Campus flower heart master

Chapter 1340 Exchange Conditions

"You have nothing to doubt, because I have been to the werewolf's headquarters, where they told me everything, including the fact that they want to get supernatural powers from you!" Huang Linjiao looked at Ji Tianyu took a look and explained lightly.

"That's right!" Ji Tianyu nodded calmly. "Huang, since the werewolf is willing to tell you all these secrets, it must have something to do with you. Tell me, what are your plans!"

"Ji Tianyu, you are right. Back then, the werewolves wanted the power they wanted from you, and I wanted you to avenge my soul and energy body, so I agreed to them and worked with them. I'll deal with you!" Huang Linjiao didn't even look at Ji Tianyu, and continued to pull the vegetables in the copper pot.

"You..." Before Ji Tianyu could respond, Cheng Dong made preparations for the battle first, because what he was facing was the mysterious and powerful Phoenix King, so Cheng Dong directly carried out the transformation without thinking.

This is Ji Tianyu seeing Cheng Dong's transformation again. Speaking of it, it is really ugly, with sharp claws, a ferocious face and thick fangs, and other parts that do not maintain a human appearance. It's so weird and incongruous!

"You, a little werewolf, want to provoke this king? In the werewolf headquarters, even the wolf king, isn't he still defeated by this king? Let alone you, a little half werewolf?" Huang Linjiao didn't raise her head, He said something to Cheng Dong coldly.

"Since you have no kind heart towards Tianyu, even if I am not your opponent, even if it takes my life, I will fight you hard! Unless I die, otherwise, as long as I have breath, no matter who it is I want to hurt Tianyu a bit!"

"Courage is commendable. The question is, even if you die, what can you change? Do you think you will be my opponent even if you risk your life?"

"Of course I know that I am not your opponent, but I have one life. I can't kill you, but I can kill myself. I have fulfilled my oath, and I will die without regret!"

Cheng Dong's words were resounding, and Ji Tianyu was excited when he heard it.This is my brother, and my love for him is not in vain.

"Dongzi, come here and let Huang finish speaking." Ji Tianyu called Cheng Dong, motioning for him to transform back.Seeing Cheng Dong like this, Ji Tianyu felt very uncomfortable.

A good brother, but he turned into such a man and beast!What saddened Ji Tianyu the most was that he was powerless to deal with what happened to Cheng Dong.

"With the courage of a reckless man, you will never be able to achieve great things!" Huang Linjiao said to Cheng Dong.

Cheng Dong retreated to Ji Tianyu's side, seeing Ji Tianyu nodded to him, he turned back into a human body.

"Huang, since this is your secret, what do you want to do by telling it now?"

"I want to make a deal with you!" Huang Linjiao put down her chopsticks and turned to look at Ji Tianyu seriously.

"Deal? What deal? Tell me!"

"I will spread the seeds because my power is sealed. If I wait until the sealing power disappears, it will take a long time. I don't think I can afford to wait! That's why I have this method of cultivation. You destroyed my tool , I want to seek revenge on you, you all know this!"

Ji Tianyu nodded.

"But now, I have a new idea. Maybe we don't have to get along with hatred! Maybe we can be partners! It will be beneficial to you and me if we join hands." Huang Linjiao Continue to talk about your own thoughts.

"Tell me, how do we cooperate? After cooperation, what benefits will I have, and what price will I pay?" Ji Tianyu didn't believe that Huang Linjiao would give him benefits for nothing.The so-called cooperation is nothing more than using each other to achieve a mutually satisfactory result.

As for whether the result will satisfy you, this is an important prerequisite for cooperation.

"After we cooperate, I won't wait for an opportunity to get revenge..." Ji Tianyu listened to Huang Linjiao's words with a blank expression.For Ji Tianyu, this is not a benefit at all.Whether Huang Linjiao finds trouble with him is not too much trouble for him.After all, Huang Linjiao is not the only one who wants to make trouble with him!Besides, Ji Tianyu didn't think that under his guard, Huang Linjiao would do something to him as he wished!

"I will return Hua Ningyan's body to you, and at the same time release Hua Ningyan's sealed soul, and I will no longer pursue the fact that she withheld my energy without permission!" Huang Linjiao said. , making Ji Tianyu feel uncomfortable.

Obviously it was Huang Linjiao who took over Hua Ningyan's body, but now she actually expressed her opinion on Hua Ningyan's lenient treatment!

Although Ji Tianyu had some opinions on this sentence, in the end Ji Tianyu chose to remain silent.Although Huang Linjiao's words sounded very unpleasant, but the first half of her sentence moved Ji Tianyu's heart.

If Huang Linjiao can take the initiative to release Hua Ningyan's soul and return the sovereignty of her body to Hua Ningyan, it will be very tempting to Ji Tianyu.After all, the main reason why Ji Tianyu and Huang Lin Jiaoxu got along like a snake these days is Hua Ningyan!

Now that Huang Linjiao offered to exchange Hua Ningyan, of course Ji Tianyu would be moved.

"What else? What about your request?" Ji Tianyu asked.It is impossible for Huang Linjiao to do such a loss-making business. If she can take the initiative to let Hua Ningyan out, there must be greater benefits waiting for her!

"My request is not difficult. Nearly half of my ability has been sealed. The reason why I do something is to restore the ability of the peak period earlier. And what I ask of you is that you want Come with me and find a way to help me restore my ability to my prime. Of course, before mine can be restored, I must occupy Hua Ningyan's body first!"

Ji Tianyu understood that Huang Linjiao was telling himself that if he didn't help her recover her abilities, then don't let Hua Ningyan dissect her!

"Huang, this request of yours is a bit too much. You think that the identity of the Phoenix King and the ability that cannot be recovered, what do you ask me to do as an ordinary human being? This is clearly an unequal treaty. If I can't help you unseal your Power, don't you want to never let Ning Yan out?"

Although Huang Linjiao's conditions moved Ji Tianyu's heart, Ji Tianyu did not get carried away with Huang Linjiao's proposal.If there could be a better solution other than Huang Linjiao's proposal, of course Ji Tianyu would not foolishly exchange terms with Huang Linjiao.

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