Just when Cheng Dong was staring at the clothes in his hands in a daze, a small pain came.

"Hiss..." Cheng Dong came back to his senses, and looked at Qian who was making moves on him.

"What are you doing?" Cheng Dong looked puzzled at the different parts of his body, pulling at the hairs one by one.

"I just remembered that people said that the Langhao pen is an excellent pen. I touched it just now and it feels really good. Now I will get some and make some pens and give them to Qiuqiu and the others. !" It can be said that he didn't think carefully and didn't have a long-term plan, but it was a bit unsightly to do it!

"Don't pull it, keep squeezing it in one place, do you think it hurts?" Cheng Dong said complainingly as he pulled away Jin's hand.

"In order to give some gifts to Qiuqiu, shouldn't you donate some? What a good thing, isn't it just a few hairs? If you are so stingy, I will remove all the hairs for you!" Gan threatened Cheng Dong .

Art, who was still watching the excitement, put away his surprise after hearing Gan's words, and moved carefully, preparing to leave this dangerous place.

Artben was barely frightened after seeing Cheng Dong's overall transformation into a wolf.Cheng Dong was transformed by him alone, and Art knows exactly what kind of transformation he will achieve.Seeing Cheng Dong's appearance now, he is clearly a pure werewolf, how can he still be a half werewolf?

Art, who was still inexplicably surprised at first, didn't want to stay here to explore the secret anymore after hearing that Gan was going to pluck Cheng Dong's hair, and sneaked to a safe place to talk.

If he didn't move, he hadn't noticed it yet. Gan and Cheng Dong both watched it move.

"Do you think he can just provide you with wolf hair? If you can use it, do you still want to pluck my hair?" Cheng Dong raised his eyebrows and pointed at Art.

"Okay, you boy found a substitute for me, so I'll spare you this time!" Gan turned his gaze to Art.Since Art came to his space, under Qian's order, Art has always appeared in the form of a wolf, and judging from Qian's performance, he is very likely to keep Art as a pet up.

Although Art has always appeared in the form of a wolf, Kegan has never touched his wolf fur, and naturally he will not have any plans to make a wolf pen.Now he felt the flexibility of wolf fur from Cheng Dong's body, and started to write with his mind, and became Art's another nightmare maker.

Of course Art wouldn't just sit there and wait for the dry to collect his hair.In his desperation, Art, who was running away, forgot another terrible lesson. This is the space for doing things, and he is the master here!If I run away here, I might as well wash it up, lay down in front of him, and let him pull it out!

Art was running wildly, and suddenly found out in horror that he ran backwards back to Qian at a faster speed.Although the werewolf was agile, there had never been a werewolf that could really run backwards and fast.After all, that doesn't fit the body structure of a werewolf!

The car can be put in reverse gear, and this four-legged wolf will not be slow in reverse gear!

Art resigned himself to his fate and stopped in front of Gan, allowing him to randomly pull handfuls of wolf fur on his body.

"Don't look at the collection, but it's only one percent of the pens that can really be made. I have to pick out little by little. It's really troublesome!" Qian plucked Art's hair while talking Li Ke muttered angrily.

Hearing what he said, Cheng Dong's face twitched a few times. Fortunately, the guy who is being abused is not himself!At the same time, Cheng Dong was still curious, why Art would be so honest, resigned to his fate, and let him pluck his hair without even moving?It's because Cheng Dong misunderstood Art, it wasn't that he wanted to accept his fate like this, he didn't move at all, but he used tricks, if he wanted Art to be a statue, Art wouldn't be able to move even if he was exhausted!

Cheng Dong transformed back into a human form, put on his clothes, and returned to Gan's side.At this moment, Gan Ye plucked a big lump of wolf hair from Art's body, and after seeing Cheng Dong, he looked Cheng Dong up and down, and said.

"It's more pleasing to the eye like this!" Art's heart was churning when he heard what he said.You are not used to the look of a wolf, why don't you transform yourself?And he just wanted to let himself dangle in front of him as a wolf.

Ji Tianyu didn't know about this episode that happened in the space. He was discussing with Huang Linjiao how to enter the church and steal a few things Harry wanted.

In the eyes of ordinary people, this church named Imon is not very famous, and its scale is not particularly large. It can only be regarded as an extremely ordinary middle-level church.

But such an inconspicuous small church is a very important place in the eyes of the Holy See and those heretics.Before this pope became the pope, he once served as a bishop in Imon!Pope Arnold, who was already the first bishop of England at that time, did not leave Aemon.Even while he was a cardinal, he remained in Aemon.And when Imon stayed until he became the Pope, he left Imon and went to the Vatican to serve.

It is precisely because of Arnold's special affection for Imon that the small mid-level city of Imon has become the center of the teaching staff throughout Europe.

Perhaps out of respect for the Pope, whether it is the incumbent bishop or the personnel sent by the Holy See, they will all come to Imon and regard Imon as the center for handling educational affairs.

Ji Tianyu held the map that Harry gave them in his hand, but Harry couldn't guarantee the authenticity of this map, and Ji Tianyu didn't dare to take it as the standard.

After all, the person who drew the map inside Amon's city was not a werewolf!If werewolves want to enter the church, unless they are of Harry's level, otherwise, even if they sneak in, they will be exposed at any time!

The two forces that are naturally opposed to each other, God still has a bias in the balance of each other. With the same force, the bright side has a better chance of winning than the dark side.This is probably God's preference for the righteous side!

Now that Ji Tianyu and Huang Linjiao entered the church, their chances of success were more assured than those from the dark organization.Because the power used by Ji Tianyu and Huang Linjiao is not in the same system as the light power of the Holy See, let alone the method of birth and restraint.

Emon Church is only open for a certain period of time in the morning and evening. At other times, non-church personnel cannot enter the church.

This restriction did not have much effect on Ji Tianyu and Huang Linjiao.That night, the two sneaked into the Church of Emon. This was the first time they had entered this mysterious place.Because it has become the educational affairs center of the whole of Europe. Although the appearance is still the same as before, the interior has undergone earth-shaking changes.

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