"50?" Listening to the dealer's words, the crowd erupted. This young man who had always kept a low profile suddenly put out 50 to bet on himself to win?Is this a sign of confidence in yourself?

Thinking of this possibility, some people also followed Ji Tianyu and bet on Ji Tianyu.Of course, with this bet amount, no one would throw out 50 in a flash like Ji Tianyu.

From the bottom of my heart, no one thought that Ji Tianyu would win, but after calculating how much profit he would get after Brown won, he transferred this part to Ji Tianyu's name.These are smart people. Of course, none of these smart people regretted that they bet less after the game!

50?When he heard that Ji Tianyu took 50 to bet on himself, Jie was dumbfounded.Although 50 is not a big amount, but from the fact that people can easily take out 50 to bet on a game that is sure to lose, it can be deduced that Ji, who has been pretending to be poor, is by no means what everyone thinks!

"Anli, your boyfriend is really generous. Didn't he take the initiative to give the money to Brown?" A female colleague of Anli said to Anli.

Jie, on the other hand, blinked, looked at An Li, and hesitated for a long time before saying anything. There is such a boyfriend who can hand out 50 yuan, and this girl still cries about being poor every day, saying that she has no money?From this point of view, has he been treated like a boss and slaughtered by An Li for several years?

What Jie couldn't figure out was that Ji Tianyu couldn't find the smell of being rich at all. Looking at him like that, he was a low-level toiling public, and there was nothing wrong with him.

An Li pursed her lips. Originally, she thought that Ji Tianyu was going to lose because of herself, and tricked Brown, asking him to lose some money to the people who bet on him. Now it seems that this is not the case at all. He took 50 bet on yourself to win!If the result of the game is that Ji Tianyu really won and Brown lost, then Ji Tianyu will get ten times the bet, which is 500 million!

If Brown lost 500 million all at once, Brown would cry!Although he is the eldest son of the family, if he is asked to spend 500 million all of a sudden, he will definitely not be easy!

After all, Brown's family is only wealthy, not a real rich family like Lin Enshaw.Pocket money is definitely not given to 500 million.

An Li believed that Ji Tianyu would not give the money to Brown for nothing. Since he was going to bet on himself to win, he must be sure.An Li flipped through her small bag and looked inside. There were one or two poor tickets. Seeing these two poor tickets, An Li had to accept that she wanted to take advantage of the fire to rob her.

"Jie, do you have any money? Let's bet on Tianyu too!" An Li said to Fat Jie.Unexpectedly, people did not accept her favor.

"Anli, aren't you trying to trick me? I don't want to mess with Ji!" Jie rejected Anli's proposal without hesitation.

"Okay then, who of you has money to lend me?"

"Anli, don't take risks, it will be uncomfortable if you lose money!" Jie and the others persuaded Anli, not wanting Anli to take risks.

"Lend me! Then I'll just pay you back! Take out the money first!" An Li held Jie hostage, and withdrew two thousand dollars from his wallet, shaking at Fat Jie, An Li also went to deposit. It was on Ji Tianyu's body.

Ji Tianyu bet 50 yuan on himself, Brown really didn't expect it, but he was relieved immediately, since people wanted to give him money, how could he not want it?Now with the 50 he bet on, it is enough for those who bet on himself.In this way, he can humiliate Ji Tianyu severely without having to pay for it.It also made An Li realize who the man she was looking for was.

The noisy people finally quieted down a bit.

"Are you ready? We're ready, let's start!" Brown said while holding his car door, looking at Ji Tianyu provocatively.

"Then let's start!" Ji Tianyu shrugged indifferently.

"This is the road map. Starting from here, after a circle, the end point is still here. Whoever arrives first will win!" Brown asked his friend to show Ji Tianyu the road map, but Brown himself did not come to Ji Tianyu's side , Seeing An Li and Ji Tianyu's intimacy, Brown panicked.

Ji Tianyu looked at the route. Looking at the map, the driveway circled around, most of which were arc-shaped roads. People originally crossed various roads. I am afraid that the designers did not expect at the time that these drag racing gangs would take every A road intersection is connected, and a circular lane is abruptly circled.

In sharp turns, there are many places where the angle is less than [-] degrees, which greatly increases the driver's ability to control the vehicle.

Ji Tianyu carefully looked at the signs on the map, and printed the road map in his mind.Brown is a living map, and he is very familiar with the first road here. Even if he closes his eyes, he will not go the wrong way.But Ji Tianyu couldn't do it, he was not familiar with the roads here at all, the only way was to engrave the map in his mind, so as to ensure that he would not go astray.

"Can you remember the route? If you really can't remember, just follow my car and follow all the way back! If you lose it, I really can't explain it to Miss Anli!" Brown mocked Ji Tianyu Yang shouted.Following Brown's proclamation, some people in the crowd booed, and the scene suddenly became lively again.

"Brown, are you kidding me? Can he keep up with you? If you step on the gas, he won't even be able to smell the exhaust gas, right?" Brown's friend laughed.

No one, including the people from Jie's company, believed that Ji Tianyu could beat Brown!Looking at Brown's car, and looking at the swiftness of the people in the car formation, one can see that he is an old driver. Guys like Ji Tianyu who don't even have their own car, to put it nicely, just know how to drive !

Hearing the ridicule of Brown and others and the laughter of others, Ji Tianyu circled around Jie's car indifferently, knocked and bumped, opened the hood and fiddled a few times.This action caused Fat Jie to yell.

"Ji, this is a new car, don't mess with me. Do you understand the car, don't touch it again, I have to fix it!" Hearing Fat Jie's words, the crowd burst into laughter again.

A person like this who doesn't even know how to drive can still play racing with drag racing gangs like Brown. Isn't that embarrassing for himself?

"How dare you play games with others at this level? This person's heart is really too big!"

"There's nothing wrong with the competition, it's just betting 50 on yourself, which seems a bit silly!"

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