Female supporting style is wrong

Chapter 972 Daily love with the top class

At any rate, they were the couple that she indirectly facilitated, and she was quite looking forward to them being able to persist for a few more days.

it's over...

Mother Yu misunderstood, and her mood suddenly became heavy.

Her baby hasn't let go yet, right?

On the third day, they went to a nearby scenic spot to play around. On the fourth day, Mother Yu excused that she had a friend and brought Ji Ge to the appointment.

As soon as Ji Ge passed by, he was keenly aware that something was wrong.

The other party had arrived ahead of time. An elegant and intellectual woman sat at the dining table and raised her hand to greet them. There was also a young man sitting beside her, with a handsome and gentle appearance, smiling politely at them.

Ji Ge paused.

Yu's mother took her arm and babbled: "This is my mother's best friend, and her son, who is studying for a Ph. D. at an Ivy League school, is young and promising, and looks pretty good, isn't he very good?"

The meaning of the blind date was clearly expressed.

"Mom," Ji Ge couldn't hold back anymore, if Wei Zhou knew that she had come to the blind date bureau, she would be furious, she said silently, "I have a boyfriend."

"?!" Mother Yu glanced suspiciously at Ji Ge, looking left and right, she couldn't find the sweet look of being in love: "Baby, you don't want to go on a blind date, so you lied to me?"

Ji Ge sighed deeply, and said vaguely: "Really, but his occupation is a bit special, and we have only been dating for a short time, so I didn't tell you."

Mother Yu pondered, with a gentle smile on her face: "Then you can treat it as having a meal with your mother and friends. Don't worry, treat it like meeting a new friend."

Mother Yu probably didn't really believe it.

Ji Ge is tired, but fortunately Wei Zhou is not here.

Mother Yu's friend is a very gentle and beautiful woman, who still retains her charm in middle age. The young people have inherited her good looks, and her conversation is gentle and polite, which is very popular.

Ji Ge didn't know the deep meaning behind the meal, and dutifully made it a beautiful decoration.

Halfway through the meal, Ji Ge received a call from Wei Zhou.

After she said something to Mother Yu, she went to wash her hands and answered the phone.

"Ah Zhou, what's wrong?"

The high-end restaurant is quiet and silent, and the footsteps of pedestrians can be heard occasionally, which is also slow and elegant with airs.

Wei Zhou lowered his long eyelashes, and his tone was unrecognizable: "Ji Ge, are you outside?"

"Yeah," Ji Ge thought of the deep meaning of this meal, and felt guilty for a second: "Eat out with mom."

There was a moment of silence on the other side.

Ji Ge clearly heard the young man's very light laughter, which contained a soft meaning: "Then, can I come?"


After Ji Ge asked, she found out that Wei Zhou had received an announcement from here. She had just finished filming. She rolled her eyes, remembering that her little boyfriend didn't feel safe enough, and meeting her parents just increased her sense of security.


After Ji Ge finished speaking the address and hung up the phone, she realized belatedly that there was still a "blind date" of hers on the dining table.

...it's over.

Ji Ge returned to the dining table with heavy steps, poked the food absently, thought for a while, and leaned over to report to Mother Yu in a low voice: "Mom, my boyfriend will come over later."

Mother Yu was stunned, as if she didn't expect that the boyfriend Ji Ge was talking about was actually a real person.

The lady sitting opposite smiled lightly: "What are you mother and daughter whispering, can you tell me?"

"Nothing," Ji Ge answered, smiling, "Aunt Ming, I have a friend coming over later, is it convenient?"

The little girl looks soft and beautiful, with a face as bright as the frosty moon, delicate and soft round eyes, and a pleasing and dignified appearance. Aunt Ming felt joy in her heart when she saw it: "Of course it's no problem."

one more

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