Hua Ningyan looked at herself still in mid-air with empty hands.

"Jiang Hao may be really tired! Ning Yan, let's leave him alone! You need to rest, I'll take you back to your room." Ji Tianyu looked at the room number. The two rooms are on the same floor, and the two rooms next to each other guest room.

Ji Tianyu secretly praised Jiang Hao for being sensible and knowing how to create an environment for himself to be alone with Hua Ningyan.But he didn't know that there was a reason for Jiang Hao to do this!

Hua Ningyan didn't want to go back to the room to rest now, but she was too embarrassed to say so, so she had to let Ji Tianyu send her back to the room.

"Ning Yan, rest!" Ji Tianyu sent Hua Ningyan to the door of the room.He was actually waiting for Hua Ningyan to call him in and sit down!But Hua Ningyan nodded to Ji Tianyu as if she didn't feel Ji Tianyu's thoughts.

"Tianyu, you should rest early too"

Ji Tianyu looked at the closed door in front of him, and touched his nose.What's the matter, why did Hua Ningyan, who was still very enthusiastic just now, suddenly become like this?Doesn't she want to spend more time with herself?

Hua Ningyan closed the door, leaned against the door panel, and patted her cheek.

"Hold on! Women need to be more reserved! If you take the initiative too much, you will scare away men!" Hua Ningyan suddenly changed her mind and threw Ji Tianyu aside, ignoring it because she suddenly remembered a sentence.

When a woman treats a man, she must hang his appetite!If you don't want to get away, if you don't get it, it will always be the best!Thinking of this famous saying that has been confirmed by countless female compatriots, Hua Ningyan changed her strategy.

Everyone went back to their rooms, Ji Tianyu was the only one left, so he obediently went back to the room next to Hua Ningyan.

Hua Ningyan went back to the room, thinking about it was all right, after washing, she watched TV for a while, turned on the computer and played some small games, her heart was always on Ji Tianyu next door, how could she be able to calm down and play games Woolen cloth?Distraught by the game, Hua Ningyan turned off the computer angrily, and threw herself on the big bed.

Such a big bed is enough for four people to sleep, but now I have to sleep alone!Especially when Hua Ningyan thought of Ji Tianyu lying on the big bed next door, she couldn't help feeling even more irritable.

"Hate it, hate it, why didn't you come to me?" Hua Ningyan thumped the bed surface twice, jumped off the bed, and walked around the room.

Hua Ningyan only experienced this feeling of apprehension and anticipation when she was waiting for the results of the college entrance examination. She thought she would never have this feeling again. No, now I will relive this feeling again .

Hua Ningyan, who was wandering around the room, suddenly found that on the wall of the rest area, there was a door with the same color as the wall!Hua Ningyan came to the front curiously, the color was the same as the wall, if someone with bad eyes could not see this door, or would they bump into the door?

The designer's brain is not easy to use, otherwise, how could such a door be made!Hua Ningyan turned the doorknob and opened the door.She was still wondering how big this guest room was, and there was actually another room here!

After Hua Ningyan asked for the door, she realized that the situation seemed to be a little fuzzy.I obviously opened this door from the wall of the rest area, so why did I see a rest area with the same design?

Will there be two identical seating areas in a room?Also separated by a disguised door?Hua Ningyan, who was a little confused, stepped back, closed the door gently, looked at the layout of the room, and confirmed that this was indeed her room.

Hua Ningyan opened the door again, and what she saw was still the same layout as her resting area.Is this hotel a maze of rooms?Hua Ningyan walked over.

"Eh?" After Hua Ningyan walked out of the rest area, she suddenly saw Ji Tianyu lying on the bed!

Not a maze!That door is the interior passage connecting the two guest rooms!At this time, Hua Ningyan thought it through thoroughly.At this time Ji Tianyu was lying on the bed and fell asleep deeply.

"Why do you sleep so early!" Hua Ningyan muttered strangely, and walked over slowly.Although she was wondering why there was a secret door connecting the two guest rooms, but when she saw Ji Tianyu lying in front of her sleeping soundly, she temporarily put this question to the back of her mind.

Ji Tianyu lay on the bed with his eyes closed, pretending to be fast asleep.In fact, when Hua Ningyan turned the handle of the room for the first time, Ji Tianyu heard the sound.

Ji Tianyu was also curious why Hua Ningyan opened such a door and entered her room.In order to see what this little girl was going to do, Ji Tianyu simply lay down on the bed, pretending to be sound asleep.

Hua Ningyan tiptoed to Ji Tianyu's bedside, looked down at Ji Tianyu's sound sleep, and carefully sat on the edge of the bed.As Hua Ningyan sat down, the surface of the bed sank for a moment, this small movement startled Hua Ningyan.She was busy observing Ji Tianyu, and she was relieved when she saw that he didn't notice anything unusual.

Although Dai Shuping was in the room, all she was thinking about was Ji Tianyu, but she really didn't have the guts to let her break into a man's room!

Hua Ningyan stretched out her hand carefully, and gently touched Ji Tianyu's hand.Ji Tianyu didn't respond, which made Hua Ningyan emboldened.

Hua Ningyan took Ji Tianyu's hand, stretched his fingers, and moved gently. Even with such movements, Ji Tianyu still showed no sign of waking up.

"Why did you sleep so soundly?" Hua Ningyan muttered strangely, she lowered her head and looked at Ji Tianyu's expression, following this movement, Hua Ningyan lightly moved her body onto the bed.At this time, Hua Ningyan was lying beside Ji Tianyu and her chin with one hand, and looked sideways at Ji Tianyu's sleeping face.

"I can't sleep here, but you can sleep so soundly, you are such a heartless guy!" Hua Ningyan complained, pouted, raised her hand and tapped Ji Tianyu's forehead.

"Tell me, why should I like you? Don't look at you as a gentle and kind person. In fact, you are a person with arrogance hidden in your bones. Knowing that you have a fiancee, but still foolishly falling in love with you, I don't know. Aren't you looking for trouble?" Hua Ningyan was talking to herself, while a small hand was drawing on Ji Tianyu's face.

Who said men's faces are rough?When Hua Ningyan felt her fingertips brushing across Ji Tianyu's face, the smooth texture made Hua Ningyan almost think that she was touching a child's face!

When Hua Ningyan's finger passed Ji Tianyu's lips, Ji Tianyu suddenly opened his mouth and put it in his mouth.

Hua Ningyan was taken aback by this sudden change, and wanted to pull back her finger, but Ji Tianyu refused to let it go.

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