Female supporting style is wrong

Chapter 965 Daily love with the top class

Chapter 965 And Top-Rated Love Daily (59)

In the corner of the milk tea shop, Ji Ge sat opposite this strange girl.

The straw pierced the lid of the milk tea with a pop, and the girl was biting the straw, her eyebrows and eyes were curved, and the bright tear mole was as bright as cinnabar, which added a bit of bewilderment to her.

"Jige, thank you for inviting me to drink milk tea," Lingxi held the milk tea contentedly: "Nice to meet you, my name is Lingxi, Lingluo's Ling, Hope's Xi."


Ji Ge hadn't heard of this name before, so he tapped the system, and it took the initiative to introduce: "Lingxi is a person next to His Highness Law, she is not a god, but she was brought back to God's Domain by His Highness Shen Xue for some special reasons when she was a child."

The system muttered: "I remember that Lingxi helped Master Shen Xue practice, why did she suddenly meet here?"

"I'm talking to the little mirror," Lingxi understood, and said with a smile, "If you have anything you want to know, you can ask me directly, and I'll tell you everything."

The system was silent for a while, blocked this area, and showed up: "Why is Lingxi here?"

The current incarnation of the system is a ball of soft light. Before Lingxi could speak, her system explained: "We came down to take refuge."

"God's Domain is in chaos now," Lingxi's system said, "so the host and I came to the small plane to hide."

The accompanying artifacts of the two innate gods in the God's Domain, the Mirror of Eternal Ages and the Infinite Balance, all have the ability to travel through three thousand small planes. Naturally, Jige's system and Lingxi's system are familiar, but they are not very familiar with them. Xi goes deep and simple, with a cold personality like a block of ice, Shen Xue runs around in various small planes, and Qi Ling rarely sees each other.

The system was very concerned about the affairs of God's Domain, and hurriedly asked, "What happened in God's Domain?"

Wuliang Weighing Equipment's voice weakened, and he dawdled to answer: "His Highness Shen Xue abducted the host away, Changcha and the others are going crazy."


Wu Li didn't see anyone after leaving the dressing room, and she was already sending a message to Ji Ge to ask, the girl got up: "I have something to do, let's go first."

"Goodbye." Lingxi waved her hand and whispered, "Looking forward to seeing you again in God's Domain."

Jige was thoughtful, not knowing what to think of, smiled and nodded with Lingxi.

After leaving the milk tea shop, she asked, "Is Lingxi special in God's Domain?"

The system was still immersed in the emotions of meeting acquaintances, and the reply was a little slow: "Yes, Master Shen Xue can't take care of children, so Lingxi was brought up by other gods in the God's Domain." As a result, Shen Xue didn't say a word. She was abducted and took care of Lingxi to grow up. It's no wonder that the gods who are like her children are not crazy.

God's Domain is probably quite lively right now.

"You don't know her well?" Ji Ge continued to spread the news.

"I'm not familiar, Lingxi is with His Royal Highness Shen Xue, and I hardly see her."

Ji Ge said oh, and didn't ask again.

When she returned to the clothing store, Wu Li, who had been waiting for her for a while, asked curiously, "Ji Ge, where did you go just now?"

Ji Ge had already thought of an excuse, and calmly handed her the milk tea in his hand: "Suddenly I want to drink milk tea, so I went to the milk tea shop, I'm sorry I forgot to tell you."


Wu Li didn't think much, put the milk tea aside, took the corner of the skirt and twirled around, showed off the skirt on her body, and asked enthusiastically, "Ji Ge, the skirt you picked, does it look good on me?"

Ji Ge was not stingy with his praise: "It looks good, this dress suits you very well."

 Three shifts

  Not surprisingly, Lingxi is the heroine of the next book, and this book will not be written in detail.

(End of this chapter)

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