Campus flower heart master

Chapter 1181 The Man's Revenge

Ji Tianyu comforted Hua Ningyan. At this time, it is not a good time to comfort each other.

"Ning Yan, don't cry, let's talk when we go home!" Ji Tianyu took off his clothes and put them on Hua Ningyan's body.

"Go home? Which home can you go back to? Let's go to the underground home to reunite!" Yi Na saw the two men hugging their own women, and neither of them looked at her.This made Yina's hatred for Ji Tianyu and Jiang Hao increase a lot.

An impulsive woman naturally wouldn't care about the consequences of her shooting Jiang Hao and Ji Tianyu.At this time, Yi Na completely forgot what was the purpose of her being sent to China by Jie Lin!

Only after the fruitless assassination of Jiang Hao did Jielin send out Yi Na. As long as Yi Na and Jiang Hao get married, this family still belongs to Jielin!Jielin understands that her niece has no other ability except changing to a different man to warm his bed every day!If you want her to prop up the tiger shark, it is undoubtedly a joke.

If the tiger shark is handed over to Yilin, it will be more likely to become a kiln shop!It is precisely because of this characteristic of Yi Na that Jaylin created Yilin instead of other nieces.

Now Yi Na actually shoots at Jiang Hao, and Yi Lin, who is full of hatred, doesn't show any sympathy. It can be seen that Yi Lin really wants to put Jiang Hao to death. ,

Yi Na didn't think about how her aunt would explain to Jiang Yang if she really killed Jiang Hao!

Ji Tianyu had been prepared for a long time. After seeing Yina firing first, Hua Ningyan and Chen Ming disappeared in front of several people out of thin air.Jiang Hao looked at the empty embrace, he was so frightened that he couldn't even avoid Yi Na's bullets.

What about people?Yi Na stared blankly at the place where Hua Ningyan and Chen Ming stayed just now, where are the two of them?

"Ghost..." Yilin yelled, fired at Ji Tianyu and the two, and stopped naturally.

Ji Tianyu grabbed Jiang Hao and avoided Yina's first shot.

"They're all fine, don't worry!" Ji Tianyu reminded Jiang Hao.If he didn't tell Jiang Hao that this kid was thinking about Chen Ming, Ji Tianyu couldn't guarantee whether he would be shot in the eye by Yi Na.

Since Ji Tianyu had already said that Hua Ningyan and Chen Ming were fine, Jiang Hao naturally believed it, and relieved himself, Jiang Hao also fought back with Ji Tianyu.

Although the four of them had guns and bullets in their hands, these things did not show much advantage in front of Ji Tianyu.

Ji Tianyu dodged the bullets of Datou and the others, and the gun in his hand shot past from time to time.Ji Tianyu is more used to this bullet-saving style of play.If the pistol is used as a submachine gun, how many bullets must be carried before it can be used?Even now, Yi Na fired all the bullets in the gun chamber in one breath, while her target was still alive and kicking.

"Brother, stay alive!" Jiang Hao hurriedly said to Ji Tianyu while dodging.

Whether to live or die, to Ji Tianyu, it was just a flick of the wrist, since Jiang Hao wanted to keep alive, Ji Tianyu also left four lives behind.

Although their lives were safe, the four of them, without exception, were shot through by bullets at their right wrists!In such a situation, it is completely impossible to pick up the gun again.

"You three, who ripped Sister Ming's clothes?" Jiang Hao walked up to the four of them and asked the three men.

"not me!"

"It's not me..." In this situation, none of them are stupid, and naturally they will not admit this fact.

"Don't admit it, right? Then I'll be rude!" Jiang Hao raised the gun in his hand, and shot one of the men's big toes.How could such a small toe be able to withstand such a force, and instantly turned into a pile of minced meat!

"Ah..." There was a loud scream.The ten fingers are connected to the heart, and the neuralgia at the fingertips is more obvious. Jiang Hao's hand has the same effect as the past tense of smacking fingers, pulling nails, and nailing bamboo sticks.

"No one will admit it, then I will smash your limbs one by one, and then explode your balls!" Jiang Hao said lightly.But what he said was like a thunderbolt in the ears of the three of them.

Fingers and toes will be smashed, will anyone be awake without the pain and pass out?To them, death is no longer a terrible thing, what is terrible is the torment they have suffered before they die!Knowing that there is no hope, they still have to accept inhumane torture. Few people can survive.

"Master, let's say, it was him, he did it!" Big head hurriedly said to Jiang Hao, Jiang Hao looked in the direction of big head's gaze, it turned out that it was the man standing beside him.After hearing Datou's words, the man's face turned pale.

"Young master, Yina asked me to do it, I have to do it! Young master, please forgive me!" Today's Jiang Hao doesn't look like a child, and his ruthless methods are nothing compared to his father's. Don't give in too much.

"It's this hand, right?" Jiang Hao thought about the handprint on Chen Ming's chest, and pinched his left wrist.The two hands used the scorpion, but it didn't break it as I imagined.Only then did Jiang Hao feel that his strength was still far behind!

Although Jiang Hao didn't break his arm, it still made him cry out in pain.

"Master, I was forced. Yi Na asked me to do it. If you want to vent your anger, give me a break!" The man begged for mercy.

How could Jiang Hao listen to his words? He raised one knee, picked up the man's arm with both hands, pressed hard on the knee, and with a click, the arm broke into two pieces, and Bai Sensen's bones were now exposed to the flesh. in the air.

Stimulated by the pain, the man rolled his eyes, screamed, and passed out directly.

Yi Na was frightened by Jiang Hao's viciousness, and she never saw the complacent look just now.

"Jiang Hao, what are you going to do? I am your cousin, you can't hurt me! Jiang Hao, for the sake of us growing up together, please forgive me!" Yina pleaded bitterly.

"When you shot at us just now, did you think about this? Yina, don't worry, I won't kill you! Death is a kind of relief for you. I want to circle you, No man will let you touch, Yina, do you think you will go crazy?" Jiang Hao smiled maliciously.

"Jiang Hao, what are you going to do with them?" Ji Tianyu looked at Jiang Hao, for Jiang Hao's behavior just now, Ji Tianyu did not express any displeasure.If Jiang Hao hadn't been in front of him, Ji Tianyu would have wanted to do the same!A man who is still calm when his woman is watched by these bastards can only say that this man is not manly enough.

Jiang Hao didn't answer, but raised his hands, and the three men fell to the ground.Jiang Hao's marksmanship is good, which is well-known in Shuangtang, and now he is hitting three immovable targets, so naturally there will be no deviation.

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