Female supporting style is wrong

Chapter 996 The Little Sweetheart of the Pirate Queen

Chapter 996 The Pirate Queen's Little Sweetheart (1)

The sea of ​​stars rises and falls, and the Milky Way is vast.

The coating of the passenger spaceship has been damaged to pieces, the scars are clear, and there are some wreckage floating around the cabin, surrounded by the spaceship painted with fangs and claws, waiting for the time to announce the start of hunting.

The atmosphere in the spaceship was extremely dull and stagnant.

The passengers were forced to gather together, not daring to make a sound to attract the attention of the pirates not far away. The security personnel had already been subdued and thrown aside casually.

All the belongings on the spaceship were cleared, and the leader of the pirate group headed over the passengers fiercely.When he was considering how to deal with a group of people, his cronies hurried over with an ugly expression: "Boss, the people from Paradise Lost are here."

The head paused.

"It seems that the witch is leading the team," the confidant was having a hard time opening his mouth. He held back for a while before saying, "She let us go there."

The head of the group suddenly stood up, his chest heaving and falling. He has worked as a pirate for so many years, so he naturally knows what the four words Paradise Lost represent.

"Did you see clearly?" The head of the group said in a deep tone.

That is the leader of all pirate groups, the supreme authority, and even issued the pirate code.Not to mention that they still have the female devil Xin Jige, who is quite capable despite her young age.

The man gritted his teeth, and the veins on his forehead popped out. Even though he was very unwilling, he still didn't dare to openly confront the Lost Paradise. He turned around, leaving a few people guarding the group of passengers, and she took the rest to meet the Lost Paradise. leader of.

The confidant nodded and said firmly: "She made a signal connection with our spaceship and showed up."

His pirate group is not weak, but it is still incomparable compared with Lost Paradise. If he insists on head-to-head, all his hard work for so many years will be wasted.

The bloody severed finger fell to the ground, and Ji Ge glanced at it: "You can leave."

The corner of the skirt, which was as light as a black swan, jumped into the eyes, and the corner of the girl's lips curled into a smile, and said lightly: "I don't know what kind of mistake made Uncle Vicente forget even the rules."

The head of the group, who was still sharpening his knife and eagerly trying to attack the passengers, laughed at the moment: "It's all a mistake."

The guards left behind were stubbles that had licked blood with the tip of a knife, and they yelled at them sharply to suppress the panicked voices of the passengers.

"Mr. Vicente, you'd better hurry up," the boy next to her laughed and said in a joking tone: "Our sister Xin's time is very precious."

She bent her lips as a polite reminder.

Vicente was so forced that he had no choice but to grit his teeth, draw out the dagger he carried with him, and decisively cut off a section.

Xin An grinned, and took a step back obediently.

A clear and lazy female voice came, with a slight delay at the end, lazily and authentically.

Ji Ge walked slowly, looking past Vicente who was pretending to be calm, a little bored, snapped his fingers and smiled at him.

"Shut up, Xin An," Ji Ge raised his eyes, and said in an unclear manner: "I believe that Uncle Vicente is a smart person."

A few minutes later, footsteps approached again.

Beads of sweat oozed from the forehead of the leader, and he did not move for a long time.

She tilted her head slightly, smiling brightly.

"Uncle Vicente, I remember that it was mentioned in the rules that robbing passing imperial routes is not allowed."

Sitting in the corner, the inconspicuous young man raised his lower eyelashes, his slender fingers silently pressed down the soft ends of his hair, his light gray eyes were quiet and silent.

"Uncle Vicente still remembers the rules."

The sudden change caused a commotion in the crowd.

The current medical technology is very advanced. As long as it is sent to the hospital within a certain period of time, the severed finger can be reattached, just like the uninjured one. However, Vicente did not dare to pick up the severed finger. He waved his hand and retreated quickly.


The author has something to say: The group pet plane is too stuck, so I plan to write other planes first, and the group pet will rewrite after changing the settings

 one more

(End of this chapter)

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