and I haven't had time to tell my family."

"Aunt An kept it a secret for me first, and I will tell my mother myself."

 one more

(End of this chapter)

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