Female supporting style is wrong

Chapter 992 Daily love with the top class

Ji Ge bit the cake, and the delicate sweetness melted between her lips and teeth. She sat upright and asked, "Don't you want to make it public?"

Of course I wanted to.

However, Ji Ge subtly changed the topic every time the public issue was mentioned. Wei Zhou was afraid of making Ji Ge angry. The most outrageous thing was to let passers-by take photos of himself kissing Ji Ge, but he would remember to cover it up in time. girl's face.So it is not a secret that Wei Zhou has a girlfriend, but there has been no official announcement about who the other party is.

Most of the fans only know that the other party is an outsider, and they are quite low-key. Wei Zhou usually does not mention this relationship, so there are only a few people who know the relationship between Ji Ge and Wei Zhou.

"Ji Ge remember to be prepared," Wei Zhou smiled with curved lips: "Your phone will probably be blown up later."

Ji Ge blinked.

Sure enough, as expected by the two, soon, the photo of Wei Zhou and Ji Ge showing up in the villa holding hands was sent back to China, and it became the top trending search in the middle of the night.The agent received Wei Zhou's report in advance, and dealt with the affairs after Wei Zhou's exposure of his relationship in an orderly manner.

The photo is a very clear high-definition picture. A girl with black hair and black eyes is sitting opposite the tall and handsome young man. Her hair is fluffy and falls down, softly covering her fair and beautiful face. Her lips are light in color and have a faint glow Cherry Blossom Pink, she is very thin, giving people the feeling of being gentle and beautiful, as if frozen in time, revealing a kind of elegant, classical beauty.

"Ah, ah, official announcement, look what I got?!"

"No one gave an early warning when the heavy bomb came down. I just exploded on the spot."

He took a light breath, his brown pupils came alive, sparkling and seductive.

Wei Zhou's mood swings are a bit too big today.

"I actually want to knock on this pair, am I crazy?!"

"Sorry Jige, I'm a little hyper."

Wei Zhou calmed down, comforted and kissed her slightly sweaty forehead, his movements became gentle.

Wei Zhou's identity as a mysterious outsider girlfriend had caused a lot of discussion before, but after the woman's true identity was exposed, fans felt a strange feeling that the dust had settled.

"No wonder my brother hasn't shown up these days. It turns out he went abroad to accompany his girlfriend."


There are photos of teenagers holding forks and feeding girls desserts, and photos of them standing together and discussing something in a low voice.

"It's rare for him to smile, and he smiles beautifully."

Photos were posted one after another.

The love affair between Ji Ge and Wei Zhou was not directly announced by airdrop. Long before, Wei Zhou had laid the groundwork many times. The first two times directly ignited the topic, and the official announcement was because of the troll control comments arranged by the agent, so the comment area Relatively friendly.

"Although, I can feel the relationship between my brother and Yu Jige through the screen."

It can be seen from the strength of the young man's tossing her that Ji Ge couldn't take it anymore and bit his shoulder, leaving a clear tooth mark. Sobbing cries.

In less than 3 minutes, Ji Ge's information was almost released. There was nothing wrong with her resume. She was so excellent that most people could not match her, and she had no black spots.The fans calmed down a bit after boiling for a while, waiting bitterly for new revelations.


Ji Ge didn't quite understand: "It's just public, why are you so excited?"

He leaned over, with the corner of his lips on her black temples: "Probably because Ji Ge has been completely tied to me."

The young man smiled lowly, his exquisite eyebrows and eyes were stained with a little desire, and the mist melted away, and the glamorous colors flowed, interweaving a thrilling beauty.

The last few words are a little vague.

"My sister can't get rid of me anymore."

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