While the dragon and phoenix clans grew stronger day by day, battles between the two clans also began to occur from time to time, but these were all small things. With the addition of small things, there was a rift between the two clans.

At the same time, as dragon gods and phoenix gods, Ao Yuan and Huang Shan got closer after each had children and grandchildren.As for when did the relationship between them upgrade from friendship to love.

When the two realized that the relationship between them was no longer a simple friendship, they decided to be together!It was a good thing for the dragon and phoenix gods to get married, but they didn't want to, but it aroused even greater hatred between the dragon and phoenix clans!

In the hearts of these people, their god was abducted by the other party's evil god, and they will no longer be in charge of them!

Because after Ao Yuan and Huang Shan got married, they would naturally pay less attention to the younger generations, but it was this change that deepened the hatred between the dragon and phoenix clans.

Immersed in the world of the two, the dragon and phoenix gods are unaware of the changes in the complex of their descendants, which is also one of the reasons for the rapid outbreak of conflict between the two sides.

In the minds of the dragon and phoenix people, their gods are their beliefs, and their love for them is a matter of course, but when all this suddenly changes and their gods no longer care for them, they put all their love to them. All of their grievances are attributed to the culprit of the god who attracted them.However, the opponent's strength is too strong, they can't take revenge. In the end, the only person who can let them vent their resentment is the opponent's tribe.

The dragon and phoenix war began, because the people of the dragon clan took the lead in attacking, so after the first war, the phoenix clan lost a large number of clansmen!

As a result, the fire of hatred between the two sides became more and more intense, and the conflict between the two sides continued.

By the time Huang Shan and Ao Yuan found out about the tragic events that happened among the clansmen of both sides, the enmity between the two sides had already deepened, and it was no longer possible to mediate with just a few words!

People of the dragon and phoenix tribes behave in the same way as children who want to win the attention of adults.They have always been treasures in the eyes of their parents. Suddenly one day, his number one position was taken away by another person.But this person is too powerful, it is unrealistic to seek revenge from others, so they naturally set their sights on the other party's children and grandchildren!

Things have developed to this point, even if Huang Shan and Ao Yuan stepped forward, it would be difficult to change the hatred left in the hearts of the clansmen.And because the power of the dragon clan is the nemesis of the fire energy of the phoenix clan in terms of attributes, therefore, in the war, the people who lost the most personnel have always been the phoenix clan.

Seeing her clan members being killed by dragon clan members continuously, Huang Shan felt extremely painful, which made her doubt whether it was right to be with Ao Yuan after all.

After feeling Huang Shan's thoughts, Ao Yuan was afraid that Huang Shan would really break up with him because of the matter of his descendants.Once King Feng was besieged by the Dragon Clan and was seriously injured and fled back to Huangning Palace, Ao Yuan came forward and proposed to build a large guard formation outside the Huangning Palace. Others who coveted the Phoenix King stopped outside.

Huang Shan agreed to Ao Yuan's proposal. After the formation was completed, Huang Shan told Feng Wang the method of entering and exiting the formation. After Feng Wang memorized the method of entering and exiting the formation, Ao Yuan resolutely disappeared between each other. within the sight of the clansmen.

The hatred did not disappear with the disappearance of the dragon and phoenix gods, but deepened day by day and continued.

I don't know how many generations have passed, and the reason for the war between the two clans is no longer clear to each other. The only thing that has not been forgotten is hatred!

In fact, both the dragon and the phoenix have the custom of intermarrying with other races, but they have shown their rejection of intermarriage in their gods.To get to the bottom of it, speaking of it, it's just because of the desire to be favored!

After listening to Huang Shan's narration, Huang Linjiao finally knew what was the reason for the knot between the Feng Clan and the Dragon Clan.Perhaps in the hearts of the original Feng Clan and Dragon Clan, the Phoenix God and the Dragon God were the focus of their lives.But in the hearts of their juniors, the phoenix god, the dragon god, has been transformed into a spirit. If it comes to the combination of the dragon and phoenix gods, I believe that no matter whether it is the dragon clan or the phoenix clan, no one will care about it anymore!

Thinking of the Dragon Clan, the Phoenix Clan has always been in hatred, Huang Linjiao suddenly felt that it was so unworthy!Interracial marriage?As long as you like it, whoever you marry is your own business. How can it be involved in the long-lasting hatred and fighting between the two ethnic groups?

Huang Linjiao couldn't tell what she was thinking about, but when she was thinking this way, she raised her eyes to look at Ji Tianyu.It's a pity that Ji Tianyu didn't look at her at this time!

When Huang Linjiao sighed, Ji Tianyu said to Huang Shan and Ao Yuan.

"Sister Feng, Brother Long, I came here for Huang. Now that Huang's seal has been released, I should return to my world!"

"Brother Ji, you want to leave? Why don't you stay here for a while?" As soon as Huang Shan heard that Ji Tianyu had announced that he wanted to leave, the Phoenix God immediately lost his composure.It's not that Huang Shanduo doesn't want to part with Ji Tianyu, but she doesn't want to part with the son she just recognized——Qiuqiu!

If Ji Tianyu leaves, then Qiuqiu must be taken away by Ji Tianyu, how can this be accepted by Huang Shan who has just enjoyed the feeling of being a mother?

"Sister Feng, no matter how good this place is, it's not my world after all. In my world, there are still waiting for my family, brothers, friends, people I care about!"

"Brother Ji, you stay here for a few more days. We met for the first time, and we separated after meeting like this. It's really a pity!" Ao Yuan also said out loud.

"Brother Long, let's meet again when we have a chance!" Ji Tianyu insisted on leaving.

"Since this is the case, our husband and wife are not good at forcing others to make things difficult. Brother Ji is going to leave, and we are too hard to keep the little girl..." Ao Yuan said.

"God mother, I was saved by Ji Tianyu. Now that Ji Tianyu is going back to his world, I will go with him too!" Seeing Ao Yuan's relief, Huang Linjiao agreed to Ji Tianyu's departure, and hurriedly said her own mean.

"I'm afraid this won't work!" Huang Shan pondered for a moment, looked up at Huang Linjiao and said.

"Why?" Huang Linjiao was puzzled.

"You are the Phoenix King, and the entire Feng Clan still needs your leadership. If you go to the human world with Brother Ji, wouldn't the Feng Clan really be in decline like this?"

"God mother, I have decided in front of the whole clan that I will no longer be the Phoenix King of the Phoenix Clan! I think, apart from me, there are still talents in the Feng Clan who can be the Phoenix King!" Huang Linjiao explained hastily, her eyes flickering from time to time. Slip to Ji Tianyu!

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