Campus flower heart master

Chapter 1120 Everyone Applauds

"How do you want to pay Niuniu child support?" Ji Tianyu asked, staring at Bai Hong.

"I'll give you money..."

"Give money? How insincere? Look, you have quite a lot of property here, so let's do this, you can give all these things to Niu Niu! In the future, if Niu Niu has any situation, it has nothing to do with you !" None of the crowd could see clearly how Ji Tianyu did it, only saw him move his hand, and then the debt compensation documents on Bai Hong's body came to Ji Tianyu's hands.

"I only have these properties, and I gave them all to Niu Niu, what about me?" At this moment, Bai Hong could no longer remain silent. If he kept silent, he was afraid that he would eat him up in front of this devil. There are no bones left.

"Don't you still have money? There should be 16 in this card, and 25 in this card, right?" Ji Tianyu suddenly had a few more bank cards in his hand, and as he casually reported The number, Bai Hong was frightened silly!He didn't know how the bank card in his wallet got into Ji Tianyu's hands, and he couldn't understand why Ji Tianyu guessed the amount of money in his card!

"I agree!" Bai Hong didn't want to pay attention to anything now, he just wanted to leave here as quickly as possible!After leaving this weird man who makes one's hair stand on end, I will find a way to get justice myself!

"That's right!" Ji Tianyu asked for paper and a pen, and asked Bai Hong to give all the property under his name to Niuniu in front of everyone, as Niuniu's child support.

Liang Jinru was in a hurry. If Bai Hong gave all his property to Zhang Yan's mother and daughter, what else would he have?What is the reason for abandoning her husband and son?

"Brother Hong, you can't do this. You gave them all your property. What about our children?" Liang Jinru hoped to use the child in her belly as a bargaining chip to make Bai Hong sober.

"Shut up! This is my property, I can give it to whoever I want!" Bai Hong scolded Liang Jinru, and Liang Jinru, who was reprimanded by Bai Hong, shed tears silently.At this point, she has nowhere to go!

Back then, when I left my husband and children, no matter how they begged, I didn't miss it.Now that Bai Hong treats him like this again, what should he do?Back to the kids and husband?That is impossible!At this time, Liang Jinru suddenly understood why Zhang Yan jumped off the building so resolutely!

Although her heart was cold, she didn't have the determination to show her face. As she said, suicide requires courage, and people without courage can't do it.

Liang Jinru watched Bai Hong write the property donation agreement. Ji Tianyu saw that he wrote it well, and after he finished it, he invited everyone to be witnesses!

Hearing this sentence, with a bang, a large group of people rushed forward.

"The few of us are from the court, so let's write first!" During the program, I invited several court mediators, and it finally became useful at this time.

"Everyone, save some space, there are still a few policemen at the door, let the police comrades also be a witness!" Someone yelled.

"What's going on here?" Hao Guodong led his men and the first responders up to the fifth floor, seeing such a messy scene.Before I could figure out what happened, I heard this voice.

"Hao Ju, why are you here?" As reporters who have been running social news for many years, they naturally recognize the deputy director. "You came at a good time, first help to be a witness, everyone signed, and you also signed one."

Hao Guodong glanced at the densely packed names. He didn't understand why there were so many witnesses?

How can the name be randomly signed?Hao Guodong didn't understand the whole story, so of course he couldn't sign this name!

Seeing that Bai Hong was still sensible, Ji Tianyu signed the agreement as he said, and called Zhang's mother over.

"Auntie, put it away, take it, and let Bai Hong complete the formalities. From now on, Niuniu and their mother and daughter will be able to live in peace!"

"Thank you! Thank you!" Zhang's mother burst into tears, thanking her, bending her knees, and was about to kneel down.

"Get up! People with a conscience will do this! If you are worried about their mother and daughter, send them to the hospital for a doctor's examination. My wife is injured, and I will take her to the doctor!" Ji Tianyu ignored The eyes of everyone, regardless of Dai Shuping's struggle, picked her up and left.

Seeing Ji Tianyu leave, Bai Hong's body softened and he fell to the ground.But then he remembered, there are police here now!I was beaten like this by that monster, the police can't ignore me, can they?

"Comrade policeman, help! Help!" Bai Hong called Hao Guodong miserably.

Hao Guodong looked at this personless guy in front of him, his face was swollen like a pig's head, his nose and mouth were dripping blood, and there was only a slit left in his eyes. If it weren't for the blinking eyelashes from time to time, Hao Guodong would have thought it was just a painting Go up a line!

Hao Guodong looked at everyone's disgusted expressions, and he could guess that this person should not be a good person!But as a policeman, no matter who the other party is, when he is hurt, he is obliged to help him!

"What's wrong with you? Who beat you like this?" In fact, Hao Guodong had many questions, and he was very surprised when he saw the broken tempered glass.

"Comrade policeman, that's the one who went out just now. He beat me up, and he even blackmailed my property..." After receiving all the cold eyes from everyone, Bai Hong finally met someone who could listen to him and stand up for him. Thinking about what happened to me just now, it was a situation I hadn't encountered in more than 30 years!Was beaten into this look, has it ever happened before?

The more he thought about it, the more sad he became, and Bai Hong's tears flowed down his face.Seeing his tears, everyone rolled their eyes and stared at him angrily.Such a scumbag, how dare he cry?

"What? What did that person do just now? Why didn't so many people stop him?" Hao Guodong asked inexplicably. He saw Ji Tianyu going out with Dai Shuping in his arms. Judging from his calm gait, he didn't do anything. Why didn't these reporters who usually claim to be the spreaders of justice stop him?

"Who hit him? We didn't see it!" After hearing Hao Guodong's words, someone muttered.

"I didn't see it either!"

No one came out to testify for Bai Hong, which made Bai Hong dumbfounded.Small eyes narrowed into slits swept over everyone.When his eyes swept over the dedicated cameraman, he was refreshed.

"Comrade policeman, he has a video camera. He recorded the whole process of that man beating someone just now. You can see that I'm not lying!" Bai Hong pointed to the videographer as if he had caught a life-saving straw.

Hao Guodong turned his gaze away.

"My camera is broken, and I didn't record anything!" the guy said to Hao Guodong while carrying Shen's camera.

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