When someone threatens their own interests, few people will pay too much attention to whether it is right or wrong to do so, and whether they should do it!

"Brother, it's enough for people to return the principal to you. Anyway, you haven't lost anything, so everyone is fine!" Someone said to Ji Tianyu.

"Can this be all right? You are worth ten thousand at most, but Ji is going to lose five million!" Fat Jie still held the two thousand bill that An Li gave you in his hand. To make a fortune, I don't want Brown's grandson to resort to such a bad move.Isn't this to make your money fly away?Fat Jie scolded Brown as a villain in his heart.

If you don’t have money, don’t brag about it. You’re bragging, you’re racing, you’re losing. Now it’s going to be ruined. Are there any men who don’t look like men?

"I see what you mean. You mean, if you refund everyone's money, I can't get back the 500 million I won? If I take my 500 million, you can't refund everyone's money Is that what you mean?" Ji Tianyu asked Brown calmly, neither in a hurry nor annoyed.

"Yes, you're right, if you refund everyone's money, you won't be able to take away 500 million!" Brown yelled this sentence again, and his meaning was very obvious, that is to incite the crowd and force Ji Tianyu should not take the 500 million.

Under Brown's instigation, people's targets concentrated on Ji Tianyu. After Ji Tianyu insisted on killing them and losing their money, they attacked them together.

"To be honest, I'm not short of the money, but it's only 500 million? The problem now is, I'm a banker, so I can't pay at both ends, right? Even if the money is not bad, I can't do this? This is a matter of principle!"

Fearing that people's emotions would not be mobilized, Brown said a few more words, and then looked at his friends proudly.Those guys who were terrified gave Brown a thumbs up in admiration.

Or Brown is smart enough, so that even if it spreads out, people will not say that Brown has lost his demeanor.Brown had done a good job of saving his money and his reputation.

"Isn't it just a matter of choosing one of the two? That's not easy to handle, of course I will receive the money!" Ji Tianyu looked at Brown and said loudly.

With a bang, the crowd exploded.Hearing what Ji Tianyu said, those [-] to [-] people who bet money quit immediately. Originally, the bankers had promised to return the money to them, but if this oriental man insisted on cashing his lutetium, That means, their money is gone forever!

Watching people surround Ji Tianyu, Brown took a few steps back with a smile on his lips.In front of her, this man is still a little tender.So what if you embrace a beautiful woman?It's not the same as being played by yourself in the palm of your hand.

"Everyone, stop arguing, listen to me, let's see if this idea works? What are we going to do now, what is the common goal we want to achieve? Get your own money! In fact, it is to achieve a win-win situation! Now, I will get back the 500 million I won. Then, everyone, take your list and come to me, and I will distribute the bets you bet to everyone according to the list. In this way, you will also get back After taking your money, I also got back the money I earned so hard, although I got a little less, but everyone is satisfied, which is also a good thing!"

Hearing Ji Tianyu's words, Brown's smile froze on his face. He didn't expect Ji Tianyu to think of such a way to deal with him.In his heart, he didn't believe that Ji Tianyu would give his money to others.If he can get 500 million, it means that the money belongs to him, and no one else has the right to share the money.

If it were anyone else, his own money would not be foolishly distributed to strangers!But obviously, he underestimated Ji Tianyu's understanding of money, and also underestimated Ji Tianyu's adaptability and IQ level.

An Li smiled, and she knew that Ji Tianyu would definitely not let Brown get that cheap one.

Indeed, under the current circumstances, Ji Tianyu would not go against so many ordinary people and cause conflicts.For people like them who walk between light and darkness, in real life, if they can be avoided, they must definitely avoid conflicts with ordinary people.

500 million is of course not a big amount to Ji Tianyu, but if he can take this money away and hit Brown, Ji Tianyu will never let it go.

"An Li, Ji's brains are flexible. I almost thought the money was going to fly just now. It's so little now. Even if it's less than 50 million, there are still more than 400 million left. That's not a lot. It's enough. It's done." Fat Jie took An Li's hand and said excitedly.

An Li helplessly looked at Fat Jie's forgetful look, this guy is more kissing money than his own parents!However, Enli was still very supportive of being able to cheat Brown, a bastard.

The crowd gradually became quiet. Since someone is willing to return the money they took out, they certainly don't care who paid them the money.What's more, they also believed that Ji Tianyu deserved this money.Because he bet the principal, and at the same time, he has indeed proved with his actions that he has the strength to take the money!

Now that people are willing to share with them the money they won, why are they still clamoring?

Seeing that people seemed to agree with Ji Tianyu's statement, Brown became anxious. If these people no longer insisted on receiving money from him, then he would have to pay 500 million to Ji Tianyu!That's the company's money, not me. If I really lost the money, I can't explain it to the company and my father when I go back!

"Everyone, don't listen to him fooling you. Think about it, everyone. If the money is in his hands, he won it. Can he still give you a share? If he doesn't give you a share, what can you do to him?" Brown I'm in a hurry, and I don't care if the purpose of doing this is too obvious, as long as it can prevent Ji Tianyu from taking 500 million away, he can do whatever he wants.

"Brown, don't you think it's too bad for you to say that? Everyone is like you, so it doesn't count? I said that I will be able to divide it for everyone. With so many people, can I still run? ?”

While dealing with Ji Tianyu, Brown winked at several of his friends, suggesting that they keep the money and leave quickly!Naturally, Ji Tianyu couldn't hide this little trick.But Ji Tianyu didn't stop him, pretending that he didn't see this scene.

"Hey, why did you run away? Don't play if you can't afford it, how did you run away?" At first, no one noticed the guy sneaking away with the box, but in front of Ji Tianyu, how could they let them leave safely?

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