"Yuan, we have never had children, and we like children very much. Now Qiuqiu is very fond of me. I want to recognize him as our adopted son. What do you think?" After hearing Ao Yuan's question It was only later that Huang Shan remembered that Ao Yuan also had the right to participate in this matter.

"Since Fengmei likes it, let's take this kid!" Hearing Huang Shan's discussion with him, the head of the family also earned face, so naturally he would no longer make things difficult or belittle him.Besides, Ao Yuan didn't have the intention to make things difficult for Huang Shan.In his heart, Huangshan is everything to him!

Let alone accepting a adopted son, even if accepting a adopted son from a company, Ao Yuan would not object!As long as Huangshan doesn't accept Lushan's child like Taizhen did, Ao Yuan will never have any objections.

Qiuqiu reacted very quickly. Hearing what Ao Yuan said, she broke free from Huang Shan's embrace, jumped to the ground, bent her knees, hit the ground with her little head, and yelled loudly, "Father, mother!" Above, accept Qiuqiu's obeisance!"

Huang Shan was stunned for a moment, then she pulled Qiuqiu up from the ground with joy and distress, and hugged her into her arms again.It wasn't just Huang Shan who was happy, when Ao Yuan heard Qiuqiu's name of adoptive father, his heart also warmed up.

After he and Huang Shan got together, the two have never had any children!The only pregnancy ended in the child's unborn death.Since then, children have become the most taboo topic between them.

Even if she didn't say anything, Ao Yuan knew that in Huang Shan's heart, she hoped to have a child of her own!But God is that Shuiken fulfilled their dreams.Now Huangshan likes Qiuqiu, and took the initiative to accept Qiuqiu as a foster child, which can be regarded as indirectly fulfilling Huangshan's mother's dream!

"Good son! Uh... Well, Qiuqiu, do you think we are adoptive parents, does your father agree?" Until this time, Huang Shan thought of Ji Tianyu who was standing aside!

"Father, do you agree or not?" Qiuqiu turned his head and called out to Ji Tianyu.

You adults and children, you have already recognized your relatives, and now you think of yourself as your own father?Ji Tianyu looked at Huangshan, Qiuqiu and the other three with resentment.

"Is it still useful for me to say that I disagree?"

"Of course it's useless!" Huang Shan and Qiu Qiu answered Ji Tianyu in unison.The kneeling ceremony has been completed, even if Ji Tianyu disagrees, it will not change any substantive issues.

Of course, what Ji Tianyu said was just a joke. Qiuqiu can recognize the dragon and phoenix gods as adoptive parents, and Ji Tianyu's skull is not broken. How could he really stop it!

Besides, Ji Tianyu knew his son very well, this kid had deliberately planned to do this, so of course he couldn't ruin his plan.

"Since it's useless, why are you still asking me?" Ji Tianyu curled his lips.

Everyone was happy and happy, but poor Huang Linjiao was still kneeling on the ground, forgotten by everyone.For Huang Linjiao to kneel there all the time, it's not because Huang Shan wants to show her off.Huang Linjiao is not qualified to be treated like this by Huang Shan!

"Mom, elder sister Lin Jiao is still kneeling, let her get up!" In the end, Qiuqiu mentioned Huang Linjiao, which reminded Huang Shan of her descendants who were still kneeling on the ground.

"I was happy for a while, but I forgot about you! Get up!" Huang Shan lowered her head and said to Huang Linjiao.

After getting permission, Huang Linjiao stood up from the ground.After she got up, she looked at Qiuqiu with complicated eyes.After a while of contact, Huang Linjiao knew that this child Qiuqiu, although young, his mentality was comparable to that of an adult!The fact that Huang Shan can be treated like this by him is more than enough to show that Huang Shan's status is not ordinary.

But what is the identity of this woman, Huang Shan?Huang Linjiao has been guessing in her heart, but she still can't be sure.Huang Linjiao guessed Huang Shan's identity in her heart, and none of the things that flashed in her mind were correct.

Huang Linjiao couldn't imagine that the beautiful woman standing in front of her was the only god of the Phoenix Clan—the Phoenix God!The Phoenix God is the only god of the Phoenix Clan, and because of his status as a god, these younger generations of the Phoenix Clan cannot associate a high-ranking god with a living person.

Originally, Huang Shan's target was on Huang Linjiao's body, but she didn't want to steal Huang Linjiao's limelight as soon as Qiuqiu came out on the field, making Huang Shan completely shift her attention to him.

Even if Huang Linjiao stood up, she was very embarrassed. Her ancestral character is now teasing herself = playing with the ball in her arms, and she is overjoyed.Standing here, she looked extremely redundant.But at Ji Tianyu's place, Hua Ningyan was still standing beside Ji Tianyu, and there was no place for her to stay.

In desperation, Huang Linjiao could only take a few steps back, stand aside, and wait until her ancestors remembered her, then make plans!

Huang Shan got a new lin'er, she couldn't be happier, she hugged Qiuqiu and never let go.

Although Ao Yuan was also happy, he was always much calmer than Huang Shan.At the same time, Huang Linjiao secretly looked at Ao Yuan from time to time.With her Phoenix King's intuition, she realized that the man in front of her was far beyond what the Dragon King could match.

Such a pair of dragon and phoenix made Huang Linjiao very surprised. She wondered who this couple was!

"Yuan, have you noticed that the child Qiuqiu has an aura similar to yours. Although the aura is very weak, it really exists!" Huang Shan said to Ao Yuan.

In fact, even if Huang Shan didn't say anything, Ao Yuan could feel it!The aura on Qiuqiu is the same as that on his father, Ji Tianyu.It was an aura with a faint dragon aura.That impure dragon aura made Ao Yuan curious about Ji Tianyu and Qiuqiu.

Last time, after Ji Tianyu entered the battle unconventionally, Ao Yuan sensed it.There are people who step into the battle by mistake like this at any time. Ao Yuan has seen many people like this, so naturally he didn't take it to heart.

But as Ji Tianyu advanced, Ao Yuan's expression became serious.Every step Ji Tianyu took was a door of death in the formation, but before the door of death turned completely, he took another step.He moved forward just right, so that the first door of death that could put him to death was transformed into a door of life in an instant!

The transformation of life and death was vividly interpreted by Ji Tianyu. The more Ao Yuan looked at it, the more shocked he was.

For him, this principle of extremes must be reversed is very clear, but knowing it doesn't mean he will practice it!Even if he is a dragon god, it is no exception!He and Huang Shan invited everyone in the formation to build this guardian formation. It can be said that he knows all the mysteries of this formation.

But really let him do like Ji Tianyu, marching forward to death, Ao Yuan still dare not do this!After all, it is not easy to grasp the rhythm perfectly, one negligence, and you will really fall into death without turning over!

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