Campus flower heart master

Chapter 1387 Drinking a Bottle of Water Together

"Don't worry about this, if my body can't bear it, I won't continue. After all, I am in this world, and I still need its protection!" Huang Linjiao didn't know what Ji Tianyu meant!Huang Linjiao gave Ji Tianyu a white look.

"If your body can handle it, then let's go!" Ji Tianyu took Qiuqiu away.

"Son, it's getting dark, you and Shenba are going to find mother! Sister Lin Jiao and I have to travel overnight!" Ji Tianyu stuffed the two dolls back into the dry space without any explanation.

Although Qiuqiu thinks he is physically strong, Ji Tianyu is not at ease. After all, he is just a child with a short life. In this mountain forest, under the darkness of night, Ji Tianyu is still worried about the environment. What is the bad effect on the ball.

Ji Tianyu and Huang Linjiao continued to move forward. Along the way, although the vegetation on the mountain was still lush, the two clearly noticed that there were fewer and fewer animals moving.

After marching in a hurry all night, Ji Tianyu and the two arrived at the cave Huang Linjiao mentioned before dawn.If it wasn't for Huang Linjiao's guidance, Ji Tianyu believed that few people would have discovered that there was such an unremarkable cave here.

Not to mention that this place is in the sparsely populated mountains and dense forests, even if there are people, it may be difficult for anyone to discover the mystery here.

Ji Tianyu looked up at a small hole on the mountainside. There was no passage up and down, and the vertical mountain made even those rock climbing enthusiasts feel daunted.Except for those tenacious trees growing there, there are no other objects.

"Huang, are you sure this is here?" Ji Tianyu looked around. Although the vegetation here is not as dense as other places, it is not a place where volcanoes exist in the conventional consciousness of people!

"Ji Tianyu, I have to say that you are far inferior to Qiuqiu in sensing fire energy! Although you are outside the mountain at this time, there is still some weak fire energy. Don't you sense it? Is it?" Huang Linjiao questioned.

"I didn't feel any difference. If there is a difference, it's that the vitality here is a bit worse!"

"It's still outside now, because there is a restriction, so there is not a lot of heat flowing out =, but it is impossible for sensitive creatures to survive here. Here, it is normal that there is not so much life information."

While talking, Huang Linjiao found a clean stone and sat down. She looked tired, but she didn't say anything.

Ji Tianyu also walked over, sat beside Huang Linjiao, took out a bottle of mineral water and handed it to Huang Linjiao.

"Rest and rest, running for a day and a night, even your real body can't bear it!"

Huang Linjiao didn't make a sound, took Ji Tianyu's water, took a sip, thought for a while, and handed the bottle to Ji Tianyu.

"Drink some too!" Huang Linjiao knew that there was no way to find any water source near this mountain!Even if the big rivers are moved here, they will be steamed into streams.

Ji Tianyu, who was about to take out another bottle of water, saw Huang Linjiao handing the water bottle in front of him, he didn't think much about it, took it over, raised his neck, and took a big gulp!

After drinking, Ji Tianyu naturally stuffed the bottle back into Huang Linjiao's hand, then took out the leftover pheasant from last night, put it on a stone, and ate it by himself.

Huang Linjiao squeezed the bottle in her hand, looked at Ji Tianyu who was eating with his head down, and then looked at the mouth of the bottle with hesitant eyes.

"Huang, you should eat some. This may be your last meal. Although there are no good things, you still have to fill your stomach!" Ji Tianyu felt Huang Linjiao's abnormality, thinking that she was worried about her own safety .

Huang Linjiao is the Phoenix King, so it is inevitable that she is not afraid of the heat of the magma, but her current body is not Huang Linjiao's body, but Hua Ningyan's mortal body.Ji Tianyu was not sure whether he could withstand the high temperature and fever that he was about to face.

He was more worried about safety than Huang Linjiao.Ji Tianyu knew in his heart that of course Huang Linjiao would not treat Hua Ningyan's body like her own. Even if Hua Ningyan's body was destroyed, at most her Phoenix King would return to Huangning Palace again!

But Ji Tianyu couldn't allow this kind of thing to happen!If this body is destroyed, Hua Ningyan will never come back!

Huang Linjiao was pleasantly surprised by Ji Tianyu's words, then she took the water bottle and put it to her lips as if nothing had happened, took a sip of water, and then slowly put the water bottle beside her.

Ji Tianyu looked at Huang Linjiao's weird behavior in surprise, if it was normal, she might just choke with him, how could he let him make fun of her?

Huang Linjiao felt Ji Tianyu's inquiring gaze, and secretly told herself, calm down!But her face still turned red uncontrollably. In order to cover up her abnormal expression, Huang Linjiao grabbed the water bottle and took a sip.Not wanting to drink too quickly, a sip of water choked into the trachea, and in an instant, Huang Linjiao coughed until her face turned red.

At this moment, Ji Tianyu was really surprised, Huang Linjiao is not the kind of frizzy woman, how could she choke on drinking saliva?Although I doubt it, as a man, seeing her choking so pitifully, I have to help!

Ji Tianyu reached out and patted Huang Linjiao's back lightly.

"Such a big person, how can he choke on saliva?"

Huang Linjiao coughed and glared at Ji Tianyu a few times.In Ji Tianyu's heart, there is only Hua Ningyan, not himself living in Hua Ningyan's body!Realizing this fact, Huang Linjiao took a deep breath, and stopped coughing uncontrollably.

"I'm fine!" Huang Linjiao gently pushed away Ji Tianyu's hand, sat up straight, and exhaled gently.The human body is so bad, some physiological reactions cannot be controlled by oneself!

Ji Tianyu withdrew his hand and pushed the chicken from last night in front of Huang Linjiao.

After breathing normally, Huang Linjiao was not polite, grabbed some chicken, tore it and put it into her mouth.Don't look at Huang Linjiao's calm surface, but her heart is full of ups and downs.

The relationship between people may be doomed from the very beginning!Her relationship with Ji Tianyu has been an enemy from the very beginning!I am the one who wants Hua Ningyan's life, and at the same time I want the life of Ji Tianyu who loves + loves with Hua Ningyan!From this moment on, they were destined not to be friends!

After figuring this out, Huang Linjiao let go of something in her heart, and at the same time sprinkled a bit of bitter salt in her heart. The feeling of bitterness and a little pain made her both novel and strange.

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