Campus flower heart master

Chapter 1118 Not Dead

"Doctor, doctor, everyone is on the fifth floor..." Hearing the sound of an ambulance downstairs, someone leaned over the window and shouted.

"I don't care where all of you are? Who called to say that someone jumped off the building here? Where is the person?" Dr. Wang, who came with the ambulance, raised his neck and shouted at the people upstairs.

"It's the person who jumped off the building. He's on the fifth floor. Come up and have a look. He's still in a coma."

"Haha..." Hearing what the people upstairs said, the medical staff of 1 all laughed.

"The building of your TV station is hollow? The person who jumped from the building jumped from the inside, right?" The driver laughed for a while, then sarcastically went back.

"People are on the fifth floor. If you don't come up, the medical treatment will be delayed. This responsibility is yours alone!" The person above shouted impatiently and ignored the doctors and nurses below.

"Doctor Wang, shall we go up or not?" A nurse asked the extremely ugly doctor Wang.

"Isn't the police all here? Let's see how they deal with it!!" Dr. Wang squinted and looked at the TV station building.

After the police arrived, they had exactly the same reaction as the staff in 1. When they heard Dr. Wang say that the person who jumped from the building was on the fifth floor, they were also annoyed.

"Go up and have a look, and bring back the person who reported the false alarm! Now neither the hospital nor our police have enough manpower, and there are still people making such vile jokes. If there is no punishment, in the future, such things will not happen. Aren’t there going to be more and more?” Dr. Wang also echoed what the police said.

It would be understandable for a group of uneducated people to make such jokes, but it is really strange that such people appear on the TV station!

The two teams merged into one and went upstairs.

During this time, people who didn't know what happened dragged Dai Shuping's subordinates and kept interrogating them.

When they understood what was going on, they looked at Ji Tianyu with adoration amidst fear!

"It's this man. He is the man who doesn't recognize his daughter and refuse child support!!" When Bai Hong, accompanied by Liang Jinru, appeared on the fifth floor, Bai Hong and Liang Jinru instantly became the focus of everyone.

And the conversation between them was also heard by everyone.

"Jin Ru, did Zhang Yan really jump off the building? If she dies, will I be arrested?" Bai Hong asked Liang Jinru.

"Brother Hong, we have nothing to do with her jumping off the building, and we didn't push her to jump down!" The woman comforted Bai Hong.Speaking of which, Liang Jinru was also frightened by Zhang Yan, she never thought that Zhang Yan would really take the child to commit suicide!

When the matter came to this point, even Liang Jinru felt a little uneasy, but she also understood that if Bai Hong felt guilty towards Zhang Yan at this time, all her calculations might come to naught!For her own calculations, she could only help Bai Hong with words and make him harden his heart!

"That's right... But, will we cause trouble?" Bai Hong was worried. He was not worried about whether Zhang Yan's mother and daughter were injured or whether their lives were in danger, but whether he would be involved in this matter. go in!

Such a heartless man, his heart is somewhat more vicious than a wolf!Wolves have wolf nature, and sometimes there is a trace of humanity.But this man is inhumane, and his cruelty far exceeds that of a beast!

"No, Brother Hong, this matter has nothing to do with us! She jumped off the building because she couldn't think about it!!"

"Jin Ru, do you think they are dead? If they are dead, are we..." Bai Hong didn't say what he said next, but everyone who heard him understood what he meant.

If Zhang Yan and Niu Niu really fell to their deaths, Bai Hong would be at peace, and no one would pop up from time to time to recognize their father and ancestor!

"Bai Hong, how cruel are you? You don't care about Yan Yan's life or death, but Niu Niu is your biological daughter, how can you say such a thing?" Zhang Mu heard Bai Hong's words sharply, and stood up angrily. , stumbling towards Bai Hong.

"Zhang Yan wants to die, so what does it have to do with me? You stay away, don't hit us and damage my son, even if your family jumps off the building, you won't be able to pay for it!!" Bai Hong didn't see it. There's a camera pointed right at him!

"You don't want your own daughter. You secretly had a son with this woman? Why aren't you afraid of giving birth to an idiot?" Mother Zhang was so angry that her lips trembled. Seeing the bad side of this man, Mother Zhang couldn't figure it out. , What exactly did I see in him?Is it really just because of Bai Hong's money?

"You dare to curse my son?" Bai Hong stared, without thinking, he said, "Your daughter survived jumping off a building, but she will be hit by a car when she goes out!"

Bai Hong didn't know what he said, which aroused public anger, and the greatest hatred he aroused was Ji Tianyu who saved Zhang Yan's mother and daughter!Ji Tianyu has long been disgusted with this impersonal man, but seeing that this is a program that Dai Shuping is working hard on, Ji Tianyu, who is not an impulsive person, endured it.

Unexpectedly, he risked his life to save the mother and daughter, and in the mouth of this scum man, he was cursed to be hit by a car to death again!Even if they are irrelevant people, few people will curse each other so viciously, let alone Zhang Yan is Bai Hong's wife, and Niu Niu is Bai Hong's own daughter?

While others were criticizing Bai Hong angrily, Ji Tianyu did something that he had long wanted to do! !Bai Hong was grabbed by the collar by Ji Tianyu with one hand, and Bai Hong, who was big and round, was lifted off the ground by Ji Tianyu's hand by the collar.Lifting a man weighing [-] to [-] kilograms with one hand shocked everyone again.And Ji Tianyu's other one slapped Bai Hong's mouth furiously from both sides.

With Ji Tianyu's strength and the fact that he shot with anger at this time, everyone can imagine how powerful it is.Ji Tianyu slapped his face three or five times, and Bai Hong's face became fatter at a speed visible to the naked eye, and blood flowed from his mouth!

"Uh...uh...cough..." Being strangled, Bai Hong wanted to call for help, but he couldn't.Even if he really called for help, no one would come to save him in this place!If everyone didn't rush up and beat him up while they were in chaos, it would already be taking advantage of him.

Ji Tianyu grabbed his collar, unable to breathe freely, Bai Hong blushed and coughed hastily.

'Tianyu, let him go!If you pinch him any more, he will die! "Although Dai Shuping also hates Bai Hong, it is unacceptable for Dai Shuping to let Ji Tianyu take his life because of such a scum.

Dai Shuping wore the big shoes that Ji Tianyu gave her, walked quickly to Ji Tianyu's side, grabbed Ji Tianyu's arm, and pleaded for Bai Hong.

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