Lao Lai originally wanted to let everyone hear about his glorious history, but he didn't want to be robbed by these boys before he finished speaking.Although he was dissatisfied in his heart, he dared not show it.

After all, these people who live in this room don't have any concept of respecting and respecting the elderly, which makes them unhappy. Maybe it's the master who dares to beat their parents.Lao Lei didn't dare to refute anything, so he could only smile shyly.

"Don't fucking interrupt, you guys will interrupt the place where you are enjoying yourself, spoiling the fun or not? A newcomer here has nothing to play with, and now I'm going to live by the old man's story!" The thin man reprimanded angrily. After seeing the laughing prisoners, some of them were afraid of the thin man, and some of them were unwilling to be as familiar with the thin man, so they didn't say anything more.

Seeing that the tranquility had been restored, Lao Lei went on to talk about his dirty past.

"She just screamed, but it was a pity that she screamed until she had no strength to scream, and no one came to rescue her. You don't know, where I live, no one passes by, and there are no neighbors. The girl couldn't scream. People, the resistance is not so fierce.

Two white steamed buns, flickering, my heart trembled with it, so I went up, no matter what, we have done that with women a lot, and we have a good idea of ​​how to do it, rub, rub, pinch , Suck, bite, lick, use everything that can be used, what's the matter with you guys? "Old Mani stopped talking, and asked everyone's appetite.

"What's the matter? Tell me quickly, we're still waiting to hear the result!" A group of young and strong people rushed to one place after hearing Lao Lai's detailed explanation.

"The girl stopped barking, closed her eyes and didn't move, but her body was shaking."

"Haha, old man, that woman doesn't want to open her eyes and see your old face lying on someone's body, arching and gnawing. Any woman who sees your face, no matter how good she is, will lose all her interest net?"

"Old man, you have been stabbing for a long time, is there any water?"

"It's out, there's a lot of water, and it's going to flow along that ditch, and she begged me to fuck her in the end!" Old Mani said proudly.

"You can't even tell a lie. If someone begs you, will they sue you?"

"She was too tight. I finished the job within a few strokes. Who knew she ran to the police station and sued me afterwards!" Lao Ling said helplessly, feeling very embarrassed that he had finished the job so early.

"That said, Lao Mani, I know why that woman sued you. You did all the preparations so well that you lost the chain when it came to real bullets. If I were a woman, I would sue you too!"

The crowd laughed again,

"Old man, next time you change the protagonist."

"No, I haven't done that a few times!" Lao Ling argued in a low voice.

"Don't hide it, I told you that day when I was disciplined, you pervert, you have harmed women a lot, just in the hands of the note, there are five or six lists, you just wait for the note to collect the evidence Let me send you a good place to retire!"

"This matter has to be proved. I have been wearing a condom every time. A woman is raped. I can fall to any man I want?" When he mentioned this point, Lao Ling began to feel complacent again.

Jiang is old and spicy, like those colleagues who catch a woman in a hurry and don't need to do anything, just do it directly, the old man is very disdainful.

"I heard that you, an old boy, have harmed little girls. You really did something wrong! Even an eight-nine-year-old girl can do it. You really are not an ordinary pervert. :"

Among these scum, there are also those who despise the old man.

"Men, if you have the ability, you can sleep with women. If you don't have the ability, you can just lie in the bed and watch _h_ movies to solve the problem. If you use force on women, you will lose face to a man!"

When Lao Lei heard this, his face was embarrassed, and he wanted to refute a few words, but when he saw who the speaker was, he closed his mouth again.Not to mention those vicious ones, even the kid next to him can beat him to the ground.I can't afford to offend these characters, I can only let them make fun of myself.

"Stop hitting Lao Mani again. In this damn place, if you want women but you don't want women, you want _h_ films but you don't want _h_ films. You can all point at Lao Mani to tell stories and accumulate emotions. If Lao Mani If you are not happy, you brothers can still be happy?" The handlebar who was crooked on the bunk spoke.It's just that the meaning of the words is not without making fun of the old man.

Although Lao Lei knew that Ah San was making fun of him, he dared not speak back to Ah San even though he had the guts to do so. He grinned at Ah San with a toothless mouth, nodded and bowed to Ah San.

Ao Yuan also understood that the old thing next to him is actually a flower picker. He heard from those people that in his hands, women of all sizes have been harmed by him.

At such an age, still doing this kind of thing is really perverted!The word metamorphosis was also learned by Ao Yuan after he came to this world.

Age is meaningless to Ao Yuan, it is just some numbers, of course he can't realize that when people get old, their body functions will not function well, but when their philandering hearts are still there, what kind of people will they do? matter.

Those who go out to recruit girls are not all young and middle-aged, they are old, in their 70s and 80s, and there are even old men in their [-]s.

When encountering such a guest, the lady is not willing to accept it. If she meets a young and strong man, she will do what to do. It will not take long, and occasionally she will meet a man she likes, then it is not business, but I enjoyed it.But receiving an old man is a tough job.

At such an age, I knew that I couldn't do much, but the gun on the bottom was not easy to use, and the hands and mouth on the top, after all the tossing, it was enough for the lady who picked up the business to rest for half a day.

Like those old men with a bad heart and money in their pockets, they don't have to worry about finding a woman he can play with.But it is foreseeable that Lao Mani, who is old-hearted but cleaner than his face, will come down this path.

Ao Yuan took the clothes thrown into the urinal by the skinny man, walked to the edge of the sink, turned on the faucet, and rinsed his prison uniform.

When Ao Yuan stood up, Ah San saw Ao Yuan's glance at Lao Lai, full of disgust.Seeing this scene, Ah San laughed. Although many of the people here were not ashamed of Lao Ling's behavior, no one expressed such obvious disgust.

None of the people trapped here are good people. The concept of good and evil, right and wrong, is not strong at all. Those who think that Lao Ling has done poorly can already be regarded as moral models.

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