"I don't know who killed it. When I got it, it was just a bead!" Ji Tianyu confessed frankly.This matter is not a secret, especially in front of Huang Linjiao, lying is meaningless, it will only make her feel more disgusted with herself.This will not be of any benefit to their future relationship.

Ji Tianyu analyzed from Huang Linjiao's attitude that he wanted to stay with her for a while, as to whether he could leave her alive and rescue Hua Ningyan safely, this is all unknown.But Ji Tianyu was determined to fight Huang Linjiao to the end.Even for Hua Ningyan, he has to do this!

Ji Tianyu knew that if he even gave up on Hua Ningyan, then Hua Ningyan had only one way to go!That is, the power of the soul is slowly exhausted, and finally you end up with a disastrous end!

She and Hua Ningyan destroyed Huang Linjiao's energy development plan, and she always kept her hatred for the two in her heart. Without Xi's rescue, it was absolutely impossible for Huang Linjiao to take the initiative to return her body to Hua Ningyan.Perhaps when she decides to return to her world, she will destroy Hua Ningyan's body and soul at the last moment!

"Ji Tianyu, in front of me, telling such lies will only expose your ignorance! If all you got was an inner alchemy, how did you know that it belonged to a snake demon who is about to transform into a dragon?" Huang Huang Lin Jiao sneered.

Looking at Huang Linjiao's expression, Ji Tianyu felt an impulse in his heart, wanting to slap her arrogance and self-righteousness away!

"Why do I know? That's because the snake, when it was about to die, was unwilling to separate a strand of its soul and hide it on the inner alchemy, hoping that some unlucky guy would take it one day. Contribute to the resurrection and rebirth!" Ji Tianyu said this with strong irony.

Huang Linjiao couldn't hear the sarcasm in Ji Tianyu's words, he put himself and the snake demon side by side, and regarded him as the same breed!Although her own behavior was indeed similar to that snake monster, Huang Linjiao was very dissatisfied when Ji Tianyu put her into the group of snake monsters.

"Ji Tianyu, pay attention to what you say! Who am I? What is it? How dare you compare me with it? Don't say it's just a snake demon transformed from a dragon. Even if it succeeds in transforming a dragon, in this book In Wang's eyes, it's just a low-level monster!" Huang Linjiao put on a serious face, and reprimanded Ji Tianyu for his offensive words.

People are low-level monsters, so what are you a bird?Even if he is a king, what can he do?Being able to wear the title of auspiciousness is nothing more than human beings add it to it, no matter how noble you are, you can't get rid of the title of being a different kind.

Ji Tianyu just can't understand Huang Linjiao's arrogance, as if her Phoenix family is the only noble creature in the world, and other creatures are inferior. In front of him, the Phoenix King, he should bow his head and bow his head. show respect!

"Phoenix King, what I'm talking about is the truth. Why are you so upset? Did I put you and the snake demon together in one sentence? You think so, is it because you have ghosts in your heart? You have done too much Feeling sorry for something, I always feel guilty in my heart!" Ji Tianyu ignored Huang Linjiao's fire-spitting eyes, and spoke out straight away.

"What's wrong with me? It's their honor that I attach my soul to them! Even if they are not used by me, they only have a short lifespan of a few decades. In the end, don't they have to suffer? Instead of being so selfless It is their honor to cultivate the energy for me to die of old age!" Huang Linjiao argued for herself.

"Phoenix King, human life is indeed not as long as your Phoenix family, but no matter how long or short life is, even if it is life and death, it is the grace of heaven. What right do you have to deprive an innocent, fresh life? Just for Your own selfishness?"

Seeing that Huang Linjiao didn't feel the slightest regret for what she had done, Ji Tianyu's anger kept rising.In Ji Tianyu's eyes, life is precious, if it is not a criminal, someone who has to be killed for righteousness, Ji Tianyu will not take the initiative to take someone's life!

"Don't say such high-profile things to me, if you are in my position, you will think so too! God's grace? You are too naive, God treats everything as a dog! How can you say that Ji Tianyu, don’t tell me these words anymore, I won’t listen! No matter which world you are in, the strong are respected! Winners and losers, survival of the fittest, is the only law of heaven and earth! If you If you have the ability, save your woman from me! If you don’t have the ability, then stop talking nonsense! I won’t let her go because of your nonsense!”

Ji Tianyu sighed, and stopped arguing with Huang Linjiao. He and Huang Linjiao lived in two worlds, and naturally they couldn't agree on their thoughts and concepts.What she said made her think that she was singing high-profile!

"We really have no common language!" Ji Tianyu sighed.

"We don't need a common language, you just need to listen to me!" Huang Linjiao didn't care about Ji Tianyu's words, and Ji Tianyu was his captive, or a hostage.Under such a relationship, it doesn't matter whether there is a common language or not.Huang Linjiao felt that between them, there was no need to discuss, but to obey!

Of course, this is just Huang Linjiao's personal idea. As for whether it will become a reality, Huang Linjiao is not sure.After all, judging from the current situation, the hostage Ji Tianyu doesn't cooperate with him, and sometimes he will choke with him rebelliously.

Ji Tianyu snorted, but did not respond to Huang Linjiao's words.

"Ji Tianyu, keep talking." Huang Linjiao waited for a while, but Ji Tianyu still couldn't speak, so she couldn't help reminding her aloud.

"I have nothing to say!" Ji Tianyu shrugged.

"Why didn't you say it? You haven't finished what you said just now. You said that the snake demon left the remnant soul on the inner alchemy. Why didn't you get eaten by him?" In the end, what Huang Linjiao was really interested in was is this.

It stands to reason that techniques like the Snake Demon and Huang Linjiao use the human body as a cauldron to refine a second self, the probability of success is very high, and there are very few mistakes.After all, they can let their remnant souls enter their bodies. These people are not capable of sensing the existence of remnant souls.

How can a group of people who don't know the secrets in their bodies dismantle the time bomb buried in their bodies?

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