Campus flower heart master

Chapter 1122 Brilliant record

What the reporters said made Bai Hong quiet down.The guy who didn't look like a normal person just now turned out to be the big brother of the underworld!

This news was heard by Bai Hong's ears, and then transmitted to his brain. After he completely digested and understood it, he became stupid!I still want to take revenge on others, but now it seems that it is my luck that they don't use their connections to take my own life!People in the underworld are all murderers without blinking an eye, not to mention that they are the biggest members of the underworld - big brother!

Bai Hong suddenly felt that all the property was given to Zhang Yan's mother and daughter, and he accepted it. He only hoped that Ji Tianyu would stop looking for his bad luck!

"You come back to the bureau with us and make a record. We will arrest the murderer as soon as possible and give you a reasonable explanation!" Hao Guodong said to Bai Hong who was full of despair.

After hearing about Ji Tianyu's identity, Hao Guodong also gave up on learning this mysterious and mysterious kung fu from him.After all, he had heard far more stories about Ji Tianyu than these ordinary people!

"Comrade policeman, I won't report the crime anymore. I hit it myself, not someone else!" When Bai Hong heard that Hao Guodong wanted to bring him back to the police station, and also wanted to arrest that devil Ji Tianyu?

Bai Hong was not stupid enough to be incapable of dealing with the world, he understood that even if the other party really brought Ji Tianyu into the police station, they would not make things difficult, and they would not give him an explanation.After all, among the people present, none of them were willing to testify for him, proving that Ji Tianyu was the one who injured him!

Without witnesses, without physical evidence, and with his small body, Bai Hong dared not even think about challenging Ji Tianyu, a super terrifying non-human being, what would happen to him!

"Just now you said that you were beaten like this, and now you say that you hit yourself. How did you get your injuries? For the sake of social harmony, we hope you can tell the truth and let the murderers Get severely punished by the law!" Hao Guodong said to Bai Hong with a serious face.High-sounding, righteous and strict, but also righteous and awe-inspiring!

It's a pity that in the eyes of Bai Hong and everyone else, all this is purely acting!No one would believe Hao Guodong's words.Even if he is really willing to catch Ji Tianyu, with the skills of his subordinates, he will only deliver food to Ji Tianyu in front of him!Unless Ji Tianyu took the initiative to surrender himself to the police station!

"I really did it, it has nothing to do with anyone else!" Bai Hong didn't dare to be ambiguous, insisting that he did it.

Hao Guodong saw that Bai Hong insisted on the answer and would not change his words, so he stopped entanglement with Bai Hong and walked in front of Zhang Yan's mother and daughter.

"How is it? Is there any danger?" Hao Guodong also felt sympathy for the poor mother and daughter after hearing the introduction from everyone.

"There is no danger. It should be a coma caused by fright and shortness of breath. Rest and rest, and you should be able to wake up!" Dr. Wang answered Hao Guodong's question.

This is the most bizarre case of committing suicide by jumping off a building that Dr. Wang has encountered since his medical practice.

Dr. Wang, who was still filled with righteous indignation, thought that someone was making fun of them, and he planned to find trouble with the person who reported the crime.Now, after hearing the story of the mother and daughter, he has infinite sympathy for what happened to the mother and daughter, and he also loathes the pig-headed man sitting on the ground.

Ji Tianyu carried Dai Shuping out of the TV station building, took her to the hospital for an injection, and then took her home with peace of mind.

"Tianyu, it's just a little scratch, so there's no need to make such a big fuss! When we were young, we played around, and we didn't have a few injuries, and we didn't get an injection at that time. Aren't you all fine?" Dai Shuping muttered.

"One moment and another, now is the way to deal with it! Okay, if you compare it with before liberation, you were injured at that time and grabbed the dirt to stop the bleeding, can you do it now?" Ji Tianyu replied angrily to Dai Shuping One sentence.

This girl, along the way, kept her mouth shut. If it wasn't for the inconvenience, Ji Tianyu would have covered her mouth with his mouth long ago.

The capable and shrewd strong woman at the filming scene completely disappeared in front of her, and what she got in exchange was a chattering little woman.

"Tianyu, do you remember? When you were young, you were always naughty. Every time you got into trouble, you would run to my house and hide, so that Uncle Ji could not find you."

"Remember, at that time, they always asked me to learn from you. You were obedient, well-behaved, and cute. I lived in your shadow for a long time!" When talking about childhood events, Ji Tianyu couldn't help but recall the time they walked together. years.

"You were indeed very naughty at that time. Aunt Li's second pillar often asked you to repair it. He was a few years older than you, but every time you beat him to the point of crying, Aunt Li would bring blood The snotty Erzhuzi went to Uncle Ji's meat stall to file a complaint, and every time Uncle Ji would cut a piece of meat for Aunt Li to bring back to Erzhuzi's meat!"

Dai Shuping mentioned Ji Tianyu's brilliant achievements in the past.

"Don't mention it, Sister Shuping, you don't know. After many years, I found out that every time Erzhuzi provoked me, it was just for me to beat him up, and then he would have meat to eat! They The family is really insidious, I was beaten, and my family's meat was for nothing!" Ji Tianyu couldn't help laughing when he thought of this experience.

Erzhuzi was a few years older than Ji Tianyu, but every time he was beaten up by Ji Tianyu, he cried. After several years, Ji Tianyu realized that he had been tricked by others!This is not a brilliant record, it was clearly designed to be miserable!

Hearing this inside story, Dai Shuping also giggled, "Tianyu, so you were also designed by someone? And you have been designed for many years! I thought that you are really better than Er Zhuzi, but it turns out that you are They let you!" Dai Shuping teased Ji Tianyu.

"It's not all because of him letting me go. Wasn't it because I gave him a hard lesson that time?" Ji Tianyu reminded Dai Shuping.

"Which time?"

"You don't remember at all? When playing house, Erzhuzi insisted on being a father and letting you be a mother, but when he saw me as a child, he could let you hug me and...he insisted on being Did you forget about the baby?"

"Shut up!" Dai Shuping blushed, and pushed Ji Tianyu angrily.This guy still has the nerve to mention this to himself?At that time, both myself and Er Zhuzi were older than Ji Tianyu, and when they played house, of course they were the older children who were the parents, and Ji Tianyu was very happy to be the child.

Erzhuzi and the others also laughed at Ji Tianyu for being stupid, that as a father, he could be with Dai Shuping, who is a mother, but Ji Tianyu volunteered to be a child, which made everyone laugh at him for being stupid.

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