Female supporting style is wrong

Chapter 949 Daily love with the top class

Jige didn't actually think about making things public.

Now she is busy dealing with Chi Ming and falling in love with Wei Zhou, so she didn't think about it for so long.

And Wei Zhou also tacitly did not mention it, she thought that the disclosure of this matter would take a little longer.

"I just thought about it suddenly." What Wei Zhou didn't say was that he wanted to imprint his exclusive mark on her so that everyone would know their relationship.

"But it was too sudden," Ji Ge hesitated: "You have too many fans, and all my information will be picked up."

With so many planes, Ji Ge has only encountered a plane related to the entertainment industry once, but she is very familiar with the unspoken rules in the entertainment circle and the influence of celebrities, and she is well aware of what it will be like to be a top-ranking person after publicly announcing their love. scene.

The young man withered, fine chestnut hair brushed Ji Ge's cheeks, she turned her head slightly, and bumped into a pair of beautiful light brown pupils, the clear and clean pupils were like glass beads, or glass, light and sparkling in color , will refract the fine brilliance in the sunlight.

"Okay then," Wei Zhou pursed his lips, and vaguely leaned over to kiss her: "I'll make it public after a few days when I'm ready."

Ji Ge shook his head: "Okay."

In mid-July, Wei Zhou received a new announcement that he was the endorsement of a certain jewelry brand. He was accompanied by Xu Ke and Yan Meng. In the studio, during the intermission of filming, the two were talking there, Yan Meng Wei Zhou could hear Meng's voice clearly from a distance, the young man closed his eyes slightly, and rested.

The next moment, there was a commotion at the door.

The girl's lively voice was getting closer and closer.

Wei Zhou lowered his eyelids, watching the girl who had met once came towards him, with a bright smile on his face, he couldn't remember her name, it seemed that her surname was Chi.

The person in charge followed Chi Ming, said something to her, then turned his head and introduced to him: "Mr. Wei Zhou, this is the partner who filmed the same commercial as you, Ms. Chi Ming."

"Long time no see." Chi Ming stretched out his hand to him, full of energy.

Wei Zhou didn't move, he has always disliked physical contact, he has a high status, many people know his habits, even Yan Mengluohe and the others avoid touching Wei Zhou when they get along.

Chi Ming's smile faintly faded.

The assistant who followed the announcement hurried over, with a formulaic expression on his face: "Excuse me, what's the matter?"

The person in charge just wanted to open his mouth, but was interrupted by Wei Zhou. The boy's tone could not detect any emotion, and he said indifferently: "I remember that when we signed the contract, we didn't mention that there are other people who will shoot this advertisement together."

Sensing something was wrong, Yan Meng and Xu Ke also came over, the boy smiled and asked lively, "What happened?"

More and more eyes in the studio fell on this side, and the person in charge lowered his face: "It's just shooting an advertisement. Please rest assured, Mr. Wei, there won't be any close contact."

Chi Mingan stood quietly by the side. She understands better than anyone else the reason why you can’t eat hot tofu in a hurry. Wei Zhou is famous for keeping himself clean. She doesn’t want to make a bad impression in Wei Zhou’s heart, so she doesn’t force her to be too close to him. .

It's just an advertisement, he probably won't refuse.

Chi Ming thought luckily.

However, things didn't go as she expected. The young man's eyes turned cold, he tapped the armrest a few times with his finger bones, and said in a cold tone, "I remember when we first communicated, it was about a one-person advertisement."

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